The Political Right is Surging in European Elections

Everyone who's met with this scumbag has lost the European Parliament elections.
I don't think so.
The left in Europe may have finally overplayed their hand. Between a major immigration crisis from Africa causing upticks in crime and a drain on their social safety net programs and climate policies hitting rural folks hard, the right wing parties have made large inroads while the far left Greens have suffered.

Far-right parties are predicted to win a record number of seats in the European Parliament, a result that, if confirmed, would deliver a stinging rebuke to Brussels’ political mainstream and add uncertainty to Europe’s future direction.

After three days of voting across the European Union’s 27 member states, an exit poll showed that far-right parties were set to win around 150 of the parliament’s 720 seats, which will likely make it harder for mainstream parties to form majorities needed to pass laws.

Pjw chimes in

Nonetheless, a message has clearly been sent, particularly when you consider Macron's decision in France. Whether or not the momentum lasts is another story, of course.

The single biggest issue is immigration. The moderate parties have to deal with this. Because if they don't, the extremists will be elected and they will deal with this.
Nonetheless, a message has clearly been sent, particularly when you consider Macron's decision in France. Whether or not the momentum lasts is another story, of course.
Macrons decision was mainly based on a parliament that he could not get stuff thru.
It looks risky but probably worth it.
One thing you missed is the low turn out. It was 51%. This reflects poor turn out for ever..
The elections are not treated seriously. They represent the chance for a protest vote.
In the UK people tended to vote for fARAGE and he often won the majority of seats.. But when the General electios came around the turnout wen uo 20% and Farage got fucked. This is his 8th try.

I agree its a bad night but not terminal.
I would also add putins war. It has made things tougher and fuelled inflation over here.
The left in Europe may have finally overplayed their hand. Between a major immigration crisis from Africa causing upticks in crime and a drain on their social safety net programs and climate policies hitting rural folks hard, the right wing parties have made large inroads while the far left Greens have suffered.

Far-right parties are predicted to win a record number of seats in the European Parliament, a result that, if confirmed, would deliver a stinging rebuke to Brussels’ political mainstream and add uncertainty to Europe’s future direction.

After three days of voting across the European Union’s 27 member states, an exit poll showed that far-right parties were set to win around 150 of the parliament’s 720 seats, which will likely make it harder for mainstream parties to form majorities needed to pass laws.

Thhis post has excited a lot of russian citizens on this board.
Nonetheless, a message has clearly been sent, particularly when you consider Macron's decision in France. Whether or not the momentum lasts is another story, of course.
Its not the biggest isssue in proper election. Its about 4th or 5th in the UK election. British people lie in hospital and wonder who will care for them, when the populists kick out all the immigrants..
The nurses who look after me are from India, Philipines and Zimbabwe . My dentists
are from Poland. My GP is from Portugal. The lad who made my prosthetic leg id from Portugal. He is Joe and his wife is a local girl.
Im fucking delighted they are here. They make a lot of lives better.
Its not the biggest isssue in proper election. Its about 4th or 5th in the UK election. British people lie in hospital and wonder who will care for them, when the populists kick out all the immigrants..
The nurses who look after me are from India, Philipines and Zimbabwe . My dentists
are from Poland. My GP is from Portugal. The lad who made my prosthetic leg id from Portugal. He is Joe and his wife is a local girl.
Im fucking delighted they are here. They make a lot of lives better.
You research other countries, they don't have the staff either. There are plenty of Brits, they obviously don't want to go into nursing, dentistry, hospitality sectors. So trying to ship in immigrants ain't the answer, never has been. Get Left Wing out of state education and get a proper curriculum in place. The West need to ditch Left Wing politics, it's why everyone is sharing the misery. Glad to see the people are waking up. And the member states need to dissolve the EU Parliament, that's been a dreadful failed experiment.
They underperformed.

A few weeks ago, the far right was running level with the moderate right. They gained a few seats, but for the most part, the swing was to the moderate right.

It's still a shift to the right.

And according to most leftists anyone not an SJW Green tranny jackboot is "far right"

Just ask Elon Musk.
Tommy Tainant

Not the best chart to read but heres unemployment percentages by ethnic group -


Bangladeshi' and Pakistani's lead the board. The least unemployed are white British. So you have your immigrants here, why aren't you getting them work in all these vacant jobs you rant about !!

Just do some research before opening your gob.

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