After Mueller Report & embarassing 'Contempt' charge for NOT breaking the law, Dems Fall In Line


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It only took a Mueller report Resulting in 'No Collusion / No Obstruction / No Impeachment', an embarrassing 'Contempt' charge for Barr for what has now been officially shown as refusing to comply with Democrat demands that the US AG break the Law, and the US IG appointment of a 'pittbull' investigator / prosecutor to investigate the seditious conspiracy run by former Obama administration agency Directors / personnel....

....but it is being reported that House Democrats have fallen in-line with House Speaker Pelosi's 'No Impeachment' strategy against the President.

Way to go, Nancy. I'm sure it was your stunning leadership that finally won them over.....


House Dems fall in line with Pelosi's no-impeachment strategy despite Trump's defiance
It only took a Mueller report Resulting in 'No Collusion / No Obstruction / No Impeachment', an embarrassing 'Contempt' charge for Barr for what has now been officially shown as refusing to comply with Democrat demands that the US AG break the Law, and the US IG appointment of a 'pittbull' investigator / prosecutor to investigate the seditious conspiracy run by former Obama administration agency Directors / personnel....

....but it is being reported that House Democrats have fallen in-line with House Speaker Pelosi's 'No Impeachment' strategy against the President.

Way to go, Nancy. I'm sure it was your stunning leadership that finally won them over.....


House Dems fall in line with Pelosi's no-impeachment strategy despite Trump's defiance

We prefer to keep the fat donny grifter right where he is, dead center in stupidville.

Pelosi is quite right.
It only took a Mueller report Resulting in 'No Collusion / No Obstruction / No Impeachment', an embarrassing 'Contempt' charge for Barr for what has now been officially shown as refusing to comply with Democrat demands that the US AG break the Law, and the US IG appointment of a 'pittbull' investigator / prosecutor to investigate the seditious conspiracy run by former Obama administration agency Directors / personnel....

....but it is being reported that House Democrats have fallen in-line with House Speaker Pelosi's 'No Impeachment' strategy against the President.

Way to go, Nancy. I'm sure it was your stunning leadership that finally won them over.....


House Dems fall in line with Pelosi's no-impeachment strategy despite Trump's defiance

Still waiting for:
  • Mueller to testify against Trump.
  • Nancy to get those tax records.
  • Nancy to get those financial records.
  • Nancy to arrest Barr for contempt.
  • Barr to give in and release that 100% unredacted Mueller report.
  • The first trial and conviction of the "Trump Crime Family."
  • The promised Impeachment Hearings.
  • Pigs to fly.
  • For Hillary to tell us just who else she has under that tent dress of hers and do they hold her up so she can walk?
Look out world. Here come the Democrats on a mission about to really CRACK DOWN on that crazy rogue, Donald Trump. o_O
It only took a Mueller report Resulting in 'No Collusion / No Obstruction / No Impeachment', an embarrassing 'Contempt' charge for Barr for what has now been officially shown as refusing to comply with Democrat demands that the US AG break the Law, and the US IG appointment of a 'pittbull' investigator / prosecutor to investigate the seditious conspiracy run by former Obama administration agency Directors / personnel....

....but it is being reported that House Democrats have fallen in-line with House Speaker Pelosi's 'No Impeachment' strategy against the President.

Way to go, Nancy. I'm sure it was your stunning leadership that finally won them over.....


House Dems fall in line with Pelosi's no-impeachment strategy despite Trump's defiance

Still waiting for:
  • Mueller to testify against Trump.
  • Nancy to get those tax records.
  • Nancy to get those financial records.
  • Nancy to arrest Barr for contempt.
  • Barr to give in and release that 100% unredacted Mueller report.
  • The first trial and conviction of the "Trump Crime Family."
  • The promised Impeachment Hearings.
  • Pigs to fly.
  • For Hillary to tell us just who else she has under that tent dress of hers and do they hold her up so she can walk?
Look out world. Here come the Democrats on a mission about to really CRACK DOWN on that crazy rogue, Donald Trump. o_O

I think the Nadler contempt vote will not happen as it will boomerang on them legally. Its all been a huge bloviation of hot air. They have nothing and now their coup attempt is being exposed..

I need more popcorn....

I think the Nadler contempt vote will not happen as it will boomerang on them legally. Its all been a huge bloviation of hot air. They have nothing and now their coup attempt is being exposed..

I need more popcorn....

I think the Nadler contempt vote will not happen as it will boomerang on them legally. Its all been a huge bloviation of hot air. They have nothing and now their coup attempt is being exposed..

I need more popcorn....
billy, the left in here know Nadler's over his ski tips.
We prefer to keep the fat donny grifter right where he is, dead center in stupidville. Pelosi is quite right.
In other words, every attempt the Democrats have made blew up in their faces, and doing NOTHING is now their only option. Thanks - got it. :p
It only took a Mueller report Resulting in 'No Collusion / No Obstruction / No Impeachment', an embarrassing 'Contempt' charge for Barr for what has now been officially shown as refusing to comply with Democrat demands that the US AG break the Law, and the US IG appointment of a 'pittbull' investigator / prosecutor to investigate the seditious conspiracy run by former Obama administration agency Directors / personnel....

....but it is being reported that House Democrats have fallen in-line with House Speaker Pelosi's 'No Impeachment' strategy against the President.

Way to go, Nancy. I'm sure it was your stunning leadership that finally won them over.....


House Dems fall in line with Pelosi's no-impeachment strategy despite Trump's defiance

Still waiting for:
  • Mueller to testify against Trump.
  • Nancy to get those tax records.
  • Nancy to get those financial records.
  • Nancy to arrest Barr for contempt.
  • Barr to give in and release that 100% unredacted Mueller report.
  • The first trial and conviction of the "Trump Crime Family."
  • The promised Impeachment Hearings.
  • Pigs to fly.
  • For Hillary to tell us just who else she has under that tent dress of hers and do they hold her up so she can walk?
Look out world. Here come the Democrats on a mission about to really CRACK DOWN on that crazy rogue, Donald Trump. o_O

Still waiting for:
  • Mueller to testify against Trump.
** Doesn't matter. He filed his report. No collusion / Obstruction / no charges / no Impeachment. It's over.

  • Nancy to get those tax records.
** Not going to happen. Rules 'Abuse of Oversight power' - Being seen as 'Harassment' after the Mueller report and embarrassing 'Contempt' blow by Turley / DC Circuit Court.

  • Nancy to get those financial records.
** Not going to happen. Rules 'Abuse of Oversight power' - Being seen as 'Harassment' after the Mueller report and embarrassing 'Contempt' blow by Turley / DC Circuit Court.

  • Nancy to arrest Barr for contempt.
** Pay attention - Constitution Law Expert Turley appeared before the Judicial Committee to break the news to Nadler (and Pelosi) that it was now OFFICIAL - He and Pelosi DID demand the US AG to break the law and DID vote to hold the US AG in Contempt because he REFUSED TO BREAK THE LAW.
--- Turley informed Nadler that the DC Circuit court has already ruled on another case involving Barr on this same issue, setting the precedence that states 1) the US AG is bound by his oath/job/duty as US AG NOT to release Grand Jury Information - which is the law, and 2) neither the DC Circuit Court or any other Court can / will change this, forcing the US AG to break the law by releasing Grand Jury information. Turley informed both Nadler and Pelosi that the US AG's position on this is 'UNASSAILABLE'....which means a snowball has a better chance in hell than any attempt they make to force Barr to turn over that information..

....which leads back to the embarrassing FACT that Nadler demanded the US AG to BREAK THE LAW and when he refused they held him in Contempt FOR NOT BREAKING THE LAW.

  • Barr to give in and release that 100% unredacted Mueller report.

  • The first trial and conviction of the "Trump Crime Family."
** Now you are being stupid.....After 4 investigations & 3 years and 1 Mueller Report there is NOTHING - no crime of collusion, no indictment for collusion, no conviction for collusion, no crime of Obstruction, no indictment for obstruction, no conviction for obstruction. It's Over. Get therapy, let go, and move on.

  • The promised Impeachment Hearings.
** I posted a link and thread earlier about the reported news -- after the Mueller report and the embarrassing 'Contempt' charge, all of the Dems who have promised Impeachment hearings have given up and agreed to follow Pelosi's No-Impeachment Strategy. (Again, because they have nothing g to go on now...)

  • Pigs to fly.
** Hillary tried to but came crashing down on election night 2016.

  • For Hillary to tell us just who else she has under that tent dress of hers and do they hold her up so she can walk?
** No one. Her cankles are as thick as small tree trunks now - she has become like a 'Weeble' ('Weebles wobble but they won't fall down....)
This was a fact they could not elude no matter how much tantruming they tried. It is perhaps a first step back to reality.
As soon as some of them get re-elected and Trump gets a 2nd term, The Impeachment Talk and Endless Investigations and Subpoenas will start all over again.

These people will never stop unless people are punished for what they did with FISA and starting the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation.
As soon as some of them get re-elected and Trump gets a 2nd term, The Impeachment Talk and Endless Investigations and Subpoenas will start all over again.

These people will never stop unless people are punished for what they did with FISA and starting the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation.
well as I already stated once in this forum, enough will never be enough.

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