American Healthcare


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Something is wrong....
Something is wrong....

What? Is there a typo in one of those numbers? I don't see anything wrong.
I do.

HC in this country is outrageously and needlessly expensive.

Big HC buys our criminal political class and in return gets protection. It is a protection racket the Mafia can only dream of.
Something is wrong....


Obamacare fixed everything.

Obamacare is a prefect example of the big corporations controlling the politicians. D voters like to think their party is not a corporatist party, like the R party. The reality is they are just as much a corporatist party as the Rs.

Obama may have been the biggest corporatist POTUS EVER!!!
Something is wrong....


Obamacare fixed everything.

Obamacare is a prefect example of the big corporations controlling the politicians. D voters like to think their party is not a corporatist party, like the R party. The reality is they are just as much a corporatist party as the Rs.

Obama may have been the biggest corporatist POTUS EVER!!!

Why do you hate black people?
The left wants universal health care that gives control to the government, just like Europe.
Why would any freedom loving American give our government the right to make life and death decisions for our old and young. Like they have just done.
The left wants universal health care that gives control to the government, just like Europe.
Why would any freedom loving American give our government the right to make life and death decisions for our old and young. Like they have just done.
Agreed but the problem now is so bad the other way, that single payer would likely be a big improvement.

The big corps are screwing us all. Our HC costs are out of control, for the benefit of the Oligarchy and the politicians.

Notice how the Ds never addressed HC costs with Obamacare and now the Rs are doing the same with their plan. The pols are owned by big corporations and not only in healthcare.
Any discussion should start with statistics, here are some from 2013. As much as I hate seeing those leeches suck blood out of our healthcare system it doesn't seem like their salaries would make a hill of beans to the actual cost. Not when one considers what we pay in America compared to other countries. The question is why do we and what can be done about it. Single payer, such as a Medicare expansion, like I suggested in another thread would be a start. It wouldn't remove private insurance from the system but would change their input.

Here is an interactive pie chart showing who pays for healthcare, pretty interesting.
US Health Care Spending: Who Pays? -

These charts are interesting:

2013: The Year In Healthcare Charts

Go to linked site to see what Obama did for food stamps.



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