Americans broadly support Ukraine no-fly zone, Russia oil ban -poll.

Putin acted stupidly. There’s really nothing else to say. Biden told Putin exactly what would happen if he proceeded into Ukraine.
All your hindsighted Monday morning quarterbacking is irrelevant.

Yes, that our response would be based on the level of incursion, not "don't enter Ukraine".

Putin read it as a sign of weakness, instead of grabbing just the rebel provinces, he went for the whole shebang.
Yes, that our response would be based on the level of incursion, not "don't enter Ukraine".

Putin read it as a sign of weakness, instead of grabbing just the rebel provinces, he went for the whole shebang.
I’m done. You’re in the weeds screaming at trees.
WASHINGTON, March 4 (Reuters) - A broad bipartisan majority of Americans think the United States should stop buying Russian oil and gas and work with NATO to set up "no-fly zones" to protect Ukraine from Russian air strikes, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Friday.

The poll, conducted Thursday and Friday, suggests that U.S. outrage is growing over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which in recent days has increasingly involved Russian bombing of urban areas.

Important factors from the OP’s link about the linked survey:
1.Reuters) - “A broad bipartisan majority of Americans think the United States should stop buying Russian oil and gas and work with NATO to set up "no-fly zones" to protect Ukraine from Russian air strikes, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Friday.”

Let’s look at the actual size of this “broad bipartisan majority”: “The poll on Ukraine was conducted online and in English throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 831 adults and has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 4 percentage points.

The small scale of this “widespread” poll is almost laughable, and I appreciate that Mindful posted this article because of this exact reason.

2. “It was not clear if respondents who supported a no-fly zone were fully aware of the risk of conflict, and majorities opposed the idea of sending American troops to Ukraine or conducting air strikes to support the Ukrainian army.” Ya don’t say.

So, Reuters presents this as a “widespread poll”, polling 831 Americans, with no attempt to state otherwise. My local city polls 4 times that scale during local elections, that’s beyond ridiculous!
Important factors from the OP’s link about the linked survey:
1.Reuters) - “A broad bipartisan majority of Americans think the United States should stop buying Russian oil and gas and work with NATO to set up "no-fly zones" to protect Ukraine from Russian air strikes, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Friday.”

Let’s look at the actual size of this “broad bipartisan majority”: “The poll on Ukraine was conducted online and in English throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 831 adults and has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 4 percentage points.

The small scale of this “widespread” poll is almost laughable, and I appreciate that Mindful posted this article because of this exact reason.

2. “It was not clear if respondents who supported a no-fly zone were fully aware of the risk of conflict, and majorities opposed the idea of sending American troops to Ukraine or conducting air strikes to support the Ukrainian army.” Ya don’t say.

So, Reuters presents this as a “widespread poll”, polling 831 Americans, with no attempt to state otherwise. My local city polls 4 times that scale during local elections, that’s beyond ridiculous!
Good point about the Reuters survey being weak because of the low number of respondents. Unlike you, I believe most people understand the risks (even my 13yo daughter could see the risk without prompting when I explained the Ukraine situation to her)...most people are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.

However the Reuters poll results are supported by another much larger poll:

"Opposition to a no-fly zone stood at 24.9% among U.S. respondents, 23.9% in the U.K. and 27.8% in the EU, while a further 17% to 19% didn’t have an opinion either way."

Good point about the Reuters survey being weak because of the low number of respondents. Unlike you, I believe most people understand the risks (even my 13yo daughter could see the risk without prompting when I explained the Ukraine situation to her)...most people are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.

However the Reuters poll results are supported by another much larger poll:

"Opposition to a no-fly zone stood at 24.9% among U.S. respondents, 23.9% in the U.K. and 27.8% in the EU, while a further 17% to 19% didn’t have an opinion either way."

I’ll start with my criticism of your take before I give you my positive remarks, just to get it out of the way. Please reference the bold print above from your post. I gave an exact quote from the linked source, Reuters, it was not my personal view as you’ve implied. Specifically this statement : “It was not clear if respondents who supported a no-fly zone were fully aware of the risk of conflict, and majorities opposed the idea of sending American troops to Ukraine or conducting air strikes to support the Ukrainian army.”

You did highlight an important point, in that people sometimes/often know more than what their words relay. Shysters fall under this category with twisting the words of others knowingly. I assume you just misread my post and missed the quotation marks. No worries.

Now for the positive remarks: You used 2 quality sources- Forbes and Response. Apparently, Reuters is either too highly ranked as a news source by more than one rating org., or, it needs better editors to step up their game. Many people trust their findings and deserve accurate reporting.

Comparing the top 3 (most used)media rating companies that rate for accuracy and political bias, they do a decent job with a few (perhaps biased) glitches. The following analysis linked below thoroughly examines 102 domestic sources. It’s worth the while to compare and contrast all 4 analyses.

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I’ll start with my criticism of your take before I give you my positive remarks, just to get it out of the way. Please reference the bold print above from your post. I gave an exact quote from the linked source, Reuters, it was not my personal view as you’ve implied. Specifically this statement : “It was not clear if respondents who supported a no-fly zone were fully aware of the risk of conflict, and majorities opposed the idea of sending American troops to Ukraine or conducting air strikes to support the Ukrainian army.”

You did highlight an important point, in that people sometimes/often know more than what their words relay. Shysters fall under this category with twisting the words of others knowingly. I assume you just misread my post and missed the quotation marks. No worries.

Now for the positive remarks: You used 2 quality sources- Forbes and Response. Apparently, Reuters is either too highly ranked as a news source by more than one rating org., or, it needs better editors to step up their game. Many people trust their findings and deserve accurate reporting.

Comparing the top 3 (most used)media rating companies that rate for accuracy and political bias, they do a decent job with a few (perhaps biased) glitches. The following analysis linked below thoroughly examines 102 domestic sources. It’s worth the while to compare and contrast all 4 analyses.

Fair enough. As far as your reference link, I understand the author was attempting an "unbiased" effort to try to report on the bias of the various sources. However, they (the people running the "project") apparently missed some of the critical factors affecting bias: where does the source get funding from? what is the political orientation of the CEO or owner of the source? Does the source have ties to any government or political organizations? itself was founded on principles of blogging and independent journalism. The author of your citation is a top writer for the site, so undoubtedly gets some influence from the people that run the site. The site was created by the same guy that co-founded Twitter and Blogger, but apparently the site is now owned by Amazon. These factors indicate there is a high degree of federal oversight in what they publish.

The top picks for "unbiased" coverage in that article are known to get huge amounts of funding from nefarious sources (imho). Not to mention federal government control (direct links to the Whitehouse, FCC, and other state and federal controlling agencies), similar to the website itself. Overall, I would have to say the "bias" for any conclusions is extremely toward supporting whatever the federal government wants them to come up with for "top sources".

Sadly, all internet sources are suspect. I miss the good old days where journalists would publish discovered facts and events IN HARD COPY PRINT. Corrections had to be published in the next printed publication. The history and reporting surrounding an event could be looked up on microfiche. Today, stories get updated and deleted at a whim with the mere click of a mouse button, and it seems most are more editorials than fact based.
Attacking Moscow directly would lead to WW III and hundreds of millions dead. Also Xi Jin Ping thanks you for making Communist world domination so easy. In the unlikely event you survive the ICBMs please report to one of Xi’s beautiful new re-education camps. I hope you like gruel and lectures about Western imperialism. I’m sure you’ll learn to love Xi’s enlightened and grandfatherly rule.
So your idea is to just roll over and give up? Let Putin bully the free world with nukes? I'd have to say *you* are the one allowing socialism (and it's logical goal communism) to become the status quo.

And as a special gift, Biden is going to PAY Russia to take over Ukraine and remove the democratically elected and free people. That's right, you heard me, Biden is going to PAY Putin to do this. How so? In the $1.5 Trillion spending bill, there is a package of $13 Billion to be gifted to Ukraine. The new Russian Ukraine, that is. We all know Putin will put that money in his pocket to pay for war costs once he installs his puppet regime.

It is more an more obvious that Biden supports Putin's destruction of the free people of Ukraine. They were a threat to Biden, Putin and Xi for the simple reason that they were a Free, Democratic and successful Capitalist system. Big Government doesn't like it when the people are free to choose.
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So your idea is to just roll over and give up? Let Putin bully the free world with nukes? I'd have to say *you* are the one allowing socialism (and it's logical goal communism) to become the status quo.

And as a special gift, Biden is going to PAY Russia to take over Ukraine and remove the democratically elected and free people. That's right, you heard me, Biden is going to PAY Putin to do this. How so? In the $1.5 Trillion spending bill, there is a package of $35 Billion to be gifted to Ukraine. The new Russian Ukraine, that is. We all know Putin will put that money in his pocket to pay for war costs once he installs his puppet regime.

It is more an more obvious that Biden supports Putin's destruction of the free people of Ukraine. They were a threat to Biden, Putin and Xi for the simple reason that they were a Free, Democratic and successful Capitalist system. Big Government doesn't like it when the people are free to choose.
Russia’s economy is a bit more free than Ukraine’s.

Russia is no longer a Communist country.

It’s been Russian policy for some time: they don’t want Ukraine in NATO. This seems like something we can live with in the interest of peace.
Russia’s economy is a bit more free than Ukraine’s.

Russia is no longer a Communist country.

It’s been Russian policy for some time: they don’t want Ukraine in NATO. This seems like something we can live with in the interest of peace.
Your response is non-sensical. You are changing the subject to something that sounds similar but is of a different nature. We are talking about Ukraine, not Russia, for one thing. We are talking about political systems in Ukraine: Ukraine has a democratically elected president. (Russia has a dictator in power for 25 years). We are talking about a capitalist system in Ukraine that has absolutely flourished over the last 30 years (Russia is purely socialist, more so than even the USA, by any stretch of the imagination).

Answer this: Are you ok with Biden gifting $13 Billion USD to Putin? This money will be borrowed against your children and grand-children (if you have any, my kids if not).

You could argue that "oh, no, the money is for the 'people' of Ukraine". But since you don't want to get involved, then obviously Ukraine will be a puppet state of Russia (the russian soldiers are already flying the old Soviet Union flag on the battle field). I don't care what internet sources you link to, but that money will be controlled by Putin and Putin alone, if and when Biden sends it.
You usually have some good points. This time, I'm afraid you're letting your fear get to you. Don't be bullied by this one little jackass called "putin" who threatens and bullies the entire free world. You're better than that.

If not no-fly zone, then we should attack moscow directly and eliminate the threat permanantly.
I guess you have a death wish. Would you care to explain why we should end their world because you want to play Billy Bad Ass?
WASHINGTON, March 4 (Reuters) - A broad bipartisan majority of Americans think the United States should stop buying Russian oil and gas and work with NATO to set up "no-fly zones" to protect Ukraine from Russian air strikes, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll completed on Friday.

The poll, conducted Thursday and Friday, suggests that U.S. outrage is growing over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which in recent days has increasingly involved Russian bombing of urban areas.

The fag in Ukraine is about to find out how disposable puppets are
And The 14 billion marked for Ukraine is gonna be pilfered by globo homo inc anyway
So your idea is to just roll over and give up? Let Putin bully the free world with nukes? I'd have to say *you* are the one allowing socialism (and it's logical goal communism) to become the status quo.

And as a special gift, Biden is going to PAY Russia to take over Ukraine and remove the democratically elected and free people. That's right, you heard me, Biden is going to PAY Putin to do this. How so? In the $1.5 Trillion spending bill, there is a package of $13 Billion to be gifted to Ukraine. The new Russian Ukraine, that is. We all know Putin will put that money in his pocket to pay for war costs once he installs his puppet regime.

It is more an more obvious that Biden supports Putin's destruction of the free people of Ukraine. They were a threat to Biden, Putin and Xi for the simple reason that they were a Free, Democratic and successful Capitalist system. Big Government doesn't like it when the people are free to choose.
You are an idiot that likes to talk like a badass and then lies about your justification. Where is your link?
You are an idiot that likes to talk like a badass and then lies about your justification. Where is your link?
If you pay attention to the news a little bit more, we wouldn't have this problem. But here ya go:

I guess you have a death wish. Would you care to explain why we should end their world because you want to play Billy Bad Ass?

1) I have the utmost confidence that our men would carry out the mission to end Putin's reign with a minimal number of casualties.
2) If we fail to uphold our promises to Ukraine, it will be many generations before we regain the trust of other nations when it comes to negotiations.
3) If we allow Putin to seize the resource of Ukraine, we will be facing a much larger threat when he cons them into thinking NATO is their enemy and begins attacking the next on the list (see 4 below).
4) If the action stands, we can say for certain that Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are at high risk to be next, and they will use the same excuse: they want a "buffer" country

It's obvious sleepy Joe has no interest in any of these things, and observing his reactions to Putin's advances, it is becoming increasingly clear Biden *supports* Putin's actions. Free market economies and people with free choice are dangerous for the Big Governments. Biden/Putin/Xi all are on board for the new world order. Hail the great reset.

So unless members of the EU catch on to the big picture, Ukraine is now a Russian satellite. Just. Like. Belarus. And bonus points: Putin can obtain anything he wants by threatening the nuclear card...Biden will continue to move the goal posts until we've got the Soviets voting by mail-in ballot and running for congress.

This is why I support the no-fly zone and whatever it takes to get Putin out of power.
If you pay attention to the news a little bit more, we wouldn't have this problem. But here ya go:

What about it?

Several of you need to go back to school and learn how to write instead of stringing unrelated topics together.

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