After New Orleans, Surely *Now* Liberals Will Support Tough Car Control Measures

Insane liberal fruitcakes are already trying to BAN personal vehicles, and humans.
Blah blah blah blah I'm a maga fuckup blah blah blah Jewish space lasers blah blah blah
Which is why a country need to be highly selective in who is allowed to immigrate here. Some 'cultures' never assimilate.


Many Muslims in Minnesota claim that as soon as they gain power, they will push towards Sharia law as much as they can.


Many Muslims in Minnesota claim that as soon as they gain power, they will push towards Sharia law as much as they can.


Yes, same as with Red Chinese, Haitians, Somalis, etc. Every international criminal syndicate has a solid population base here to provide cover.
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Blah blah blah blah I'm a maga fuckup blah blah blah Jewish space lasers blah blah blah
Forcing electric vehicles on people makes the question of removing them from citizens palatable. Progs are the ones who make things up constantly to sell to the citizens as facts.
It doesn't have to be tough, it needs to be honest. Apparently N.O. received federal money to create the technology to close streets but it disappeared just like the money to upgrade the levees before Katrina.
It doesn't have to be tough, it needs to be honest. Apparently N.O. received federal money to create the technology to close streets but it disappeared just like the money to upgrade the levees before Katrina.
Money doesn’t disappear in Louisiana. Check the freezers in homes of Democrats. William Jefferson showed us that method.
Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).

Check this out:

UK 2.9 deaths per 100,000 people
US 12.9 deaths per 100,000 people

UK 3.8 deaths per 1 billion vehicle KMs
US 6.9 deaths per 1 billion vehicle KMs

So, the US roads are much more dangerous, depends on how you choose to look at things. Either way, the UK deals with it a lot better.

In New Orleans they literally had a system to defend against this, but because of some stupid football game, they were redoing them, so people would get killed during the football game... oh, wow. Priorities are out of whack
It doesn't have to be tough, it needs to be honest. Apparently N.O. received federal money to create the technology to close streets but it disappeared just like the money to upgrade the levees before Katrina.

I heard they were redoing it so the football would be safe. Can't have people dying during football. New Years is okay.
Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).

You certainly swallowed the intent of the False Flag completely .

You are parroting the exact messages that Deep State wants Gullibles like you to absorb and then proselytise for .

And the job is best done when Compliants are created who are so Cognitively Rigid that they would die rather than deny their new found Faith .
It is
The post - Christianity sort of Cultism effectively .

Top marks Sheeple person . You are a credit to the Deep State production line .

Yesterday 15 people were killed and dozens wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, as a first step, banning the personal ownership of all vehicles that weigh more than 800 pounds (330 kilograms).

Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the car-making industry (that personal vehicles have valid uses, that the benefit outweighs the cost in lives, etc.), personal vehicle ownership should be banned for all motorized vehicles except for scooters, farm equipment (tractors), and commercial trucks and buses used for freight and public transportation. If we could just get liberals to get serious about public safety and societal responsibility, we could make this happen.

Each year, over 40,000 people die in car crashes, and hundreds of thousands are injured, and each year hundreds of people are killed in vehicle ramming attacks. In addition, personally owned cars are used in the commission of numerous crimes each year (abductions, getaways, drug deals, prostitution, etc.). If we want history to see us as a civilized nation and people, we must recognize that personal vehicle ownership is a relic of the past and must be replaced by robust public transportation. Yes, this will require lifestyle modifications, but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, this time we won't hear the standard liberal excuses that car ownership is "different" from gun ownership, and that personal vehicle ownership is a must for a modern society (a lie disproven in big cities where many people do not own cars but rely on public transportation, and get along just fine).
There are already plenty of regulations covering cars and who can drive them. Way more than there are for guns. I'd be ecstatic if the rules for cars and driving were applied to guns, e.g., cars and drivers have to be registered and you have to get tested before you're allowed to drive on public roads.
Fool Dem policies across the country are PUSHING this onto the people. Hence your refusal to build new highways to FORCE people onto public transportation and your high speed trains to nowhere FUBAR projects.

lol they're doped addled halfwits; they let terrorists from all over the planet migrate here, then they think traveling around at high speeds on trains is going to be great .... I give one a month before some Islamo-freak or tranny Russian agent blows it up.
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