Crap sleep pattern

My sleep pattern. This morning, I was up at 5:15am and it's now 2:30am the next morning. It'll be about 4am when I fall asleep and up before 8am.

Then it all catches up and I'll have a once in a blue moon good sleep. Most nights are 4 to 5 hours sleep, then sometimes an hour's power nap about tea time.

Brain just never seems to switch off, I just keep on wanting to learn/read a million things, semi retirement is doing my head in, might go back to full time work.

Anyone else have a crap sleep pattern?
I don't know about you but I had two hours of sleep. I didnt want to.scare you but sometimes a lack of.sleep signals an underlying health issue. This has often been a worry of mine of late
I don't know about you but I had two hours of sleep. I didnt want to.scare you but sometimes a lack of.sleep signals an underlying health issue. This has often been a worry of mine of late
When I was 15 at school, I had a Saturday night job 11pm to 4:30am. I often didn't go to bed so my weeks were 6 nights sleep. Then in my 20's, getting out of bed was tricky, then we had two kids, so sleep pattern went out of the window from then on. Over the last few years, 4 to 5 hours seems to be the norm, but sporadic. Health is fine, maybe should lose a couple of lbs, but not worth writing home about.

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