Age and Sleep


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

Stop TRYING to sleep will make it easier to sleep, read a book in bed for a while.

Make your room dark as possible, but get good sunshine outdoors during the say, which helps your body chemically build up the desire to sleep.
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

Have you tried Walgreen Acetaminophen Nighttime 500 mg? I take one, sometimes 2, two hours before I go to bed. When my head hits the pillow I fall asleep within 2 minutes. It helps the Arthritis too.
Sorry to hear that Gracie. For me I go to bed later when I'm really tired more like 1130 or midnight. Also no caffeine for me after noon and that would include any kind of chocolate. That may help with sleep but the joint problems yeah that's a tough one. Water aerobics maybe? I dunno.
No place to do water exercises around here. I drink coffee in the mornings but its decaf. Everything I drink is decaf, even my tea.
Acetaminophen Nighttime 500 mg ...not sure what that will do with the other meds I take.
Seems my pain meds should do it..but they don't. Doc gave me sleeping pills...they don't work. I bought some cheap ass sleep pills on amazon that do work...but delayed reaction. I don't take it any more because it doesn't make me sleepy until the next day...all day. Go figure. Damned if I do, damned if I don't I guess.
Not in bed now..and won't go until probably 3 or 4 am. Slept tody for a few hours, which fucks up my non existant sleep cycle. If I nap during the day..I'm up all damn night. I wasn't planning on dozing off today either. I guess my body said "okey dokey. Sleep now". Like, great. Thanks alot, body.
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

Lately, due to real life events, we've been up around the clock, essentially, for weeks. However, in "normal" times I face one of two eventualities when bedtime arrives: either I fall asleep and grind my teeth until I'm awake or I find I cannot smoke enough cigarettes prior to going to bed, so never quite make it there. Sometimes I'll do a couple of Tylenol or Aleve PM which might keep me down for a few hours; my mind is sometimes impossible to shut down. My wife, on the other hand, seems to suffer the opposite effects of most sleep aid meds—they keep her awake. I am not looking forward to real old age . . . not one bit of it. Late 40's is proving hell enough. For the most part I still feel like I am one never ending shift of guard duty whenever it's time to sleep.
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

Lately, due to real life events, we've been up around the clock, essentially, for weeks. However, in "normal" times I face one of two eventualities when bedtime arrives: either I fall asleep and grind my teeth until I'm awake or I find I cannot smoke enough cigarettes prior to going to bed, so never quite make it there. Sometimes I'll do a couple of Tylenol or Aleve PM which might keep me down for a few hours; my mind is sometimes impossible to shut down. My wife, on the other hand, seems to suffer the opposite effects of most sleep aid meds—they keep her awake. I am not looking forward to real old age . . . not one bit of it. Late 40's is proving hell enough. For the most part I still feel like I am one never ending shift of guard duty whenever it's time to sleep.
Old age won't hit you big time until about the age of 58. That's when it hit me. In my pinky finger of all places. Thats what I found out I had RA. It progressed to a steady disentigration of most of my lower joints. Hands, fingers, wrists, knees, hips, lower back, ankles, feet, toes. Thankfully...not my elbows, neck, upper back, shoulders. Pretty sure that will eventually happen.
Anyway...all kinds of unpleasant surprised await you. Growing old is NOT for pussies. You are not a pussy. So....enjoy yourself while you can, lol.
I have Advil pm. Maybe I will pop one of those, then my usual 25mgs of melatonin. I will either od, or sleep well...or still be online, lol.
Smoke a bone. But not the lemon stuff, the aftertast is like walking around with a 9 volt battery in your mouth all day long.
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

It's like I always tell my wife .. (and she chooses not to listen .. :laugh:) , go get some sleep when your body tells you you're tired, don't fight it .. go with it, forget the schedule. .. :eusa_doh:
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?
Do you some hard work where you sweat during the day, and don't eat pizza right before bed. You'll sleep.
Try a bowl of cereal with milk.
That melatonin works for me.
I have a family member who has had serious bouts of insomnia since he was in his 30s. He’s now in his 60s. He recently found that the drugs his doctor prescribed, were effecting his sleep. He no longer takes those drugs and sleeps much better.
Old people have a helluva time getting decent sleep. I wonder why that is. I go to bed at 10pm, lay there until midnight trying to fall asleep and don't. Get up midnight, have a cup of hot chocolate. Go back to bed. Lay there. 2am get up, go to twitter, swing by here to read. Go back to bed. 4am up again, smoke a cig, read twitter and here again. Go to bed. 5am, I finally fall asleep and stay that way until about 10am.

Melatonin, vicodin, xanax, benadryl, more melatonin, half another vicodin because my joints. just.wont.stop.aching, glass of water all between those times of laying there. it just me that is an old bat that can't sleep, or do you have probs too?

My mother has had that issue for years.
I have a family member who has had serious bouts of insomnia since he was in his 30s. He’s now in his 60s. He recently found that the drugs his doctor prescribed, were effecting his sleep. He no longer takes those drugs and sleeps much better.

I’m always affected by the full moon. This insomnia condition is recognised by the medical profession where I live.

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