Al Sharpton Gets In Physical Confrontation With Fox News Reporter [VIDEO]


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well well, look who this woman Mayor is in Cahoots with. Anyone remember VOTING for Sharpton? He seems to be all over the PLACE where there has been riots and lootings...
So you see, you CAN'T ask the mayor any questions. she'll tell you what SHE WANTS and screw the rest of you. VIDEO at the site

Al Sharpton Gets In Physical Confrontation With Fox News Reporter [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold
Media Reporter

Fox News reporter Leland Vittert got into a heated — and eventually physical — confrontation with activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton, when the latter tried to keep him from questioning Democratic Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

“We can’t ask questions?” Vittert challenged her. “You are a public official and we can’t ask questions?”

“You will have the opportunity,” Sharpton said.

“Then you’ll answer our questions?” he pressed.

“At the press conference, we will answer all questions,” Sharpton said. But as Vittert kept tailing them, a second man stepped between the reporter and the mayor and began pushing him away.

all of it here:
Al Sharpton Gets In Confrontation With Fox News Reporter The Daily Caller
It's taken a while but he's finally arrived at the scene
If Baltimore is threatened by windy weather it would do sharpton well to wear his lead soled shoes or the skinny bastard may just blow away. Wouldn't that be great? Sharpton carried away by a straight line wind.
The annoying punk bitch reporter responded like a pansy when he got stiff armed for not getting dafuq out the way. I don't even like Sharpton lol​
The annoying punk bitch reporter responded like a pansy when he got stiff armed for not getting dafuq out the way. I don't even like Sharpton lol
Oh know you worship the ground that asshole shits on.
Not really surprised. Reporters push and push for this kind of thing because it makes for news.
I don’t really care. Sharpton is a lower form of life than smallpox but I don’t give a damn that he got rough with a reporter – it is irrelevant and reporters have a reason to make this shit likely rather than avoid it.
Not really surprised. Reporters push and push for this kind of thing because it makes for news.
I don’t really care. Sharpton is a lower form of life than smallpox but I don’t give a damn that he got rough with a reporter – it is irrelevant and reporters have a reason to make this shit likely rather than avoid it.
Someone find a folding chair. I want to see Geraldo get his big snout broke again. Geraldo is another race baiter.
The annoying punk bitch reporter responded like a pansy when he got stiff armed for not getting dafuq out the way. I don't even like Sharpton lol​

More proof that the far left wants to silence any and all opposition to the far left religion..
Physical confrontation?

I don't like Sharpton, but to call that a "physical confrontation" is a bit of an exaggeration...
"Knotso" is an irrelevant attention whore.......and.


Now if someone punches him in his face, that I'd watch.....
I would pay actual money to see any reporter tell Sharpton to go fuck himself.
The Mayor is a public official. She is supposed to be open to questions, and open to her people, though she has to steep so low as to use one of the most controversial, and racist civil rights leaders in America as a shield. Don't care what the reporter did, or what Al Sharpton did, the fact she has to hide behind him should tell you enough.
And why exactly was Al Sharpton there? In what capacity?
As the Reverend Al Sharpton\The Rev Al Sharpton MSNBC host\President Obama's top advisor\Mayor Bill deBlasio's top advisor\the Baltimore Mayor's advisor\bodyguard?
And why exactly was Al Sharpton there? In what capacity?
As the Reverend Al Sharpton\The Rev Al Sharpton MSNBC host\President Obama's top advisor\Mayor Bill deBlasio's top advisor\the Baltimore Mayor's advisor\bodyguard?
Sharpton is there to stir up the mob. The next 3 or 4 days will tell. Maybe he'll get runover with a NG Humvee.
And why exactly was Al Sharpton there? In what capacity?
As the Reverend Al Sharpton\The Rev Al Sharpton MSNBC host\President Obama's top advisor\Mayor Bill deBlasio's top advisor\the Baltimore Mayor's advisor\bodyguard?
Sharpton is there to stir up the mob. The next 3 or 4 days will tell. Maybe he'll get runover with a NG Humvee.

"Knotso" is there to put out the fire....


what could go wrong?

Looked like simple assault to me.

Not felonious assault but enough to get Al maybe 30-days community service if an honest court could be find to try him.
Sorry, guys, but, viewing the video, this one looks like a non-event, and a non-starter...

I'm disgusted that that old piece-of-shit race-baiter Dull-ton was in the mix, but, other than that...

All I saw was a baiting eager-beaver reporter, shoving his face in the Mayor's, and strident cries for answers to his questions...

He's lucky he didn't get a police baton upside the head...

I'm no fan of this Mayor and I despise Dull-ton, but this particular incident isn't gonna fly, as a controversy...

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