Well, since I am not the market to buy a house, how does this impact me?
What if Hurricane Biden blows your double wide off of it's blocks, then you might have to buy a house, or another trailer in your case.
I was working during the Obama -W market collapse, and a lot of the people at work were freaking out when they got their quarterly reports of how the old 401k was working out. More than a handful switched to the "fixed" return option when the market hit bottom.

My sister is freaking out now. I told her she's not going to retire for another couple of years so don't worry about it. This too shall pass. Besides, we take over Congress in less than a year. Once the damage to this country slows down, the market will bounce back if not before then.
My sister is freaking out now. I told her she's not going to retire for another couple of years so don't worry about it. This too shall pass. Besides, we take over Congress in less than a year. Once the damage to this country slows down, the market will bounce back if not before then.
The Great Reset if they implement it represents a massive confiscation of wealth.
So there is no guarantee if they can pull that off, that your retirement or hers will be safe.
The Great Reset if they implement it represents a massive confiscation of wealth.
So there is no guarantee if they can pull that off, that your retirement or hers will be safe.

There was no guarantee of success no matter what happens. If I wanted guaranteed success I would have invested in bonds or something. The market is a gamble. You don't go to Vegas and expect to win every game of cards. All that really matters is what you walk away with at the end of the night.
Which means anyone that already owns one has had their equity has bone waaaaay up and it cost you basically nothing.
Which means nothing until they sell. Meanwhile rent is being jacked up to match these ridiculous prices, putting more poor people out on the streets.
Which means nothing until they sell. Meanwhile rent is being jacked up to match these ridiculous prices, putting more poor people out on the streets.

They should get better jobs and quit being poor. That is the MAGA mantra after all.
I am not the left, but your idea that blue collar equals poor says a ton about you.
I didn’t say all blue collar are poor. But most poor people have shitty blue collar jobs. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just stating that people like that are fucked when inflation skyrockets and their rent is raised.
Did you notice the leftists, who call conservatives selfish and greedy, keep saying I’m doing fine. It doesn’t affect me. So what if I pay more.
Did you notice the leftists, who call conservatives selfish and greedy, keep saying I’m doing fine. It doesn’t affect me. So what if I pay more.

Supposedly they are the party of the poor. Were the poor doing better under Trump or are they doing better now paying those fuel bills, grocery bills, housing or rent bills?

They wanted to raise taxes on cigarettes as well, but they put that on the back burner because of covid. Who uses tobacco products for the most part? That's right, the poor and middle-class.
S&P 500 closed today up 14.2% from what it was a year ago. Last few weeks could provide good timing for a Rollover to Roth conversion.

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