Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows

If they said that the grass was green I would need a second opinion. Iranian state media is not an unbiased and non partisan source of anything
Oh boy, another nazi post.

Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows

HUH?? Have you gone completely whacko? Ever since the BDS movement began, Israel's economy has been booming. LONG LIVE THE BDS MOVEMENT!
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

1. Calls on Congress and the Administration to end all U.S. military aid to Israel; and to pressure Israel to end the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem and the siege of Gaza and negotiate a peace agreement on the basis of equality, democracy, and human rights for the Palestinian and Israeli people, including Palestinian self determination and the right of return for refugees.

2. Endorses the BDS movement and urges the union at all levels to become engaged in BDS and the movement for peace, justice and equality between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Same link as above
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

Still run by the Mafia and are they finding it hard to get kick backs from city officials these days. I see they have islamonazi propagandists on their executive who think that Israel started the war last summer
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

Still run by the Mafia and are they finding it hard to get kick backs from city officials these days. I see they have islamonazi propagandists on their executive who think that Israel started the war last summer
Israel started the War not last summer, but almost 70 years ago by sending illegal immigrants to take over Palestine
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

Still run by the Mafia and are they finding it hard to get kick backs from city officials these days. I see they have islamonazi propagandists on their executive who think that Israel started the war last summer
Israel started the War not last summer, but almost 70 years ago by sending illegal immigrants to take over Palestine

Strange then how International law calls them LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Yet 67 years ago the UN saw that the arab muslims were illegal immigrants and created a whole new money pit for them called UNWRA that is still milking the world for all it can
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows

The BDS "movement" is anti-Semitism by another name. and the trash you spew is millennia old.

care to post a little something from the protocols of the learned elders of zion? same ;purpose. *shrug*

Mainstream media wakes up to BDS-Anti-Semitism connection
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

Still run by the Mafia and are they finding it hard to get kick backs from city officials these days. I see they have islamonazi propagandists on their executive who think that Israel started the war last summer
Israel started the War not last summer, but almost 70 years ago by sending illegal immigrants to take over Palestine

Strange then how International law calls them LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Yet 67 years ago the UN saw that the arab muslims were illegal immigrants and created a whole new money pit for them called UNWRA that is still milking the world for all it can
Whos "international Law" do you quote?
UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
On Tuesday, September 1, UE issued the following press release:

At its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20, the United Electrical Workers union (UE) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) to pressure Israel to end the occupation and grant Palestinians their freedom. UE is now the first national U.S. union to endorse BDS. The full resolution is below.

The global BDS movement arose from a 2005 call by Palestinian trade unions and human rights groups. UE’s resolution also calls for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel and for U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return. With its resolution UE joins COSATU of South Africa, Unite the Union in Britain and many other labor unions in supporting BDS as a step toward justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 2014, killing over 2,000 people including 500 children. Because Israel has been unwilling to engage in real negotiations to bring about a just resolution to the occupation, this is a necessary step for labor to take in order to bring about a peaceful end to the conflicts there” said Carl Rosen, president of UE’s Western Region and a member of the national executive board.

UE Endorses BDS Movement for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

Still run by the Mafia and are they finding it hard to get kick backs from city officials these days. I see they have islamonazi propagandists on their executive who think that Israel started the war last summer
Israel started the War not last summer, but almost 70 years ago by sending illegal immigrants to take over Palestine

no. come back after you've learned some history. mmmmkay?
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows

The BDS "movement" is anti-Semitism by another name. and the trash you spew is millennia old.

care to post a little something from the protocols of the learned elders of zion? same ;purpose. *shrug*

Mainstream media wakes up to BDS-Anti-Semitism connection
Dont get me wrong I support Israels right to exist.... in the hearts of all Jews all over the world as it has been for over 2000 years, In their hearts, not in Palestine mmmmkay?
Americans are supporting the international movement of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because they are sick and tired of Washington’s support for Tel Aviv, says a political commentator in Los Angeles.

In an interview with Press TV on Monday, James Morris said the BDS movement “is growing around the world and of course, Israelis and the Zionist-occupied Congress in America doesn’t like it, but that doesn’t matter, the rest of the world is waking up.”

Morris said supporting the BDS by a prominent industrial union in the United States is basically symbolic as more Americans are “waking up to the atrocities that the Israelis have committed in Palestine.”

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America union voted in favor of a resolution entitled “Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and Israel" and called on the US to cut off financial support to Tel Aviv.

The BDS campaign, which began in 2005, encourages organizations and institutions such as universities and churches to divest from Israel until the fundamental rights of the Palestinians have been recognized.

PressTV-Americans tired of US wars for Israel
And so it grows

The BDS "movement" is anti-Semitism by another name. and the trash you spew is millennia old.

care to post a little something from the protocols of the learned elders of zion? same ;purpose. *shrug*

Mainstream media wakes up to BDS-Anti-Semitism connection
Dont get me wrong I support Israels right to exist.... in the hearts of all Jews all over the world as it has been for over 2000 years, In their hearts, not in Palestine mmmmkay?

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