Al Sharpton And The NAACP Must Hate Women


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Al Sharpton and the NAACP are trying to accuse everybody involved with the Zimmerman trial of a miscarriage of justice and of civil right violations, but they forget that every member of the jury was a woman. The only person whose civil rights were violated was George Zimmerman. The DA violated his right to a Grand Jury hearing, hid exculpatory evidence from the Defense, and fired the whistle-blower that exposed them.

It seems that it's black America and the lefts' race merchants against the rest of us. They tried to lynch a Hispanic, lied about the facts of the case, and when they couldn't get a conviction now they're essentially accusing the women jurists of not judging the evidence fairly. They even claimed that all of them were white when everyone knows this is a bold-faced lie. Is there any other special interest group these people feel like insulting?


Even level headed liberals are calling the NAACP a ridiculous group that is only fighting to remain relevant. They're asking the Department of Justice to do their dirty work for them by investigating the trial and bringing civil rights charges against Zimmerman. Eric Holder said he'll look into it. If the DoJ investigates this as well as they have Benghazi, Fast & Furious, and the IRS abuses then I expect this to go away as well. The "New Black Panther" Party is talking about getting even. To be frank, I think these people are pissing just about everyone off. There are worse travesties out there happening as we speak yet this is what the black community is upset about. What about the dozens of blacks that were murdered in Chicago during the last July 4th weekend centered in one neighborhood? Why does this case matter so much to them?

Ask the White House.

African-Americans make up 13% of the population yet they commit over 50% of all violent crimes. 93% of black victims are murdered by other blacks. When are these people going to get their heads out of there backsides and face the undeniable truth?

Never. Not as long as the left continues to make excuses for them.



Sharpton: 'Slap in the Face to Those Who Believe in Justice in This Country' | The Weekly Standard
The fact that blacks or ANYONE would listen to anything Sharpton utters tells you how utterly devoid of brains they are.
President Obama called on the nation to honor Trayvon Martin a day after George Zimmerman was acquitted of his murder by asking "ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence."

His comments came as family members of Zimmerman and Martin, as well as pundits, celebrities, and court observers had strong reactions to Saturday’s not guilty verdict, with those reactions taking various forms — from joy and outrage to Shakespearean references and calls for peace.

"I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities," Obama said in a statement on Sunday.​

Obama: Honor Trayvon Martin by battling gun violence - U.S. News

How long ago did this take place and only now Obama is saying what needed to be said?

Can this guy be any more clueless?

Al Sharpton and the NAACP are trying to accuse everybody involved with the Zimmerman trial of a miscarriage of justice and of civil right violations, but they forget that every member of the jury was a woman. The only person whose civil rights were violated was George Zimmerman. The DA violated his right to a Grand Jury hearing, hid exculpatory evidence from the Defense, and fired the whistle-blower that exposed them.

It seems that it's black America and the lefts' race merchants against the rest of us. They tried to lynch a Hispanic, lied about the facts of the case, and when they couldn't get a conviction now they're essentially accusing the women jurists of not judging the evidence fairly. They even claimed that all of them were white when everyone knows this is a bold-faced lie. Is there any other special interest group these people feel like insulting?


Even level headed liberals are calling the NAACP a ridiculous group that is only fighting to remain relevant. They're asking the Department of Justice to do their dirty work for them by investigating the trial and bringing civil rights charges against Zimmerman. Eric Holder said he'll look into it. If the DoJ investigates this as well as they have Benghazi, Fast & Furious, and the IRS abuses then I expect this to go away as well. The "New Black Panther" Party is talking about getting even. To be frank, I think these people are pissing just about everyone off. There are worse travesties out there happening as we speak yet this is what the black community is upset about. What about the dozens of blacks that were murdered in Chicago during the last July 4th weekend centered in one neighborhood? Why does this case matter so much to them?

Ask the White House.

African-Americans make up 13% of the population yet they commit over 50% of all violent crimes. 93% of black victims are murdered by other blacks. When are these people going to get their heads out of there backsides and face the undeniable truth?

Never. Not as long as the left continues to make excuses for them.



Sharpton: 'Slap in the Face to Those Who Believe in Justice in This Country' | The Weekly Standard
Would this be classified as a liberal war on women?
I thought there was an Hispanic on the jury.

Oh wait... that's the new White.

Ahh yes and don't cha know Clarence Thomas is a white African American?! But Odumbo who is HALF WHITE literally, is AS BLACK AS THEY COME for the leftist race whores! He's a real black man.
I thought there was an Hispanic on the jury.

Oh wait... that's the new White.

Ahh yes and don't cha know Clarence Thomas is a white African American?! But Odumbo who is HALF WHITE literally, is AS BLACK AS THEY COME for the leftist race whores! He's a real black man.

Fucken A:cool:
More female jurors found OJ not guilty than found Zimmerman not guilty.

I suppose then anyone who disagreed with that verdict must hate women even more than Sharpton et al.

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