Alphabet Folks Meltdown at Sight of American Flags


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

Fury as Seattle country dance squad are ordered to remove their American flag T-shirts for 'triggering' woke organizers at LGBTQ event​

Remember, they just want to live their own perverse lifestyle, they won’t order you to submit to their mental illness.

I wish I was there, I would have had fun.

They want to change the American Flag ( And Not by adding a Star or two

Fury as Seattle country dance squad are ordered to remove their American flag T-shirts for 'triggering' woke organizers at LGBTQ event​

Remember, they just want to live their own perverse lifestyle, they won’t order you to submit to their mental illness.

I wish I was there, I would have had fun.

I think my favorite is when queers held up "Queers for Palestinians" signs, seemingly totally unaware that Palestinians would jail them (or worse) just for being queer. But, let's support those Palestinians.
That flag represents a country that allows them all to freely behave like hedonistic, disrespectful, perverts they are. Without that flag they may not be able to act the way they do.

They should be grateful they live in a free country.
That flag represents a country that allows them all to freely behave like hedonistic, disrespectful, perverts they are. Without that flag they may not be able to act the way they do.

They should be grateful they live in a free country.
It’s an example of the quality of the education system of America today.
That flag represents a country that allows them all to freely behave like hedonistic, disrespectful, perverts they are. Without that flag they may not be able to act the way they do.

They should be grateful they live in a free country.
They’re as clueless as those negroes who knelt during the anthem. Protesting against the system that allows them to protest. Fucking morons deluxe.
The other day I was talking to a 20 something and he didn’t even know about Iran taking over our embassy and kidnapping our people.

Education system is intentionally dumbing down people so the Left can have power.

Fury as Seattle country dance squad are ordered to remove their American flag T-shirts for 'triggering' woke organizers at LGBTQ event​

Remember, they just want to live their own perverse lifestyle, they won’t order you to submit to their mental illness.

I wish I was there, I would have had fun.

I just can't anymore these people are such ass clowns
The other day I was talking to a 20 something and he didn’t even know about Iran taking over our embassy and kidnapping our people.

Education system is intentionally dumbing down people so the Left can have power.
I’m surprised anyone under forty knows about that.
The other day I was talking to a 20 something and he didn’t even know about Iran taking over our embassy and kidnapping our people.

Education system is intentionally dumbing down people so the Left can have power.
Yet so many of us cling to our Socially Liberal Never Trumper / Never GOPer Turd Party ways election cycle after election cycle
I can see why the left would hate these women.
As Leticia James would say, 'too white, too privileged, too patriotic'.


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