Alan Colmes Gives Perry Zero Chance Soley Because He Is From Texas. How Racist !!

Feb 13, 2011

I'm sure many of us saw him last night on "Bill O'Reilly" going off into left field looking for excuses to write off Rick Perry as a potential candidate. To claim that America will not elect another Governor from Texas was one of the most laughable comments Colmes ever made.He could not think of one reasonable issue of Governor's Perry record to make him an affective candidate. Did any of you see him on Neil Cavuto yesterday? He was so Presidential !! gave such an impressive interview. Yet later that night, that annoying Al Colmes tries to rip him apart as if Governor Perry was as qualified to be President as Howard Dean. I think he's just scared !! We all know if Perry runs, he will win AND OBAMA IS TOAST !!
Secessionist traitor Perry would probably sweep the "South will rise again" vote..but little else. If he carries three states in the South..I would be surprised.
Well Perry will fill the void of Chris Christie. And Perry will be accepted by the Tea Party and GOP, that's why both groups are urging him to run. Just look at what he did to Texas?
Turned it into a debt ridden uneducated sewer of anti american people?
Here's some nice texans talking about America!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Larry Kilgore S or S Rally Austin‬‏[/ame]
Turned it into a debt ridden uneducated sewer of anti american people?

You forgot to mention the characterless subdivsions surrounded by miles and miles of barren wasteland interrupted only by strip malls, chain restaurants, and freeways.
Secessionist traitor Perry would probably sweep the "South will rise again" vote..but little else. If he carries three states in the South..I would be surprised.

Continuous repetition of a false statement won't make it true.​

Rick Perry threatened to secede?


PolitiFact Texas | Bill White says Rick Perry threatened to secede
well, i like politifact. and i generally agree with them. burt i think on this one they maybe should have given it a partly true. because what poiltifact says he said was the following:

“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

so no, he didn't say texas should seceed. he said it should keep its options open if the feds don't do what "the people" want. now, who "the people" are when a president wins with 365 electoral votes is another issue...
Secessionist traitor Perry would probably sweep the "South will rise again" vote..but little else. If he carries three states in the South..I would be surprised.

Continuous repetition of a false statement won't make it true.​

Of course he didn't say it straight out. It's not THEIR way. THEY talk in code. You know how THEY are. :eek:
Secessionist traitor Perry would probably sweep the "South will rise again" vote..but little else. If he carries three states in the South..I would be surprised.

Continuous repetition of a false statement won't make it true.​

We've gone through this.

He said it was an option.

Given the gravity of that remark when juxaposed to the Civil's pretty fucking traitorous.
Can anyone name a politician from Texas that influenced America in a positive manner.
LBJ? GWB? George HW? Phil Gramm? Dick Armey?
well, i like politifact. and i generally agree with them. burt i think on this one they maybe should have given it a partly true. because what poiltifact says he said was the following:

“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

so no, he didn't say texas should seceed. he said it should keep its options open if the feds don't do what "the people" want. now, who "the people" are when a president wins with 365 electoral votes is another issue...

He said "We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it."

There is no way that that statement can be construed as secessionist.
I just can't wait to see Romney and Perry In the next debate side by side,,you know that all watching will be looking at the next GOP Ticket.
well, i like politifact. and i generally agree with them. burt i think on this one they maybe should have given it a partly true. because what poiltifact says he said was the following:

“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

so no, he didn't say texas should seceed. he said it should keep its options open if the feds don't do what "the people" want. now, who "the people" are when a president wins with 365 electoral votes is another issue...

He said "We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it."

There is no way that that statement can be construed as secessionist.

i think people can make contradictory statements. i agree that saying he said "we should seceed" is absolutely a mischaracterization. so we're on the same page there. but after i think the thought he expresses is kind of like a child saying "give us what we want or i'll hold my breath til i turn blue". you know they're not really going to hold their breath, but the sentiment is there. ;)
well, i like politifact. and i generally agree with them. but i think on this one they maybe should have given it a partly true. because what poiltifact says he said was the following:

so no, he didn't say texas should secede. he said it should keep its options open if the feds don't do what "the people" want. now, who "the people" are when a president wins with 365 electoral votes is another issue...

He said "We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it."

There is no way that that statement can be construed as secessionist.

i think people can make contradictory statements. i agree that saying he said "we should secede" is absolutely a mischaracterization. so we're on the same page there. but after i think the thought he expresses is kind of like a child saying "give us what we want or i'll hold my breath til i turn blue". you know they're not really going to hold their breath, but the sentiment is there. ;)

:lol: While I wouldn't couch it in those terms exactly...I agree that IMO all the secession rhetoric stemmed from frustration over a perceived lack of representation in Washington and that Texans never had the slightest intention of carrying out the threat.

The Democrats at that time had control of the White House, and both Houses of Congress with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

Texans didn't feel they had any voice in government, and engaged in hyperbole by calling for secession, to send the message of their displeasure to the politicians in Washington.
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