

Nov 6, 2011
Just wanted to pop by and introduce myself..I am a married male living in Michigan, trying the best I can to stay in front of and out of the way of our current administration and big government in general...I am a small business owner one of the 80% that tries to keep America going despite the efforts of our elected ruling elite...hope everyone had a great weekend and celebrated Guy Fawkes day with spirit..or as I did with spirits!!
Hello0o0o00o0--Welcome----and Aloha, Shaggy!
We are good people here....well, most of us ~LoL~
Oh I forgot to Scooby Dooby Doo here too??
Just wanted to pop by and introduce myself..I am a married male living in Michigan, trying the best I can to stay in front of and out of the way of our current administration and big government in general...I am a small business owner one of the 80% that tries to keep America going despite the efforts of our elected ruling elite...hope everyone had a great weekend and celebrated Guy Fawkes day with spirit..or as I did with spirits!!

Businessman eh? Guess you're one of the oppressors ripping off the poor and middleclass while basking in unearned luxury......... :eusa_whistle:

not a one post wonder but thanks for the benfit of the doubt Mr. H
trying to get my bearings around here before I jump into the for the other Roman numerals, my moniker comes from the declination of white water rapids, VI being the highest and most treacherous and you know and knowing is half the battle...GI Joe!!!!!
Businessman yes...retail lumber to be more specific..and I am one of the 5 employees left after the housing crash..we had 14...
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For a second I thought you were gonna say you were going to Hawaii.

Imagine my disappointment. .
Hello, Shaggy.

I am a small business owner whose customers include retail lumber yards.

And....I do a pretty good impression of Scooby.

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