Am I the only one who doesnt like anyone running?

Vote for Trump and shake things up.

Up to this point, politicians have learned the best course of action is to not answer question, not tell the truth, not commit to anything, and hope they can keep their heads down long enough to get elected.

Trump, and to a lesser extent, Sanders, have turned everything on it's head. In 2016, candidates are penalized for political correctness, penalized for memorized, canned responses, penalized for dirty tricks in election. When was the last time that happened?

Trump says what he means and lets the chips fall where they will, what more could you ask for from a presidential candidate than he will tell you the unvarnished truth, and then explain what he plans on doing about it.

He is not the most conservative guy, and he's not the most liberal either. He's right in the middle, and you know exactly where he stands on the issues. And you can believe it, because it's not always the most popular opinion on the Republican side of the aisle.

He is in favor of medical marijuana.

He is in favor of making good, workable deals with Democrats to advance the American way of life.

He understands that unfettered free global markets hurt the working class.

He is in favor of free market health insurance and a safety net for those who can't afford insurance.

He is pro-second amendment.

Some of those are very conservative, and some might not be as popular in conservative circles...but you know he is being honest, because they aren't as popular.

If he was going to lie, why not lie about everything? That would make logical sense.

The truth is, Trump is a problem solver, not a politician. And that's what we need. Not another ideologue...but someone truly interested in solutions.

So, what are your concerns?
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate
Let's throw them all in a blender and hope something of quality pours out!
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate
How do you feel about Christie, should the Rove machine allow him back into the race? I notice of all the GOP candidates you mentioned, both running and dropped out, you never even mentioned Chris Christie..
I have no idea who I am voting for. I like what Trump says but I dont know if I believe him because he past speaks otherwise, Rubio is just a puppet, Bush is well a BUSH and might as well be a liberal with his policies . Cruz is too far right , I kinda like Kasich but I dont think he has a chance of making it to the end, I like Carsons heart but he is not president material . Then we have Hillary who is a criminal and should be in jail and Bernie Sanders who is a socialist .. The guys I really liked was Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal who are both out.. Sigh.. I dont know who I am voting for or if I will just write in a candidate
Let's throw them all in a blender and hope something of quality pours out!

Why bother?

We'll end up with the dregs, as usual
Nobody is required to like any of the candidates in any election year. Politics is a dirty, cold-blooded business that's crookeder than a country road. It's most about voting for the least of whatever evils that whatever candidate offers.
Nobody is required to like any of the candidates in any election year. Politics is a dirty, cold-blooded business that's crookeder than a country road. It's most about voting for the least of whatever evils that whatever candidate offers.
Which is fine in good times. But this time around the block we need an actual patriot in office. Someone who really cares about the integrity of our nation and not who is padding his pockets and whispering in his ear...
Nobody is required to like any of the candidates in any election year. Politics is a dirty, cold-blooded business that's crookeder than a country road. It's most about voting for the least of whatever evils that whatever candidate offers.
Which is fine in good times. But this time around the block we need an actual patriot in office. Someone who really cares about the integrity of our nation and not who is padding his pockets and whispering in his ear...

I 100% agree completely!!! That's why I'm supporting Trump; we need an intense alpha-male president who will give us Americans a nice shot in the arm to be more proud, thriving and productive than opposed to the whimpering shame of the Obama regime. Know what I mean? It's about boosting America's morale.
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Walker? He couldn't cut college. He has my lifelong home state going backward. Am so glad he is a non factor. Of the GOP candidates I like trump, and kasich. Cruz is a constitutional kook. Bernie too far left. If kasich could pull it off I could support him. He will compromise.

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