Am I the only one who doesnt like anyone running?


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate

You're not the only one.

Only serious choice I see is Kasich.

His experience makes Hillary look like a first term senator.

But he won't make it to the Convention, and none of the rest are worth leaving the house to vote for
Right. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" to "You have the right to free health care and universities". No inconsistency there!

Guaranteed healthcare and education are not outrageous ideas. Most people would actually save money with single payer by not paying a ton of money for health insurance. It's sad that I actually have to defend education, but the better educated our population is the better. It is worth the investment. Other countries have realized that; we should too.
Right. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" to "You have the right to free health care and universities". No inconsistency there!
Guaranteed healthcare and education are not outrageous ideas. Most people would actually save money with single payer by not paying a ton of money for health insurance. It's sad that I actually have to defend education, but the better educated our population is the better. It is worth the investment. Other countries have realized that; we should too.
Other countries pay much more in taxes, $6 a gallon for gas has been common in Europe. Single payer means same shit service for everyone so we can all suffer in harmony.

But the point was it is very different than what JFK stood for, he lowered taxes! He wouldn't be a consideration for a Democrat position today.
Right. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" to "You have the right to free health care and universities". No inconsistency there!
Guaranteed healthcare and education are not outrageous ideas. Most people would actually save money with single payer by not paying a ton of money for health insurance. It's sad that I actually have to defend education, but the better educated our population is the better. It is worth the investment. Other countries have realized that; we should too.
Other countries pay much more in taxes, $6 a gallon for gas has been common in Europe. Single payer means same shit service for everyone so we can all suffer in harmony.

But the point was it is very different than what JFK stood for, he lowered taxes! He wouldn't be a consideration for a Democrat position today.

I'd rather have everyone be able to get "shit healthcare" than only the richest among us be able to afford it and everyone else gets nothing.
I wish people would rebel.

Do their own homework of everyone they know and just do a write it.
It's the only true way to buck the system.
WRITE IN... okay I have to figure out a way to get the entire country on board with doing write in votes in 8 months.... ideas?????
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate


The Sweet Meteor of Death has my vote. The SMOD is ready to make a powerful impact in this campaign, as well as the Earth's crust, and any ocean that might be in the way.

The SMOD ends politics as we know it, while ending pretty much everything else.

Only the SMOD can unite our divided electorate, where everyone is equally screwed.
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate

No you are not the only one. I don't have much use for any of the ones running for various reasons. Trump was cozy with the Clintons in the 1990's. The only reason he has done so well to this point if the fact that the Congress has done nothing on controlling immigration and has for the most part asked 'how high' when Obama says jump (with some exceptions).
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate
all of them are bottom of the rung for this guy....i am...

Erase the lines that keep insurance companies from traveling across state lines and you'll have a market surplus of services, and abundance of choice, and therefore, lower costs. It's no different than buying a car. If you live in an area with one dealership and no competition for hundreds of miles that dealership can charge full sticker and often get it. Here in DFW we have hundreds of dealers which are driving down prices at below invoice prices.

An oversupply of insurance (or any other good/service) will drive the price down.

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