

Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
claim · assertion · charge · accusation · statement · contention

How have we as a society gone from the burden of proof and the rule of law to where anyone can simply accuse you of something and without proof, be acted upon to be judged and sentenced?

Remember the witch trials of Boston? Burned at the stake for an------- accusation.

Is this the first step of the weaponization of female hatred towards men? Enter the new term: "Toxic Masculinity."

The charges could all be true. Great! Present the evidence. But there must be a process, otherwise, anyone can accuse you of anything just to get you in trouble because they have a bone to pick with you. And there needs to be a statute of limitations. For medical malpractice, that is two years. If you have been wronged and don't bother to bring it to anyone's attention within two years, that alone raises suspicion.

"Inappropriate Sexual Behavior." What is that? What is inappropriate? Who determines that? Does it vary from person to person? Does the accuser get to decide? How are you to know when you have crossed another person's unspoken line? Is it possible for women to be guilty of inappropriate sexual behavior?

What if nudie bar dancers, call girls, and girls wearing especially revealing and suggestive apparel out in public and acting in a provocative way begin to get charged with inappropriate sexual behavior? Is it impossible for a man to feel threatened or uncomfortable by a woman? Or is this another case where only men can have bad behavior just as only whites can be racist?

If there was a woman of authority in your office who disliked you and you knew all she had to do is accuse you of something, maybe caught you glancing at her chest (or just THOUGHT you were), would THAT make you feel uncomfortable and threatened?

Witness Matt Lauer, a man who has worked at NBC for over 20 years with never a bad word or complaint said against him all that time.

“On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer,” Andrew Lack, the NBC News president, said in a memo to the staff.

Just the other day, I saw Tucker Carlson talk about years ago when a girl accused him of gross inappropriate behavior in very great detail and yet it was totally untrue! He fought to clear his name and it cost him a great deal of money. The woman was explicit, detailed, yet it was totally false. That is the danger of acting just on a person's word alone. Even little children, once Junior realizes he can get his older brother in trouble just by complaining to Mom, he realizes he has a weapon to use against him over and over, for fun, manipulation, extortion, even vengeance.

He said the allegation against Mr. Lauer “represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment.”

Does anyone realize the danger in this? Maybe he was guilty! But then, maybe he was innocent. A man's life and career ruined and based only on someone's claim? What power we have placed in women's hands, and we all know that ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.

“My client and I met with representatives from NBC’s Human Resources and Legal Departments at 6 p.m. on Monday for an interview that lasted several hours. Our impression at this point is that NBC acted quickly, as all companies should."

Really? All companies should act quickly? Based on just a claim? Am I the only one who notices this is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE to how the law works? Shouldn't companies take the time to get at the facts, the truth, carefully, out of an interest to fairness towards all their employees? DO YOU THINK IF A MAN MADE AN ACCUSATION AGAINST A WOMAN, THEY WOULD FIRE HER WITHOUT CAREFUL INVESTIGATION?

We are in a new age of hatred, hatred towards whites (White Privilege), Civil War figures long dead, Nationalism, and now men? Are men the latest popular fad to be burned at the stake? That is, until they start acting like women, change in order to conform to the mandates of a subset who said they wanted to just be an equal in the world? Now expecting that world to change to suit them? Empowering women to use mere words as weapons against anyone they don't like. I hear many women say how much less violent women are over men------ that men kill more, commit crimes, use knives, guns, etc., to hurt others. Maybe that is just because women aren't as well build for PHYSICAL violence? But what if you had a weapon you could use and it was nothing more than YOUR WORDS? Could it be that women have been historically less violent only because the means were not at their disposal? I've heard several times now where a woman claimed the world would be a better place if THEY ran it (with a smile on there face). What? A better place--- --- if it were without men? Or at least men were now on a lease controlled by women?

So how should men act now? How will you look at a woman? Address her? What is appropriate and what is not? What men are left with is a court of action with no clearly defined boundaries, no defense, and every day you go through life now, your every dealing with a woman, especially if alone with her, no witnesses, or a friend of hers, a week, a month, a year, or 20 or 40 years later even, you stand threatened to be accused, have your career ruined, your life taken away------ ZERO TOLERANCE. And for what?


Or at least the claim of it. But EVERYONE has bad behavior. That is plain HUMAN. Where does that leave our children? Bad behavior is part of growing up. In a way, it is part of the fun and innocence of childhood, at least for boys, for bad behavior is usually not meant to be anything other than meant innocently. Sometimes it is just for attention and it can ever be because he likes you! And without bad behavior, you have no way of understanding good. What next (is it already here?), zero tolerance for our children, living in fear of any claim, any punishment just for being a kid? Zero tolerance for making mistakes at a point in life where you are just learning what a mistake is by making them? A childhood where fear drives out throwing apples, teasing girls, playing pranks, having fun, teasing, and making jokes? Are we putting our children, especially boys, into a straight-jacket to where being male is slowly being criminalized? Can you even begin to see the conflicts this will set up in our kids, where they cannot act out normal, human behavior and the consequences this might have on them as adults------ to be vented when the pressure reaches a breaking point, violently.

Curiously, isn't this just what we are seeing? Irrational, pointless, inexplicable violence erupting everywhere we turn now?

I don't want to live in a world much less even see what it does to it, run by and populated by people who have no tolerance for mistakes, no second chances, no leeway for fun and innocence, no leeway to be HUMAN. Where even little children must grow up overnight now to realize that their most innocent actions will now be taken very, very, seriously.

Welcome to 1984.

CBS has had their firing. Now NBC. They have both shown, overtly, that they are proactive in the war against inappropriate men. I expect that ABC will now find their sacrificial lamb, lest they be accused of being "insensitive" to the plight of the female worker------ who has to work with--------- men.
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I agree with you Toobfreak. This isn't the world that I want to live in either and one that is very much fascist and 1984 as you stated above. We leftist are turning on our ideals that we promoted decades ago to become the new aged prudes and that is something that makes me deeply sick.
These companies like NBC may be making knee-jerk reactions, but it is their right as a private company. This isn't about the "rule of law". A very rich man losing his job for inappropriate behavior is a far cry from burning witches at the stake.
These companies like NBC may be making knee-jerk reactions, but it is their right as a private company. This isn't about the "rule of law". A very rich man losing his job for inappropriate behavior is a far cry from burning witches at the stake.

Is it? Do they, as a private company have the right to accuse you PUBLICLY of a crime without any proof? Ruin your reputation? Cost you your career? Your House? Your marriage? And if you are accused of a crime, shouldn't you be prosecuted? Why did the anonymous woman say his firing was enough? Why does she get to decide? And if it wasn't a crime, just what was it? Have you no rights as a person, as an employee? Do all rights go to the company or accuser? So by merely accepting a job, you put yourself at great risk for anytime anyone makes an accusation for anything?

The reason why Lauer was fired is plain and simple. Money. Today Show is a HUGE money maker and their audience is large women. And you don't have to be very rich. If it can happen to the very rich, then it can happen to you as well. Whatever became of JUSTICE? "Justice" today seems to have devolved down into whole classes of people being guilty of something they never did and have no control over, just for being part of that class, as defined by somebody else.

As such, we are ALL now potential victims and victimizers of someone or something! What will be the new class of tomorrow to be burned at the stake of modern social catharsisism?
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claim · assertion · charge · accusation · statement · contention

How have we as a society gone from the burden of proof and the rule of law to where anyone can simply accuse you of something and without proof, be acted upon to be judged and sentenced?

Remember the witch trials of Boston? Burned at the stake for an------- accusation

Excellent question and excellent starting point. I think it's got to do with a mass penchant for a self-delusion, the world of "alternate facts" that exist just because "this is what I'd like to be true".

That's exactly what I've been trying to ram into the "Elizabeth Warren lied" freaks. Maybe you can get through to them.
Remember the witch trials of Boston?
How many witches were burned at the stake? None.

Not in Salem, but where did anyone say they were "burned"? That would be Europe in prior years.

Most were hung in Salem, and one was "pressed to death" which means placed under a huge rock. But none had actual "evidence" save what was called "spectral evidence" which is legal farce.

Fun fact: one of the victims Susanna Martin was the great-great-great-great-great grandmother of Chester Alan Arthur.
Is this the first step of the weaponization of female hatred towards men?
Even not being able to tell what in your question "this" refers to, no. Women, as a gender and segment of society, are not about to hate, let alone harbor "weaponized" hatred of, men. Neither will men, as a gender and segment of society, hate women.
Remember the witch trials of Boston?
How many witches were burned at the stake? None.

In Massachusetts they were hung, but the legend and saying comes from Europe. In Colonial America, witchcraft was a felony (a crime) punishable by death by hanging. However, in Europe witchcraft was considered heresy (a crime against the church itself) and punishable by burning at the stake. So the people of Salem hung nineteen people and as many as thirteen people may have died in prison.
Women, as a gender and segment of society, are not about to hate, let alone harbor "weaponized" hatred of, men.

Sorry to disagree, but I've already seen it in many activist women. There was one on TV just the other night interviewed by Tucker! She grinned at the prospect! It will be no different than Blacks, given freedom, given equality, many see it as the time now to "get even" with a bunch of people who have not done a thing to them, just because of the "class" they have been made part of. We live in a word of labels now where instead of seeing an individual for what they really are, they are judged by whatever label can be affixed to them.
I'm reminded of a good piece I'd bookmarked some time ago on the topic. I'll share a snippet and a link as I'm reminded of it after reading over Xelor's babble...

...There are very few legitimate cultural divisions in the world. Most of them are arbitrarily created, not only by political and financial elites, but also by the useful idiots and mindless acolytes infesting the sullied halls of academia.

It is perhaps no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of "social justice warriors", PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals based on biological reality and inherent genetic and psychological ability. This is what cultural Marxists do: divide and conquer or homogenize and conquer, whatever the situation happens to call for.

They do this most commonly by designated arbitrary "victim status" to various classes, thus dividing them from each other based on how "oppressed" they supposedly are. The less statistically prominent a particular group is (less represented in a job field, media, education, population, etc.) in any western society based on their color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, etc., generally the more victim group status is afforded to them by social justice gatekeepers. Whites and males (straight males) are of course far at the bottom of their list of people who have reason to complain and we are repeatedly targeted by SJW organizations and web mobs as purveyors of some absurd theory called "the patriarchy".

Although cultural marxism does indeed target every individual and harm every individual in the long run, my list of personal solutions outlined in this article will be directed in large part at the categories of people most attacked by the social justice cult today...

Continued - How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation
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The charges could all be true. Great! Present the evidence. But there must be a process, otherwise, anyone can accuse you of anything just to get you in trouble because they have a bone to pick with you. And there needs to be a statute of limitations. For medical malpractice, that is two years. If you have been wronged and don't bother to bring it to anyone's attention within two years, that alone raises suspicion.

What a bizarre way to make a point. How is it you managed to open the paragraph above by highlighting that mere suspicion's insufficiency for condemning or penalizing someone and then close the same paragraph by asserting that the suspicious nature of delayed reaction is part and parcel of why delayed reaction should be disallowed by dint of statues of limitations, presumably with regard to sexual misconduct among other things.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that there's due cause to deem suspect one's, decades hence a meansless high school or college student's offence, discovering their great wealth and in turn attesting to his/her having "way back when" wronged one, particularly does os so via a lawsuit that seeks monetary restitution. When the offended party isn't seeking any financial reward from their long delayed accusation, however, it's rather hard to credibly assert that their doing so is for reasons other than to secure justice or "closure," be it for themselves or altruistically.
Remember the witch trials of Boston?
How many witches were burned at the stake? None.

In Massachusetts they were hung, but the legend and saying comes from Europe. In Colonial America, witchcraft was a felony (a crime) punishable by death by hanging. However, in Europe witchcraft was considered heresy (a crime against the church itself) and punishable by burning at the stake. So the people of Salem hung nineteen people and as many as thirteen people may have died in prison.
Okay. TY for sharing that. I wasn't aware of the variance in execution methods.

...Hung, burned at the stake, buried alive, whatever...How the individuals were killed isn't germane to the saw's point.
The thing that stands out to me is the fact that these people are not being arrested.

Except that Weiner weirdo that is.

O'Reilly not arrested, Lauer not arrested etc. However, there are SETTLEMENTS.

If these poor women are so abused, then why are none of them pressing charges and why are they all looking for a pay day? Or....getting a pay day?

They come to work, dolled up, wearing seductive fragrances, and FLIRTING with the power alpha men, and this is what we are getting?

Seems to me like it is the salem witch hunts....just reverse the genders. Ooooops, did I say gender?
claim · assertion · charge · accusation · statement · contention

How have we as a society gone from the burden of proof and the rule of law to where anyone can simply accuse you of something and without proof, be acted upon to be judged and sentenced?

Remember the witch trials of Boston? Burned at the stake for an------- accusation.

Is this the first step of the weaponization of female hatred towards men? Enter the new term: "Toxic Masculinity."

The charges could all be true. Great! Present the evidence. But there must be a process, otherwise, anyone can accuse you of anything just to get you in trouble because they have a bone to pick with you. And there needs to be a statute of limitations. For medical malpractice, that is two years. If you have been wronged and don't bother to bring it to anyone's attention within two years, that alone raises suspicion.

"Inappropriate Sexual Behavior." What is that? What is inappropriate? Who determines that? Does it vary from person to person? Does the accuser get to decide? How are you to know when you have crossed another person's unspoken line? Is it possible for women to be guilty of inappropriate sexual behavior?

What if nudie bar dancers, call girls, and girls wearing especially revealing and suggestive apparel out in public and acting in a provocative way begin to get charged with inappropriate sexual behavior? Is it impossible for a man to feel threatened or uncomfortable by a woman? Or is this another case where only men can have bad behavior just as only whites can be racist?

If there was a woman of authority in your office who disliked you and you knew all she had to do is accuse you of something, maybe caught you glancing at her chest (or just THOUGHT you were), would THAT make you feel uncomfortable and threatened?

Witness Matt Lauer, a man who has worked at NBC for over 20 years with never a bad word or complaint said against him all that time.

“On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer,” Andrew Lack, the NBC News president, said in a memo to the staff.

Just the other day, I saw Tucker Carlson talk about years ago when a girl accused him of gross inappropriate behavior in very great detail and yet it was totally untrue! He fought to clear his name and it cost him a great deal of money. The woman was explicit, detailed, yet it was totally false. That is the danger of acting just on a person's word alone. Even little children, once Junior realizes he can get his older brother in trouble just by complaining to Mom, he realizes he has a weapon to use against him over and over, for fun, manipulation, extortion, even vengeance.

He said the allegation against Mr. Lauer “represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment.”

Does anyone realize the danger in this? Maybe he was guilty! But then, maybe he was innocent. A man's life and career ruined and based only on someone's claim? What power we have placed in women's hands, and we all know that ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.

“My client and I met with representatives from NBC’s Human Resources and Legal Departments at 6 p.m. on Monday for an interview that lasted several hours. Our impression at this point is that NBC acted quickly, as all companies should."

Really? All companies should act quickly? Based on just a claim? Am I the only one who notices this is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE to how the law works? Shouldn't companies take the time to get at the facts, the truth, carefully, out of an interest to fairness towards all their employees? DO YOU THINK IF A MAN MADE AN ACCUSATION AGAINST A WOMAN, THEY WOULD FIRE HER WITHOUT CAREFUL INVESTIGATION?

We are in a new age of hatred, hatred towards whites (White Privilege), Civil War figures long dead, Nationalism, and now men? Are men the latest popular fad to be burned at the stake? That is, until they start acting like women, change in order to conform to the mandates of a subset who said they wanted to just be an equal in the world? Now expecting that world to change to suit them? Empowering women to use mere words as weapons against anyone they don't like. I hear many women say how much less violent women are over men------ that men kill more, commit crimes, use knives, guns, etc., to hurt others. Maybe that is just because women aren't as well build for PHYSICAL violence? But what if you had a weapon you could use and it was nothing more than YOUR WORDS? Could it be that women have been historically less violent only because the means were not at their disposal? I've heard several times now where a woman claimed the world would be a better place if THEY ran it (with a smile on there face). What? A better place--- --- if it were without men? Or at least men were now on a lease controlled by women?

So how should men act now? How will you look at a woman? Address her? What is appropriate and what is not? What men are left with is a court of action with no clearly defined boundaries, no defense, and every day you go through life now, your every dealing with a woman, especially if alone with her, no witnesses, or a friend of hers, a week, a month, a year, or 20 or 40 years later even, you stand threatened to be accused, have your career ruined, your life taken away------ ZERO TOLERANCE. And for what?


Or at least the claim of it. But EVERYONE has bad behavior. That is plain HUMAN. Where does that leave our children? Bad behavior is part of growing up. In a way, it is part of the fun and innocence of childhood, at least for boys, for bad behavior is usually not meant to be anything other than meant innocently. Sometimes it is just for attention and it can ever be because he likes you! And without bad behavior, you have no way of understanding good. What next (is it already here?), zero tolerance for our children, living in fear of any claim, any punishment just for being a kid? Zero tolerance for making mistakes at a point in life where you are just learning what a mistake is by making them? A childhood where fear drives out throwing apples, teasing girls, playing pranks, having fun, teasing, and making jokes? Are we putting our children, especially boys, into a straight-jacket to where being male is slowly being criminalized? Can you even begin to see the conflicts this will set up in our kids, where they cannot act out normal, human behavior and the consequences this might have on them as adults------ to be vented when the pressure reaches a breaking point, violently.

Curiously, isn't this just what we are seeing? Irrational, pointless, inexplicable violence erupting everywhere we turn now?

I don't want to live in a world much less even see what it does to it, run by and populated by people who have no tolerance for mistakes, no second chances, no leeway for fun and innocence, no leeway to be HUMAN. Where even little children must grow up overnight now to realize that their most innocent actions will now be taken very, very, seriously.

Welcome to 1984.

CBS has had their firing. Now NBC. They have both shown, overtly, that they are proactive in the war against inappropriate men. I expect that ABC will now find their sacrificial lamb, lest they be accused of being "insensitive" to the plight of the female worker------ who has to work with--------- men.
Liberal scum is how.
Women, as a gender and segment of society, are not about to hate, let alone harbor "weaponized" hatred of, men.

Sorry to disagree, but I've already seen it in many activist women. There was one on TV just the other night interviewed by Tucker! She grinned at the prospect! It will be no different than Blacks, given freedom, given equality, many see it as the time now to "get even" with a bunch of people who have not done a thing to them, just because of the "class" they have been made part of. We live in a word of labels now where instead of seeing an individual for what they really are, they are judged by whatever label can be affixed to them.

Be that as it may, what you line of argument does is, on the basis of whatever it is you've seen, ascribe to half the planet's population a mindset of animus toward men. It's going to take a lot more than whatever you've seen to credibly support the notion that women, as a gender and segment of society, have hatred toward men, let alone that they've also weaponized it in some way or other.
Is this the first step of the weaponization of female hatred towards men?

Sorry to disagree
You don't need to apologize for disagreeing. If there be any apology due for one's stance, in this case your apparent notion, and corresponding basis for suspecting it valid, about the hatred of men and weaponization of that hatred by women, to me or anyone else, it should be for irrationality of the line(s) of argument one, you, have presented in support of that notion.

I don't mind that people disagree with me. I mind that they form, harbor, air and defend notions founded on unsound lines of thought. To wit, I'm not saying the notion you've aired about the weaponization of women's hatred of men is accurate or inaccurate. I'm saying that thinking it accurate on the basis of what you've observed is insufficient, is an unsound basis for thinking the notion is accurate.
The thing that stands out to me is the fact that these people are not being arrested.

Except that Weiner weirdo that is.

O'Reilly not attested, Lauer not arrested etc. However, there are SETTLEMENTS.

If these poor women are so abused, then why are none of them pressing charges and why are they all looking for a pay day? Or....getting a pay day?

They come to work, dolled up, wearing seductive fragrances, and FLIRTING with the power alpha men, and this is what we are getting?

Seems to me like it is the salem witch hunts....just reverae the genders. Ooooops, did I say gender?

You won't find any argument from this leftist. That is exactly what is occurring.
Listen all these sexual predators/gropers/etc have to do to beat the rap is to claim they identify as a non sexual predator. Case closed.

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