Alexandra Pelosi Interviews Shameless Welfare Recipients

High on crack or stoned. Typical entitlement generation. After the experience with the "Drug Culture" in Vietnam, the Government, knowing what the result would be should the US become embroiled in a WWII style event, tried to subdue it to no avail. In contrast to the day after Pearl Harbor, when lines of volunteers at the recruiting offices stretched for blocks, people burned candles in Central Park after 9/11.
Where was Sandra Fluke in the video?
Like the black guy who said he can't get a job because he has been arrested. Sad.
Public assistance is merely a symptom of a more significant problem: this Nation’s unwillingness to invest in education and training programs designed to enable Americans to become truly self-sufficient.

Needless to say opposition to such programs comes from the right, a consequence of their blind adherence to rightist dogma; and they share in the blame for any increase in the number of those on assistance accordingly.
Public assistance is merely a symptom of a more significant problem: this Nation’s unwillingness to invest in education and training programs designed to enable Americans to become truly self-sufficient.

Needless to say opposition to such programs comes from the right, a consequence of their blind adherence to rightist dogma; and they share in the blame for any increase in the number of those on assistance accordingly.

Oddly the US keeps investing more and more and more and more and more and education get worse and worse and worse and worse....

Unless you can prove we are doing less, and you can't.
Not everyone on public assitance is a saint.

Not everyone on corporate welfare is a saint
More or less CC you would have an argument if it were not for the fact that you are literally getting exactly what you want.

Of course you would argue the funds were spent poorly... Then when we say YES, LIKE WE SIAD IT WOULD BE, you will just repeat yourself. If you give Government money to do a job they will do it poorly, over budget and claim they need more and more and more and more. There, I just gave you the future to every Government program, am I genius or just using some basic ass common sense? The Government has no bottom line, no breakeven point, No fear of failing… thus Government runs programs as a child would, very poorly.
Not everyone on public assitance is a saint.

Not everyone on corporate welfare is a saint

Good, lets end both and then there is no bitching, and we can have lower taxes as well as the constitution can be followed. Good call TM.

Man, sure would be nice if the great awesome Democrats would do something about that evil corporate welfare... To bad they just give more, just like the Republicans.... Gawd this conversation gets old.
Why are you not far more concerned about the money we give to wealthy corps?

"Gawd this conversation gets old"

TM, what has Obama or YOU done to change it? And you wonder why people insult you, reality means nothing in a debate to you. Let me guess, some how Republicans forced Obama and Dems to do the very same thing Bush and Reps (Oh and Bush and Dems lol) did...

You're in my sig for a reason, because you lie non stop...
Very telling was the toothless guy who said that although voting R had never done anything for him in the past, " could..."

When I first heard that mindset - that rw voters believe they will someday be rich and that's why they vote to benefit the rich while screwing over their own kids. I thought it was just too dumb to be true. But, I read a poll, the results of which showed that rw's buy the most lottery tickets even though they know the odds are astronomically against winning. And, remember Mitch Daniels said rw/R voters believe we are a country of the haves and '...soon to haves...'.

So, yeah, they really are as ignernt and naive as the toothless guy in the video.

Sad because voting R virtually guarantees that you'll never be any wealthier than you are right now. But, don't expect the rw's to ever understand that any more than they understand that Mittens is making fun of them every time he opens his mouth.
the nut didn't fall too far in that family tree..

she did some whiny Crockumentary on the Dixie chicks for crying out loud. she fancies herself someone Impotant, like John McCains daughter..
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Why are you not far more concerned about the money we give to wealthy corps?

Straight from our pockets to theirs and amazingly, that conversation seems to bore some rw's.


HOLY SHIT this conversation gets old fast.

I don't defend Bush, Reps or Obama or Dems for doing THE SAME THING. So why do some people think they can support 1 side that does it while attacking the other side the does the SAME FUCKING THING THEY CLAIM TO HATE.

How hard is it for some people to understand when they bitch about something while supporting it THEY look stupid.

The world is not broken down into Republican or Democrats, and at that you HAVE to support what Madcow or fat ass Rush says... Some of us can think for ourselves, the question is can you?
It's like calling Bush and Reps war mogers then voting for Obama for a second term... How many half ass wars are we in at this point anyways?
Sad because voting R virtually guarantees that you'll never be any wealthier than you are right now. But, don't expect the rw's to ever understand that any more than they understand that Mittens is making fun of them every time he opens his mouth.

Well, the Rs are more likely to stop those scary gay people from gettin' hitched, so it's all worth it.

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