After New Orleans, Surely *Now* Liberals Will Support Tough Car Control Measures


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).
When this shit started a few years back…I knew this would be the new thing.

A free society can have freedom used against it.

Anyone with a car can kill pedestrians every single day.

Someone can drive over the people entering and exiting any grocery or department store.

Just like if all guns were made illegal, GUN MURDERS WOULD STILL HAPPEN.

People get their hands on illegal shit.


We cannot nerf the planet. We can try to minimize radicalization by calling out and marginalizing cult fucks who want to kill non believers so they go to heaven.
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I demand that I have the right right to own bigger assault vehicles to protect me from their assault vehicles!

Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).
/----/ I heard on the local NO TV station that it was an electric. They are more powerful and heavier than ICE cars.
/----/ I heard on the local NO TV station that it was an electric. They are more powerful and heavier than ICE cars.
View attachment 1060610

Yeah, those EVs are:


It is an F150.

The Lightning EV is about 20% heavier than the ICE.

5000 to 6000 pounds of curb weight.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters------------->BOTH vehicles were either electric, or partially electric in the case of NEW ORLEANS. What this means is that,

1. The Biden/Harris administration are FORCING automakers to create mass assault weapons, to be used against Americans.

2. The Biden/Harris Administration are also creating refueling(reloading) stations on the tax payers dime.

3. The Biden/Harris Administration is giving tax CREDITS to people buying these mass assault vehicles.

As Jose' Biden stated------------->do NOT jump to any conclusions that we have again screwed the pooch in our infinite, Leftist, know EVERYTHING, but really know NOTHING brilliance. And by the way......I am not in cognitive decline as Republicans claim, I just stutter. Don't believe me? Just ask Winston Churchill. I talked to him last week on the phone-)
/---/ No. And the photos in this report show the truck. It appears to be an ICE, not an EV.
The vehicle is an F-150 crew cab Lightening EV. It has the logo on the truck bed.
The vehicle is an F-150 crew cab Lightening EV. It has the logo on the truck bed.

So it is 6000 instead of 5000 pounds.

5000 pounds cant kill much…..but 6000! Look out!

Those who claim it is an EV because of Musk or because it is heavier and can kill more are funny.

Maybe it can withstand more front end damage.

Whoever rented out their F150 EV is likely not getting it back. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Fucking TURO.COM


Will the renter face any liability?
Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).

Well Mike, you have high expectations for the Far Left. As to cars, you can't ban them in a free society. You have no way of knowing what need any given person has for a car just because of where they live.

But any prisoner will tell you they can make a lethal weapon out out a spoon or a paper clip--- banning guns will not stop crime, it will merely alter the tools and means by which those determined to kill carry out their actions.
Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership
It isn't a liberal excuse. It's common fucking sense. Ownership of one is a right, Ownership of one is a privilege.
Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).
And it's such an easy issue to address. There is no constitutional right to own a vehicle. They could start doing something about this today, if they were serious about saving lives.
So it is 6000 instead of 5000 pounds.

5000 pounds cant kill much…..but 6000! Look out!

Those who claim it is an EV because of Musk or because it is heavier and can kill more are funny.

Maybe it can withstand more front end damage.

Whoever rented out their F150 EV is likely not getting it back. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Fucking TURO.COM


Will the renter face any liability?
Sure! I'll rent you my truck as long as you intend to drive to a city in another state and drive it through the crowd killing 15 people and injuring many more on New Year's morning. Then you are going to crash my truck, destroying it, and then jump out and shoot two cops while getting yourself killed. That sounds like a plan! Sign here and it's all yours!

You are so funny!
Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).

The left already wants personal vehicles banned.
Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).
It was actually a Ford truck driven by a military guy. I think we should ban radicalization in the military fuckup.

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