Americans which is your favourite European nation?

The one in Florida...

I love the retarded backwards frogs...lived there for a couple years ..

.and pollocks
Waffles to even though they're complete assholes :p

My poor ol dirty disgusting Paris
Probably Germany. Because many were, and still are, stationed there.

Followed by Italy?
The Netherlands and Ireland. I live in Ireland and it is a great country. I like spending time in the Netherlands, mainly because of the tolerance of the people and how well run it is.
Until 10 years ago, Sweden was my dream nation.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s!!! I used to fantasize about moving there.

It was a country that had reportedly found a third way between capitalism & socialism.

It was a peaceful, charming, tolerant, prosperous, and happy nation.

(Of course, it breaks my heart to see what has happened to it.)

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