Cost of Colorado’s free school meals program is ‘out of control.’

What's the bitch now?

That you are older, much older than me, and that this FACT somehow annoying to you.
Too funny Old Man.
Please link to my age. You on the other hand are in your late 60s by your own admission. So answer the question, when was the last time you went skiing? Golfing for exercise, LOLOLOL.
Why does any student get a free lunch? I forgot my lunch I went hungry. Taught me how to not forget things when I left the house.

Government run amok.

My wife works for one of the main private companies that do school lunches.
You wouldn't believe how much of this goes on.
When was the last time you went skiing, scumbag? Golfing for exercise? LOL. Run along, you'll miss your Tea time.
I live near Mt Baker and Stevens Pass.
I have been downhill skiing 100's of time.
Then I moved to a Golf Course Community and Spend my time Golfing, 3 minute cart ride to the first tee, versus Hours driving to the mountain top.
Don't be jealous, it's a bad look.

Downhill Skiing, you consider hard exercise.
It's downhill and you make a few turns and then ride a chair back up.

When was the last time you rode a bicycle across 6+ mountain passes including the Cascades, Rockies, and the Big Horn Mountains?
I'm guessing NEVER, but I did.
Then bring a PBJ sandwich.

And learn what? Most high schoolers have 3rd grade reading writing and math skills.
Many parents are not responsible enough or care enough to prepare their children or step-children for school. Food, Clothing, Hygiene, Study Skills, and School Materials.

Most High Schoolers in normal Functioning School Districts (80+%) read and do math at least a 7-8th grade level. It is sad that it is not higher, but this 3rd grade claim is ridiculous. These Failing Inner-City Schools are not normal, so don't group them into rural city USA, unless we are talking West Virginia or Mississippi.
Let's meet, I'd like to see for myself.
I don't care to meet you, you seem creepy.
You're doing it wrong. When you get off the bunny hill, try skiing some off piste slopes, trees and bumps old man. LOL run along to your T time, scumbag.
I've skied ALL the runs at Stevens Pass.
But no longer, I don't care to spend any more time on the slopes. BFD.
I'm 62, soon 63.

And You?
I don't care to meet you, you seem creepy.
Yeah, you're a skier spelled LIAR. I don't wear my life on my sleeve as you do, looking for the approval of faceless folks on the internet. You have a serious self-esteem problem.
I'm 62, soon 63.

And You?
Nice try. You seem to be overly interested with finding out personal info about me. That is creepy, scumbag.
Yeah, you're a skier spelled LIAR. I don't wear my life on my sleeve as you do, looking for the approval of faceless folks on the internet. You have a serious self-esteem problem.

Nice try. You seem to be overly interested with finding out personal info about me. That is creepy, scumbag.
Dear Lord, You said.... Let's meet, I said NO.
Lay off Stalker.

Let's meet, I'd like to see for myself.
Yeah, you're a skier spelled LIAR. I don't wear my life on my sleeve as you do, looking for the approval of faceless folks on the internet. You have a serious self-esteem problem.

Nice try. You seem to be overly interested with finding out personal info about me. That is creepy, scumbag.
Dear Lord, You said.... Let's meet, I said NO.
Lay off Stalker.

Let's meet, I'd like to see for myself.
If the children must starve then let them starve. This is key to our system's survival.
We have spent countless trillions of dollars on the Great Society. Feminism and the rise of single parenting has caused a voracious whirlpool that has caused more poverty than we had before. Now we are stuck on ever growing social programs to help children. This is a real conundrum.
LOL, feeble attempt at deflection. Enjoy the 19th hole. Exercise--LMAO
Apparently you haven't ever been to the 19th Hole.
Of Course, It's always a great social event, I'm sorry you have NOTHING to look forward to, and Thank you for saying "Enjoy the 19th Hole". We shall....thank you.

Now you can go suck on your keyboard for another 4 hours.
See ya later Old Man, heading out in 5 minutes.
With Friends, For a Round of Golf. ⛳🏌️‍♂️

Keep Typing with your Fake Friends.
I'll Keep Playing and Socializing for REAL.

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