All Violent Felony Antifa 2017 Trump Inauguration Protest Charges Dismissed, Peaceful J6 Protester Gets 15 Years

Conservative demonstrators turned into felons because of DeepState fear and Democrat hysteria and vindictiveness.

Ugly beyond words.
"If we just make up enough crazy stories, our violent fascist traitor brethren will be set free!"

Sorry, Trump cult traitors, that's not how the legal system works. Your violence fascist douche pals will keep rotting in prison, no matter how many lies you tell.

And Traitor Ashli? She's still freezing in Hell. That cheers me up every time I think about it.

By the way, can you all settle on one idiot conspiracy theory? Half of you are saying Jan 6 was staged by paid liberal actors, now you're saying they were loyal conservatives.
Promises must be made to treat Prog insurrectionists the same or tell the areas affected to go screw themselves. This time no concern and move the money to red areas.
Breaking Breaking, the Black J6 Proud Boy gets the longest sentence yet. From liberal racist judge. Never was in building, never did anything violent.

He plotted, he organized, he directed. Should have got 23 years. Quit making racist statements, Munkie.
He plotted, he organized, he directed. Should have got 23 years. Quit making racist statements, Munkie.
Shut up, fool.

You wouldn't know a racist if one bit you in the ass.

What a fucking maroon.

Ben Franklin plotted and organized too, you dumb fucking asshole.

Why are leftards so completely full of shit?
The "Hive Mentality" is why flying/stinging insects are so dangerous, & as can be seen the hive mentality s not just limited to flying/stinging insects.
I'd have to agree with that. Most all Democrats are part of the Borg Collective. If you stray outside of that you will either be re-assimilated or gotten rid of.
So you supported the BLM and AntiFAG riots? Gotcha!
I'd have to agree with that. Most all Democrats are part of the Borg Collective. If you stray outside of that you will either be re-assimilated or gotten rid of.

Imagine being so stupid you believe Groomer media telling you a bunch of small town dorks are "Nazis." Then you attack them on that basis. But they can only attack the women and old men. The Proud Boys eff them up.
Imagine being so stupid you believe Groomer media telling you a bunch of small town dorks are "Nazis." Then you attack them on that basis. But they can only attack the women and old men. The Proud Boys eff them up.
I wouldn't know. I don't listen to biased media from either side. But, I know a hit job when I see one.
The Proud Boys are so tough they all are in jail for ten years or more.

Imitate them, stupid boy.

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