Ahmadinejad calls for annihilation of Israel

I'm sure this thread will continue for some time, with posters moaning about how Iran wants to destroy Israel.
No posters will provide any evidence, just far right, hate filled extremist bullshit in some pathetic attempt to justify an attack on Iran.
I wonder if those posters realise, it's them who are the haters and destroyers, not Iran.
I'm sure this thread will continue for some time, with posters moaning about how Iran wants to destroy Israel.
No posters will provide any evidence, just far right, hate filled extremist bullshit in some pathetic attempt to justify an attack on Iran.
I wonder if those posters realise, it's them who are the haters and destroyers, not Iran.
'Splain this one, Indofred:

Israeli Minister Warns of 30-day Iran War after Reuters reported that 4 men are detained by German police for delivering 4 valves for a heavy water reactor to Iran, breaking an embargo on such exports to the Islamic Republic imposed over its disputed nuclear programme. Financial Times
'In a speech published on his website Thursday, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the ultimate goal of world forces must be the annihilation of Israel.'

Ahmadinejad calls for annihilati... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Secretly, Obama's heart leaps!
I don't know about that, but every time Ahmadinejad gathers together with his buds, they say he isn't saying he would like Israel to be taken off the face of the map, and he isn't saying it 100 days a year when he says it. :ack-1:
I'm sure this thread will continue for some time, with posters moaning about how Iran wants to destroy Israel.
No posters will provide any evidence, just far right, hate filled extremist bullshit in some pathetic attempt to justify an attack on Iran.
I wonder if those posters realise, it's them who are the haters and destroyers, not Iran.
'Splain this one, Indofred:

Israeli Minister Warns of 30-day Iran War after Reuters reported that 4 men are detained by German police for delivering 4 valves for a heavy water reactor to Iran, breaking an embargo on such exports to the Islamic Republic imposed over its disputed nuclear programme. Financial Times

Heavy water is used in nuclear power plants.
I think you have to prove it's for weapons use before you can cite that as a reason for war.

As for Israel.
BBC News - Israel 'prepared for 30-day war with Iran'

Israel's outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead.

Matan Vilnai told the Maariv newspaper that the fighting would be "on several fronts", with hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli towns and cities.

Israel was prepared, he said, though strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities had to be co-ordinated with the US.

Meanwhile, a US blogger has published what he says are Israel's attack plans.

Richard Silverstein told the BBC he had been given an internal briefing memo for Israel's eight-member security cabinet, which outlined what the Israeli military would do to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.


By Jonathan Marcus
BBC Diplomatic Correspondent
The text of the purported Israeli cabinet memo is just that, text. There is no document as such and thus it is impossible to verify if it is indeed an Israeli cabinet paper of some kind. But its purpose for Richard Silverstein is clear. He believes it was passed by a serving officer to the politician and then leaked by him precisely to alert the outside world to the scale of Israel's military plan to strike at Iran and thus to reduce the chances of it ever happening.

An unprecedented public debate is under way in Israel on the wisdom of launching an attack against Iran. And this leaked document, whatever its source, and whatever its original purpose, has become an element in that debate.

The document itself is striking in both the scale and scope of the military operation that it proposes. It also employs a range of technologies, many of which we have known that the Israelis are developing, but this document suggests that they are battle-ready and fully operational.

Leaked memo: propaganda or war plan?

Tehran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.

Israeli seems to be preparing for an unprovoked attack on Iran but wants the US to help out.
Do you really want your government to paint a target on the back of every American in the world?
Next up - another 9/11 and another US response of anger because someone attacked you without reason.

I say "bring it," you sawed-off little fucker.

I will marvel as Israel's Air Force carpet bombs the ever-loving shit out of you

Ahmadinejad calls for annihilati... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Read it again, "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”

Propaganda consumers can read, but they can not think. That's why no matter how many times they read "Zionist regime", they will repeat mantras given to them by propaganda merchants.
I'm sure this thread will continue for some time, with posters moaning about how Iran wants to destroy Israel.
No posters will provide any evidence, just far right, hate filled extremist bullshit in some pathetic attempt to justify an attack on Iran.
I wonder if those posters realise, it's them who are the haters and destroyers, not Iran.
'Splain this one, Indofred:

Israeli Minister Warns of 30-day Iran War after Reuters reported that 4 men are detained by German police for delivering 4 valves for a heavy water reactor to Iran, breaking an embargo on such exports to the Islamic Republic imposed over its disputed nuclear programme. Financial Times

Heavy water is used in nuclear power plants.
I think you have to prove it's for weapons use before you can cite that as a reason for war.

As for Israel.
BBC News - Israel 'prepared for 30-day war with Iran'

Israel's outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead.

Matan Vilnai told the Maariv newspaper that the fighting would be "on several fronts", with hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli towns and cities.

Israel was prepared, he said, though strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities had to be co-ordinated with the US.

Meanwhile, a US blogger has published what he says are Israel's attack plans.

Richard Silverstein told the BBC he had been given an internal briefing memo for Israel's eight-member security cabinet, which outlined what the Israeli military would do to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.


By Jonathan Marcus
BBC Diplomatic Correspondent
The text of the purported Israeli cabinet memo is just that, text. There is no document as such and thus it is impossible to verify if it is indeed an Israeli cabinet paper of some kind. But its purpose for Richard Silverstein is clear. He believes it was passed by a serving officer to the politician and then leaked by him precisely to alert the outside world to the scale of Israel's military plan to strike at Iran and thus to reduce the chances of it ever happening.

An unprecedented public debate is under way in Israel on the wisdom of launching an attack against Iran. And this leaked document, whatever its source, and whatever its original purpose, has become an element in that debate.

The document itself is striking in both the scale and scope of the military operation that it proposes. It also employs a range of technologies, many of which we have known that the Israelis are developing, but this document suggests that they are battle-ready and fully operational.

Leaked memo: propaganda or war plan?

Tehran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.
Israeli seems to be preparing for an unprovoked attack on Iran but wants the US to help out.
Do you really want your government to paint a target on the back of every American in the world?
Next up - another 9/11 and another US response of anger because someone attacked you without reason.
Do you really want the USA to deal with Iran, Indofred and do you think we forgot who Ahmadinejad is? The guy who held Americans in Iran with his AK-47 when President Carter was in office and we had a 444-day Hostage crisis coming our way 24-7?

He made a name for himself with terrorists by shoving and jabbing at Americans for the camera back then, and he's shooting off his mouth at Israel now.

Do you really want the USA to deal with Iran, Indofred?

I hope we don't have to. Ahmadinejad's flapping jaw is not helping Iran. Just saying. :eusa_whistle:


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I say "bring it," you sawed-off little fucker.

I will marvel as Israel's Air Force carpet bombs the ever-loving shit out of you

Ahmadinejad calls for annihilati... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Read it again, "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”

Propaganda consumers can read, but they can not think. That's why no matter how many times they read "Zionist regime", they will repeat mantras given to them by propaganda merchants.
In my experience, anyone who screeches "Zionist regime" is incapable of independent thought.
"Dr.Ahmadinejad said that a ‘dreadful Zionist current’ has been managing the key international affairs over the past 400 years and “behind the scene of the world’s main powers, media, monetary and banking centers.”"

Straight out of the 'Protocols', that stuff!
If Iran could see how stupid they look and act, Hell they couldn't even handle Saddam and Iraq. How will they handle Israel?
Funny how Imadickhead says all this shit and the other camel jockeys stand and applaud and Netanyahu clears his throat and the camel jockeys jump up and down in fits.
Unless you can prove Iran has weaponized its nuclear program, all you warmongering assholes should just shut your fucking mouths!
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A deranged jihadist neanderthal making senseless and threatening rhetoric ?

How innovative..........LOL

Irans begging for a fight, and the days are dwindling before that need is fulfilled

Nice post.
Sadly the story appears to have been made up, fabricated, a load of steaming bullshit and not actually true.

The quote produced a few results when googled before.
Now it gets 500+, all blogs and no news media except JP.
It's just a fabrication being spread around by idiots.

that would explain why warbler pounced on it no doubt.
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