Am I evil for doing this?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
A friend and former supervisor is a huge comic book fan and has been dying to go see the Avengers movie, but couldnt go this past weekend due to a granddaughters birth.

So me and our mutual officemate have seen the movie and so this former supervisor, 'Bill', made us swear to not give him any spoilers about the movie. Whenver we dicussed the movie when he was around, without actually saying anything about the movies specific content, Bill would put his fingers in his ears and whistle or go 'lalalalalala' etc.

Well, we were going to lunch Monday and I asked him out of the blue, Does Hawk die in the comic books?

Man, you would have thought I kicked him in the balls or something. He doubles over and grabs the fence we were going by and goes into this huge rant about how could I possibly be so stupid and insensitive about giving away such an important plot line in the movie, etc.

When he finally calmed down, I said, 'Bill, Iwas only asking; it had nothing to do with the movie.'

Bill, 'Well, now your denial also tells me he wont die.'

Me, 'No Bill, my question had nothing to do with the movie. Most of these comic book heroes die at one time or another or get their backs broken or some crap, like Batman, and I was just wondering if Hawk ever died in any of them, thats all.'

He really looked like he was conflicted; convinced I was yanking his chain but having no proof he did not pursue it.

I allowed myself a little grin when I got in the car after him, but on the way home I laughed my ass off.

But was this evil to do to a friend?
A friend and former supervisor is a huge comic book fan and has been dying to go see the Avengers movie, but couldnt go this past weekend due to a granddaughters birth.

So me and our mutual officemate have seen the movie and so this former supervisor, 'Bill', made us swear to not give him any spoilers about the movie. Whenver we dicussed the movie when he was around, without actually saying anything about the movies specific content, Bill would put his fingers in his ears and whistle or go 'lalalalalala' etc.

Well, we were going to lunch Monday and I asked him out of the blue, Does Hawk die in the comic books?

Man, you would have thought I kicked him in the balls or something. He doubles over and grabs the fence we were going by and goes into this huge rant about how could I possibly be so stupid and insensitive about giving away such an important plot line in the movie, etc.

When he finally calmed down, I said, 'Bill, Iwas only asking; it had nothing to do with the movie.'

Bill, 'Well, now your denial also tells me he wont die.'

Me, 'No Bill, my question had nothing to do with the movie. Most of these comic book heroes die at one time or another or get their backs broken or some crap, like Batman, and I was just wondering if Hawk ever died in any of them, thats all.'

He really looked like he was conflicted; convinced I was yanking his chain but having no proof he did not pursue it.

I allowed myself a little grin when I got in the car after him, but on the way home I laughed my ass off.

But was this evil to do to a friend?



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