Americans with Toys (Atheism)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a craftsmanship-idealism parable about capitalism, involving two fictional robots Starscream and Blurr (purchased by two random Americans meditating on the intellectualism of consumerism).

Do toys promote atheism?

Does TrumpUSA promote atheism?



Tom Cruise began collecting Transformers (Hasbro) robot-toys, since he was fascinated by the sudden popularity of the franchise-related big-budget Hollywood (USA) films such as Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. His favorite model was the Starscream evil Decepticon-robot fighter-jet toy, in clear plastic-glass rendition. Cruise considered it the ultimate symbol of consumerism diarism.


Another American, an Asian-American Internet-blogger and Ivy League professor named Ajay was also an avid collector of Transformers (Hasbro) merchandise, but his favorite robot-toy model was the heroic Autobot-robot Blurr who transformed into a futuristic speeder-vehicle which was sort of a hovercraft (laser-equipped of course!). Ajay considered his Blurr toys a perfect 'treasure-chest' of consumerism relics which he believed future archaeologists would look back on and consider as 'ideal A.I. aesthetics toys.'


Finally, one day, Cruise and Ajay met (at a Scientology symposium at Yale University). They brought their Transformers toys with them and began debating with each other about their intrinsic 'modernism value.' Cruise and Ajay then wondered if these 'childish toys' were ironically symbols of consumerism-metaphysics and arguably (perhaps) even capitalism idealism!

CRUISE: I really like your Blurr toys...
AJAY: And I like your Starscream model!
CRUISE: So why did you bring your Transformers toys to this symposium?
AJAY: I thought I could share them as 'capitalism relics.'
CRUISE: Yes, quite relevant for a Scientology discussion about 'modernism.'
AJAY: Indeed; media is changing the way citizens conceive of commerce.
CRUISE: And commerce creates culture-exchange and pluralism-scenarios.
AJAY: I agree; the marketplace is a 'forum' for all kinds of dialogue.
CRUISE: Some feel that consumerism is simply 'convenient.'
AJAY: Convenience/gluttony (e.g., Burger King) is a problem, but there's more...
AJAY: Consumerism also creates imaginative 'daydreams' about capitalism 'aesthetics.'
CRUISE: Are you referring to Facebook and Toys 'R Us (etc.)?
AJAY: Of course!
CRUISE: What if all this 'fascination' with toys makes Americans irreverent?
AJAY: I think toys will only stir intriguing ideas about atheism, not heresy...
CRUISE: And that's why you brought your Blurr toys to this symposium!
AJAY: Yep. I suppose you had similar concerns.
CRUISE: Yes, I brought my special Starscream toy, since I think it's a 'media trophy.'
AJAY: Impressive. I wonder how 'TrumpUSA' will shape commerce-consciousness.
CRUISE: Cynicism is the greatest fear...
AJAY: No doubt. Well, perhaps Apple/Microsoft will introduce 'fantasies.'
CRUISE: Let capitalism shine I suppose(!).





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