After June 2020, Will GOP Even Support Re-Election Of A Slave Trade Era--Elected President, (Electoral College Stuff!)?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hello From White America: That is how it started, after Articles of Confederate. Voting rights were far from universal, and there was the Electoral College, in case that didn't work. Links and stories are everywhere.

Major Disadvantage anymore: GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so per Acts 7, Pharaoh's Court retained a place at the Seder meal, many contending it way more prominent a seat than any others (Deut 23: 19-20): Maybe even far and away even bigger than any others(?)!)
The "three-fifths compromise" became irrelevant once "ALL" people could vote (blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics, women). The Electoral College today, takes in the votes of "ALL VOTING CITIZENS" and the candidate with the most votes, gets all the Electoral votes in those states that have that policy.
Today (in the 21st century), the Electoral College does give the less populated/smaller states more impact as without it, their preferred candidates might never have a chance to win against states with larger populations via huge cities. Without the Electoral College, the far more populated, Democratic run cities would always win, in effect destroying our multi-party Republic and replacing it with a one-party authoritarian government.
The 3/5 compromise is another Slave Trade era problem, not negating the Electoral College throwback problem for the Republican Presidential nominee. Worldwide eyes are opening. UK may abandon some of its Imperial symbols. The U.S. military may rename Forts and Bases: Those with names based in the Confederacy. "Donald John Trump" is even now an historical concept, in the U.S. Senate history of trials. The Clinton similar context is at least about sex(?). Sex is not Senate-thought to be a basis for removal from office--though Republicans did originate the Impeachment.

Since Iowa voter registration is now trending Democrat, then the shift to the greater diversity-centered national policy is well underway without the Electoral College. Replacing the Old Confederacy with a "Donald John Trump" kind of symbol is blatant Resistance to Progress--and noted easily worldwide. The resistance to progress includes legal, social, political and economic. There is nothing immediately Republican historical to support.

All of that is in The Electoral College, with or without "Donald John Trump," again on trial. The Electoral College more likely will come up "Inclusive" as something else on the list to abolish--like the concept, "President," Donald John Trump. The name will again be a subject of a process of removal from office.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so famous Seder is placed in the context of a deity that Moses knew personally after all, (per Acts 7)!)
Congratulations on getting me to read my first and last piece from Teen Vogue. That is 2 minutes of my life I will never get back. The subhead told me all needed to know about the veracity of the article: "...a Teen Vogue series where we unearth history not told through a white, cisheteropatriarchal lens." Admitting the work is told from the prism of fringe race/gender theory is probably not the best technique if you want readers to take it seriously. But then it's Teen Vogue and nobody takes it seriously anyway.
So BLM you find an inconsequential movement worldwide, at this time?

Taking the two minutes away from your apparent White House staff position is better thought a World Service event!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(People don't generally even cite too much the Moses description in Acts 7, and now likely Moses became confused about there being deity that created hatreds of all others--gouging and screwing them, (Deut 23: 19-20)!)
Hello From White America: That is how it started, after Articles of Confederate. Voting rights were far from universal, and there was the Electoral College, in case that didn't work. Links and stories are everywhere.

Major Disadvantage anymore: GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so per Acts 7, Pharaoh's Court retained a place at the Seder meal, many contending it way more prominent a seat than any others (Deut 23: 19-20): Maybe even far and away even bigger than any others(?)!)
What the fuck is a "slave trade era elected President?" How do Obama and Jim Carter not qualify?
Carter and Obama further won the popular votes, unlike the slave-era throwbacks: MAGA GOP--even going silent about their own administration even now: More "No comments" than is usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And this year's electoral cycle goes forward with relatively quiet-spoken Vice President Biden, leader of the Democratic Ticket. Mostly the opposition is so far in the "No Comment," mode!)
Carter and Obama further won the popular votes, unlike the slave-era throwbacks: MAGA GOP--even going silent about their own administration even now: More "No comments" than is usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And this year's electoral cycle goes forward with relatively quiet-spoken Vice President Biden, leader of the Democratic Ticket. Mostly the opposition is so far in the "No Comment," mode!)
So winning by the electoral college vote is a "slave trade era election?" On top of being a douchebag, you're also a douchebag. You must have a really low opinion of the intelligence of the American voter if you believe some insulting label for an electoral college majority will fool them.
Carter and Obama further won the popular votes, unlike the slave-era throwbacks: MAGA GOP--even going silent about their own administration even now: More "No comments" than is usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And this year's electoral cycle goes forward with relatively quiet-spoken Vice President Biden, leader of the Democratic Ticket. Mostly the opposition is so far in the "No Comment," mode!)
Lol....lolol for heavens sake . Get a life and a clue.
When the polls showed a Hillary landslide she reminded republicans that they need to abide by the (electoral) results of the election. When democrats lose they play the race card and claim that the electoral college is bogus. Sooo predictable
When Slave-Trade Era Elected Trump now makes a Tweet: GOP goes into "No Comment" mode. Embarrassment is all about the MAGA Trump Administration--worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For A deity-directed Gouging and Screwing: See Deut 23: 19-20!)
Hello From White America: That is how it started, after Articles of Confederate. Voting rights were far from universal, and there was the Electoral College, in case that didn't work. Links and stories are everywhere.

Major Disadvantage anymore: GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so per Acts 7, Pharaoh's Court retained a place at the Seder meal, many contending it way more prominent a seat than any others (Deut 23: 19-20): Maybe even far and away even bigger than any others(?)!)
WTF kind of jibberish language is your title and op?

Do you know how to type COMPLETE & COHERENT sentences?
What kind of poster denigrates all the other coherent replies? The answer is, "Pond Scum who pray to Christ for Baby Genital Mutilations--of the Roman Tradition of casting out the babies from the the households--Matthew 25: 14-30--a part of the historical backdrop of the prayed for math!"

"Predatory" becomes in fact Grandpa Murked U poster, denigrating all the other people.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, Trump Administration foreign affairs!)
'After June 2020, Will GOP Even Support Re-Election Of A Slave Trade Era--Elected President, (Electoral College Stuff!)?'


You ever hear of 'K.I.S.S.'?

It's President Trump versus Biden...

.'nuff said.

What kind of poster denigrates all the other coherent replies? The answer is, "Pond Scum who pray to Christ for Baby Genital Mutilations--of the Roman Tradition of casting out the babies from the the households--Matthew 25: 14-30--a part of the historical backdrop of the prayed for math!"

"Predatory" becomes in fact Grandpa Murked U poster, denigrating all the other people.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, Trump Administration foreign affairs!)
Naw, I just BITCH slapped you. No one else. You type like a child.
Hello From White America: That is how it started, after Articles of Confederate. Voting rights were far from universal, and there was the Electoral College, in case that didn't work. Links and stories are everywhere.

Major Disadvantage anymore: GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so per Acts 7, Pharaoh's Court retained a place at the Seder meal, many contending it way more prominent a seat than any others (Deut 23: 19-20): Maybe even far and away even bigger than any others(?)!)
You people come up with the funniest shit.
Baby-Genital Predatory Grandpa Murked U, even again assaults the coherence of replies of other posters--like a Trump Administration banning "Flying Chinese," letting all Europe enter--intending infection and killing. Disconnect from real events, even put in place in public record--Is all about real MAGA. All the coherent replies are denigrated by Baby-Genital Predatory, Grandpa Murked U poster, MeToo Movement evader to boot.

The Trump denigrations are also public record!

The Slave Trade Era Electoral College Is the Public Record--including after June, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Our Father. . . .Thy Kingdom Come. . . .(Matthew 25: 14-30)!")
Baby-Genital Predatory Grandpa Murked U, even again assaults the coherence of replies of other posters--like a Trump Administration banning "Flying Chinese," letting all Europe enter--intending infection and killing. Disconnect from real events, even put in place in public record--Is all about real MAGA. All the coherent replies are denigrated by Baby-Genital Predatory, Grandpa Murked U poster, MeToo Movement evader to boot.

The Trump denigrations are also public record!

The Slave Trade Era Electoral College Is the Public Record--including after June, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Our Father. . . .Thy Kingdom Come. . . .(Matthew 25: 14-30)!")
Time to get back on your medications...or....cut back. It has to be one or the other. Schizophrenia is such a sad thing.
The Complete Disconnect of the Trump Administration from its own real events, The Complete Disconnect of Grandpa Murked Poster from its own events, The Complete Disconnect of easyt65 poster from any events--past, present and future, and the no-where documented post of Lucky Duck, mainly a disconnect, in the MAGA Manner: Is being noted everywhere worldwide, The disorders have various labels, even--and seem to create outpourings.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, even alleges a deity did that!)

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