American workers suffer in favor of Immigrants


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Jobs for Americans first!!... "stay out" the leftist ,Hilary Clinton and the crony capitalist "Republicans" Give American jobs to Americans!!:mad:

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), almost every net new job created in the United States has gone to a foreign-born worker. The U.S. Census Bureau divides the labor force into two categories: Native-born Americans and foreign-born workers. The latter category includes all immigrants, both legal and illegal and also includes naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Census study found that there were 5.7 million more new immigrant full-time workers between 16 and 65 in 2014 than in 2000. At the same time, the number of native-born Americans with full-time jobs dropped by 127,000. (Between 2000-2014, the number of native-born Americans working full time dropped form 114.8 million to 114.7 million.)

During the Great Recession, the pace of job loss among native-born Americans and of employment growth among foreign-born only accelerated. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of foreign-born working full-time rose from 23.1 million in 2007 to 25.1 million. But among native-born Americans, the number of full-time workers dropped from 124 million in 2007 to only 122.6 million in November 2014.

Not only are immigrants taking away jobs from American workers, but their willingness to work for low wages suppresses the wage gains of the average American worker

Read more at Hey Hillary Immigration costs Americans jobs
Western nations openly propagate their self-destructive policies. I doubt that this can be stopped using the democratic process.
Dick Morris and WND are a bunch of NaziCon racists. I believe NOTHING they say.

:slap:Focus pea brian....

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), almost every net new job created in the United States has gone to a foreign-born worker. The U.S. Census Bureau divides the labor force into two categories: Native-born Americans and foreign-born workers. The latter category includes all immigrants, both legal and illegal and also includes naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Census study found that there were 5.7 million more new immigrant full-time workers between 16 and 65 in 2014 than in 2000. At the same time, the number of native-born Americans with full-time jobs dropped by 127,000. (Between 2000-2014, the number of native-born Americans working full time dropped form 114.8 million to 114.7 million.)
Dick Morris and WND are a bunch of NaziCon racists. I believe NOTHING they say.

:slap:Focus pea brian....

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), almost every net new job created in the United States has gone to a foreign-born worker. The U.S. Census Bureau divides the labor force into two categories: Native-born Americans and foreign-born workers. The latter category includes all immigrants, both legal and illegal and also includes naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Census study found that there were 5.7 million more new immigrant full-time workers between 16 and 65 in 2014 than in 2000. At the same time, the number of native-born Americans with full-time jobs dropped by 127,000. (Between 2000-2014, the number of native-born Americans working full time dropped form 114.8 million to 114.7 million.)

All distorted and twisted to support the NaziCon agenda.
Half-wits think it's funny Americans are loosing their jobs in favor of immigrants:cuckoo:
lies are all the right has left in their quiver

The U.S. census bureau is "right wing"?:wtf:

The U.S. Census Bureau divides the labor force into two categories: Native-born Americans and foreign-born workers. The latter category includes all immigrants, both legal and illegal and also includes naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Census study found that there were 5.7 million more new immigrant full-time workers between 16 and 65 in 2014 than in 2000. At the same time, the number of native-born Americans with full-time jobs dropped by 127,000. (Between 2000-2014, the number of native-born Americans working full time dropped form 114.8 million to 114.7 million.)
lies are all the right has left in their quiver

The U.S. census bureau is "right wing"?:wtf:

The U.S. Census Bureau divides the labor force into two categories: Native-born Americans and foreign-born workers. The latter category includes all immigrants, both legal and illegal and also includes naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Census study found that there were 5.7 million more new immigrant full-time workers between 16 and 65 in 2014 than in 2000. At the same time, the number of native-born Americans with full-time jobs dropped by 127,000. (Between 2000-2014, the number of native-born Americans working full time dropped form 114.8 million to 114.7 million.)

Don't expect anything that is based in facts or remotely makes sense from TM...
America stole the Southwest from Mexico. Immigrants are simply trying to reclaim their birthright.
Hey half- wit, these immigrants are coming not only from Mexico also south America and from India for hi- tech Jobs limiting opportunities for our kids coming out of collage ..Try to keep up ok?
America stole the Southwest from Mexico. Immigrants are simply trying to reclaim their birthright.

no idiot; we won it in war

like every nation on earth has done since the beginning of time
oh and we BOUGHT a piece too
oh and mexicans arent necesarily all Native idiot, in fact most arent
America stole the Southwest from Mexico. Immigrants are simply trying to reclaim their birthright.

no idiot; we won it in war

like every nation on earth has done since the beginning of time
oh and we BOUGHT a piece too
oh and mexicans arent necesarily all Native idiot, in fact most arent

Really? What a dumbass you are.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

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