Americans Fled Blue States for Red States in Massive Numbers in 2021, Census Finds: California, Illinois, and New York on the decline.

I live in Florida---Fucking NY'ers, NJ, and other north east yankees have taken over---they are fleeing their lock downs and taxes...and ever themselves starting to turn red. Even they are hating the corrupt liberal fascists.
At least you don’t have the swamp creatures we have in Virginia. But even Brandon got them to flip to red.
BS You cherry pick it..........and if you want to talk poverty give me the TOTALS IN PLACES LIKE CALIFORNIA...........The number in MILLIONS LIVINE IN POVERTY.......

I did not cherry pick anything, I gave you the data. These things are always done per capita as it is the only valid way to do it.

Doesn't matter........people are running...........YOU SUCK.

And they are taking their same views with them.

And why the need to make it all personal? Can you not have an adult discussion without such things? What have I done to you or anyone else?
I live in Florida---Fucking NY'ers, NJ, and other north east yankees have taken over---they are fleeing their lock downs and taxes...and ever themselves starting to turn red. Even they are hating the corrupt liberal fascists.
Hope that trend continues........This happened in the times of Woodrow Wilson. They had to hide back then and change their names........hopefully there will be a repeat..........but these idiots are pretty brain washed now.
We should start a Go Fund Me to make a movie about the assassination of Brandon, Kammy and Nancy.
I did not cherry pick anything, I gave you the data. These things are always done per capita as it is the only valid way to do it.
BS.........Same as the usual Red State Rant..........Cost of living in California and New York doesn't mean shit when you gotta sell your kids to buy gas..........

Housing is insane..........but got your Illegal slaves ...huh
BS.........Same as the usual Red State Rant..........Cost of living in California and New York doesn't mean shit when you gotta sell your kids to buy gas..........

Housing is insane..........but got your Illegal slaves ...huh
$15/hr in CA while you pay the highest taxes in the Union, your 600 foot apartment is $3500/month and the car registration on your 72 Pinto is $1200 a year.
Poor in America means your iPhone is a model 6.
That would be my Android 6...........oh the horror.......lmao

I gotta change it next month though.........Cricket says it will not work in I'm using a new phone to go to AT & T this next month.
Escapees from Washington D.C. Swamp...........damned shame. Same place they showed us who they are as they threw out GOP from even eating in their restaurants.........being the communist pricks they are today.
It’s like the point of the OP. They work in the swamp but choose to live and play in conservative areas.
Escapees from Washington D.C. Swamp...........damned shame. Same place they showed us who they are as they threw out GOP from even eating in their restaurants.........being the communist pricks they are today.

The Executive branch departments are silently moving away from DC. Trump started it with his moving a few agneces out west, one of the things he did that I greatly approved of.

But now with COIVD and the fact many people have been working from home since March of 2020 they are making jobs full remote. Now someone will be able to do their job for the Fed Govt from anywhere in the country. The money saved in renting office space and paying people the locality pay for DC will be substantial.
Go look at the cost of housing in Boise Idaho now. It makes most of Cali look down right cheap
No shit.........When all the people flee from Blue Shitholes like LOCUSTS and drive the prices up.

Then use a 2 year economic shutdown for this stupid virus to cause supply shortages..........Nice job assholes for LOCK DOWNS.........and fucking over the whole dang country then blaming it on the UNVACCINATED.....

Utter BS and you know it.............Hell you brag about it here everyday........then say you are a patriot......lmao
$15/hr in CA while you pay the highest taxes in the Union, your 600 foot apartment is $3500/month and the car registration on your 72 Pinto is $1200 a year.
My daughter lived out there and fled from it finally.........They paid extra on the power bill for giving it to others who couldn't pay their bills........REQUIRED.........While they paid $2000 for a small 1 bedroom apartment made out of cinder blocks.............old as hell..........They had to buy a ionizer to stop the smoke from the fires from choking them out.

They moved to Texas .....Austin.......getting priced out now they are moving to Florida.
But now with COIVD and the fact many people have been working from home since March of 2020 they are making jobs full remote. Now someone will be able to do their job for the Fed Govt from anywhere in the country. The money saved in renting office space and paying people the locality pay for DC will be substantial.
Long winded way of excusing that the Blue shit hole cost too much to live there.........and with this BS it increased costs everywhere.

With the new Stagflation man.............LET'S GO BRANDON.........Leftist fucking over America every single day............Because they need to destroy it to rule it.
what the fuck are you even talking about?

Dude, you have it bad for me. How about we stick to the topic and move past your obsession with me?
How about you stop slopping up the Blue doctrine then..........You are NOT A LIBERTARIAN........You defend the policies of the left every day here...........I'm here to oppose that.

Got you finally to admit you got fucked with the Anthrax yesterday...didn't I........TRUTH HURTS.......oh well.
How about you stop slopping up the Blue doctrine then..........You are NOT A LIBERTARIAN........You defend the policies of the left every day here...........I'm here to oppose that.

Please list the Dem/left policies I defend on here daily?

Should be easy for you to do

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