Agnostic looking for YHWH (G-d;) please pray for me


Nov 7, 2014
...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


You only have to know one thing - "And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire".

Holy shit, you better figure out how to get your name in that book that He whose name must not contain vowels is checking twice cause He knows if you've been naughty.

...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


You only have to know one thing - "And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire".

Holy shit, you better figure out how to get your name in that book that He whose name must not contain vowels is checking twice cause He knows if you've been naughty.

I don't believe in Christianity but I would like to learn about the "Old Testament" from a Jewish source(s.) Same God, right?...

Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.
Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.

Yeah I was in a religion (or cult) that wanted people to evangelize/proselytize. FORTUNATELY I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT CULT ANYMORE EXCEPT MY LEGAL NAME IS RELATED TO THE CULT!!!

the cliff notes rest in the name of the Holy City.
It's essential to define that power & source of Life (God) in order to know our purpose, place, path, and thus know if we are in line (doing good) or going against the grain (doing evil).
The Torah tells us God's Essence is in the city's name, Shalem means completeness -wholeness.
Knowing/describing that essence in life helps discern from subjective opinions on what is in line or against the grain (right or wrong, good or bad).
So we ask ourself is something Shalem or opposition to Shalem to know good from evil without it being mere subjective opinion.
This is why the city is our focus and Iris of the Eye of God. The Holy name is in the city as is the Essence, thus purpose of life, directuon and peoper path and in the legend of how the city becomes Shalem to City of Shalom (peace) is when the Night (arch Malakh Michael )removes the Day (morning star son of Baal).

To answer your question same God?
No. Judaism God is not a man, nor form, nor any anthropromorphication=an Essence/Nature.
Jews follow this concept of Shalem(complete & wholeness=evolve) Judaism is about betterment of Life the creators creation.
Christianity is idol worship creating an image of Baal through the mask of his son- it's the same scam same stories repackaged. It's based on the image used to subvert the minions rather then evolving and it's devotion is to preparing for kingdom in death thus the opposition to creators creation becoming death worship instead of creators creation worship.
The Canaanites had 2 main paths worship of Shalem and worship of Baal. Most Jews (most likely the Hebrews from UR +rejected class of Canaan or the righteous seeking Shalemites) refused Idol worship and rejected Baal, and reinvented SHALEM WORSHIP TO IT'S SYMBOLISM and non anthropromorphic defined word. Some stories warn about those who revisited or fell to Baal and idol worship.
Jesus father can only be either the Evening Star (Shalem)
or Baal father of the Morning Star.-Rev 22:16 shows you their father they refuse to name is Baal thus father and son as one "Baal Jesus"=666 in ASC II numerology used to secret numbers from names.

If they were worshiping the same YHWH (one who causes to be [life] ) then they wouldn't spend millions converting Jews to that same God or murdering people that already worship that supposed same God.
...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...



You are wasting your time. Your intellectual problem with your belief in god is for Jews completly unimportant - and it's also unimportnat for Jews what is your view on their people and their religion - even if you would be an Antisemite. I guess the only thing a Jew would say to you is: "Don't be a criminal and don't be an Antisemite - then everything should be okay." I'm by the way a Catholic and not a Jew ... better to say: I am a Catholic who is not absolutelly sure not to be a Jew - but nearly 100% sure.

"The one who makes peace in the heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel and let us say Amen."

the cliff notes rest in the name of the Holy City.
It's essential to define that power & source of Life (God) in order to know our purpose, place, path, and thus know if we are in line (doing good) or going against the grain (doing evil).
The Torah tells us God's Essence is in the city's name, Shalem means completeness -wholeness.
Knowing/describing that essence in life helps discern from subjective opinions on what is in line or against the grain (right or wrong, good or bad).
So we ask ourself is something Shalem or opposition to Shalem to know good from evil without it being mere subjective opinion.
This is why the city is our focus and Iris of the Eye of God. The Holy name is in the city as is the Essence, thus purpose of life, directuon and peoper path and in the legend of how the city becomes Shalem to City of Shalom (peace) is when the Night (arch Malakh Michael )removes the Day (morning star son of Baal).

To answer your question same God?
No. Judaism God is not a man, nor form, nor any anthropromorphication=an Essence/Nature.
Jews follow this concept of Shalem(complete & wholeness=evolve) Judaism is about betterment of Life the creators creation.
Christianity is idol worship creating an image of Baal through the mask of his son- it's the same scam same stories repackaged. It's based on the image used to subvert the minions rather then evolving and it's devotion is to preparing for kingdom in death thus the opposition to creators creation becoming death worship instead of creators creation worship.
The Canaanites had 2 main paths worship of Shalem and worship of Baal. Most Jews (most likely the Hebrews from UR +rejected class of Canaan or the righteous seeking Shalemites) refused Idol worship and rejected Baal, and reinvented SHALEM WORSHIP TO IT'S SYMBOLISM and non anthropromorphic defined word. Some stories warn about those who revisited or fell to Baal and idol worship.
Jesus father can only be either the Evening Star (Shalem)
or Baal father of the Morning Star.-Rev 22:16 shows you their father they refuse to name is Baal thus father and son as one "Baal Jesus"=666 in ASC II numerology used to secret numbers from names.

If they were worshiping the same YHWH (one who causes to be [life] ) then they wouldn't spend millions converting Jews to that same God or murdering people that already worship that supposed same God.

You are not a Jew. Why for heavens sake do you to try to write always all this misrespecting nonsense in the names of Jews? No Jew misuses the name of god. Because there is only one god the god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god.

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Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.
If you ask a question and then you ignore the answer and give your own version very possible you will be mocked.
Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.
If you ask a question and then you ignore the answer and give your own version very possible you will be mocked.

Then why do you post to threads like this. If you have nothing to offer the OP then all YOU can do is offer vitriol.

More anti-Christ behavior.
Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.
If you ask a question and then you ignore the answer and give your own version very possible you will be mocked.

Then why do you post to threads like this. If you have nothing to offer the OP then all YOU can do is offer vitriol.

More anti-Christ behavior.
The OP seems to think it has the answers already. You made a statement that is false I responded to it. It is that simple. Antichrist are those who deny Jesus Christ, nice try to attempt a bait and switch though.
Proselytizing is automatic unless you ASK to be taught. Then they sneer at you through squinting eyes.
If you ask a question and then you ignore the answer and give your own version very possible you will be mocked.

Then why do you post to threads like this. If you have nothing to offer the OP then all YOU can do is offer vitriol.

More anti-Christ behavior.
The OP seems to think it has the answers already. You made a statement that is false I responded to it. It is that simple. Antichrist are those who deny Jesus Christ, nice try to attempt a bait and switch though.

:lol: hey, hey, hey. Where's the hate coming from dude? :lol:

I am a he who does not believe that I have all the answers...I have discussed things that I have my beliefs about but I do not "think that I have all the answers."

What I believe is however what I believe and I can discuss what I believe...sorry if that offends you.

If any of your other above posts were meant about me, a question can be asked to discuss views about the question...a question is not necessarily asked because one does not have views about the question being asked. :lol:

Peace & love my brother,

(EDIT - P.S. - Your statement about anti-christs is incorrect. :) )

The OP seems to think it has the answers already. You made a statement that is false I responded to it. It is that simple. Antichrist are those who deny Jesus Christ, nice try to attempt a bait and switch though.
OP set the tone for this thread by purposely misspelling God.

Jesus teaches love not hate bro. I'm an Agnostic but I would think it hateful to disrespect the Jewish ideas about "God" if they believe in the same God ("the God of Israel.")

I see nothing wrong with, nor meant any offense/hatred/negativity, in my spelling here :-D. Sorry if you took offense to anything...



Love your enemies, dude.

That is not "hippie speak." That is Bible speak. I am an Agnostic but it sounds like you should be off reading your Scriptures and not rapping on the net... :-D.

...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


Isaiah 7:14
Psalm 22
Micah 5:2
Isaiah 40:3
Zechariah 9:9
Isaiah 53:9
Daniel 3:24-25
...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


If you ask a devout Catholic to teach you about Jesus they will tell you that he is triune and edible. If you asked a learned Jew about kosher law he will have no choice but to tell you its about what is acceptable or not to serve and eat for meals. I'm sure that you have already heard it all before. You should never ask advice about honesty from a liar, or what to do in war from a coward, or seek wisdom from a fool.

You are better off on your own.

If you have already studied the sciences, history, literary techniques - metaphors, allegories, parables, similes, homonyms, hyperbole, etc. - and have the reasoning abilities of a second grade child, you should have no trouble deciphering the hidden meaning behind the fantastical stories deliberately written and openly presented as figurative instruction and not literal history.
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...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud.

Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that...


If you ask a devout Catholic to teach you about Jesus they will tell you that he is triune and edible. If you asked a learned Jew about kosher law he will have no choice but to tell you its about what is acceptable or not to serve and eat for meals. I'm sure that you have already heard it all before. You should never seek advice about honesty from a liar, or what to do in war from a coward, or learn about wisdom from a fool.

You are better off on your own.

If you have already studied the sciences, history, literary techniques - metaphors, allegories, parables, similes, homonyms, hyperbole, etc. - and have the reasoning abilities of a second grade child, you should have no trouble deciphering the hidden meaning behind the fantastical stories deliberately written and openly presented as figurative instruction and not literal history.

:lol: I see :lol: . Thank you, sir/ma'am...


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