After Trump’s Victory, There Can Be No Unity Without A Reckoning

Unlike democrats, I am not going to predict what Trump will or won't do. I have seen four years of his successes in spite of obstructionist democrats attempts to thwart his every policy. Hide and watch. Tuesday was a referendum on the stupidity of you and your bosses. Good days are ahead.
You evidently ignore Trump's failures.

After Trump’s Victory, There Can Be No Unity Without A Reckoning

We can’t just say ‘Oh well we’re all Americans in the end’ and pretend that everything is okay. Everything is not okay.
7 Mov 2024 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

Back in July after the first Trump assassination attempt, I wrote that there can be no national unity, no burying the hatchet or cooling the rhetoric with people who have been encouraging political violence and pushing assassination prep for years. You can’t smack someone in the face with a hammer and then insist everyone calm down.
Trump’s election victory doesn’t change that. Those in the news media who spent years calling Trump a fascist and comparing him to Hitler, claiming he represents a threat to democracy and that he’ll use his presidential powers to go after his enemies, should not be forgiven. Their lies and nonstop propaganda should not be forgotten. No one should ever take them seriously again. When they try to engage the public square, they should either be ignored entirely or met with a wall of mockery and derision. They are enemies of the American people, whom they openly despise, and there can be no real unity with them no matter what they might say in the future.
Legacy media outlets, the polling industry, the Democrat-funded nonprofits and the academics and activists who run them have all now been exposed as cogs in a giant propaganda machine. Kamala Harris was never ahead. She never had a chance of winning. There was no “joy.” She wasn’t “brat.” She didn’t even win the Democrat Party nomination, it was handed to her in a backroom deal. She isn’t relatable or cool, she’s the most cringey and fake person ever to run for president. Corporate media and the Democrats ran a massive psy-op on the American people to make them believe something that wasn’t true. And it failed. We should never forget that these people will say anything for the sake of power, so we should never trust them again.
For the government officials and institutions who tried to bankrupt and jail Trump, there should be more severe and formal consequences. On Wednesday it was reported that the Justice Department will be dismissing Special Counsel Jack Smith and dropping his cases against Trump before Trump takes office. That’s great, but Smith should not be allowed to simply walk away. He and everyone else at Biden’s DOJ who was involved in these lawfare cases against Trump needs to be investigated a~Smipnd held accountable for their actions.
The idea that we should just forget all that now for the sake of unity is deeply misguided and naïve. If those responsible aren’t held accountable, they will never stop trying to destroy their enemies by any means they can. Before we ever achieve anything like unity in America again, there must be a reckoning and there must be justice. Without those things, the divisions in our country won’t be able to heal.
After those who broke the law are held accountable, and those who lied are ostracized and ignored, we will still face the problem of disunity and division among our people. We will still be two nations occupying the same territory, with two irreconcilable visions of what the country should be. We can’t paper over those differences, and we shouldn’t.
To achieve real and lasting unity we’ll need a counter-revolution in America, a re-founding of the country. That in turn will require a conversion of the American people and a return to the ideals, principles, and way of life that made our republic possible in the first place.

Exactly. All of those - especially those in government - who broke the law need to be arrested, indicted for sedition and throw in prison. There is no moving on without the reckoning. Everybody needs to be made to understand you can’t get away with the crimes they committed.
I get tired of ignorant morons telling us we need to “reach out to them” and “share the government” with them after they have trampled us, called us names, and used false charges to persecute Americans and Lawfare against their percieved enemies, for the last four years.
There can NEVER be any reconciliation between those who believe in and want to abide by the US Constitution, and the Meo-Marxist Left.
It can't be done, because the right supports freedom of speech, free elections, rule of law, strict immigration laws, and equality under the law.
Though we on the right have kidded ourselves that the left was just another version of Loyal Americans, unfortunately for them, they are not.
They can never be REAL Americans unless they assent to the Constitution, to our laws, and loyalty to our duly elected leaders.
They show NO sign of doing that.
I suspect that we may see more unity with Trump in the White House, assuming the MAGA agenda goes as per plan, that would have been possible with the hugely destructive and harmful agenda the Democrats have pushed on us all.

But I doubt the deep state has given up yet. They'll regroup, become less open about their intentions, will like more and be more sneaky. But they'll be there and they still control most of the government, media, entertainment, education, scientific organizations, big business, many religious organizations, i.e. they still control much of the message.

Trump and his MAGA team will need huge support and all the help we can give to the MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure America offering choices, options, opportunity, prosperity and maximum liberty to all American citizens.

At least honest never-Trumpers will be far more likely to approve of the MAGA agenda than any thinking person can embrace of what the Democrats have been selling.
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Need cheese with that whine?
You're the one with a case od butt-hurt...
All your thoughts now are to resist the electoral change.
Meanwhile, I never read a word from you against the Law-Fare actions against Trump by Biden and his corrupt DoJ, and fellow Leftist travelers..
So sit back and enjoy the ride buck wheat...
I suspect that we may see more unity with Trump in the White House, assuming the MAGA agenda goes as per plan, that would have been possible with the hugely destructive and harmful agenda the Democrats have pushed on us all.

But I doubt the deep state has given up yet. They'll regroup, become less open about their intentions, will like more and be more sneaky. But they'll be there and they still control most of the government, media, entertainment, education, scientific organizations, big business, many religious organizations, i.e. they still control much of the message.

Trump and his MAGA team will need huge support and all the help we can give to the MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure America offering choices, options, opportunity, prosperity and maximum liberty to all American citizens.
That is true.
The Deep State as usual will throw any and every obstacle they can muster.
Undoubtedly the majority in both Houses of Congress will help to get improvements and cuts to those items that require closer scrutiny...
But I doubt the deep state has given up yet.
They have been reduced to lawsuits brought by blue state governors and AGs to obstruct his policies. They don't get it. Americans are tired of the left's garbage. Further obstruction by the democrats will not bode well for them in 2026.
That is true.
The Deep State as usual will throw any and every obstacle they can muster.
Undoubtedly the majority in both Houses of Congress will help to get improvements and cuts to those items that require closer scrutiny...
I am hopeful. I fear the worst the grossly unethical left will do to undermine the MAGA vision in every way they can, but if Trump puts together a strong, unified, team committed to the MAGA vision, we have the best chance to overcome than we have had in awhile. We can thank a disastrous Biden Presidency for changing at least some hearts and minds to at least give the MAGA vision a chance.
They have been reduced to lawsuits brought by blue state governors and AGs to obstruct his policies. They don't get it. Americans are tired of the left's garbage. Further obstruction by the democrats will not bode well for them in 2026.
We can hope. The truly malicious don't care about public opinion though. They don't work for the American people and could care less who they hurt. They only care about getting and keeping absolutely power.

But we can hope.
I am hopeful. I fear the worst the grossly unethical left will do to undermine the MAGA vision in every way they can, but if Trump puts together a strong, unified, team committed to the MAGA vision, we have the best chance to overcome than we have had in awhile. We can thank a disastrous Biden Presidency for changing at least some hearts and minds to at least give the MAGA vision a chance.
I do not put anything passed the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left.
They will do anything including assassination to accomplish their goal.
It is typical Marxist ideology. Remember how Stalin went after those that disagreed with him. Trotsku a good exam[e.
Their "Hate" for the opposition is almost maniacal.
We're learning that with the "Crooks" attempt on Trump.
Why is it that the DoJ and FBI have gone so silent?
What are they hiding?
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I do not put anything passed the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left.
They will do anything including assassination to accomplish their goal.
It is typical Marxist ideology. Remember how Stalin went after those that disagreed with him. Trotsku a good exam[e.
Their "Hate" for the opposition is almost maniacal.
We're learning that with the "Crooks" attempt on Trump.
Why is it that the DoJ and FBI have gone so silent?
What are they hiding?
They're hiding a lot. And I would not be at all surprised if there isn't a lot of shredding and other destroying of evidence going on right now as we speak.
How about just a little bloodbath? All the names they called my Trumpy, that hurt my feelings.
Oh. Like an attempted assassination or two or three? Strange the only victims of political violence are republicans. Steve Scalise and congressional republicans, Trump twice, Trump supporters, and Ashley Babbitt. Seems democrats love bloodbaths.
I suspect that we may see more unity with Trump in the White House, assuming the MAGA agenda goes as per plan
Throwing Schiff and Pelosi in jail will unify the country?
Throwing Schiff and Pelosi in jail will unify the country?
Trump is on the record he does not intend to take revenge on anybody. Schiff and Pelosi are perfectly safe. You can ignore the dishonest and malicious propaganda otherwise and if you have any honor at all, you'll stop spreading it.

If Schiff or Pelosi go to jail, it won't be Trump instigating it. And you can be sure they will be given every benefit of due process of law, something both denied him again and again and again.
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