Americans Won't Elect a Vulgar/Bullying Blowhard

Hillary is the only logical choice!


Trump could win, although that doesn't seem likely. Trump is targeting people with a high school education or less and he is definitely reaching that group. The average Trump supporter has an educational level of high school or less. They make up 60% of the adult population, they don't follow politics as much as most voters, and they are far more interested in results rather than means of getting those results. Trump's egotism, bullying, and gross behavior is seen as a sign of strength. Trump is exactly what they are looking for in a candidate.

Less educated voters are less likely to vote. This can be a problem for Trump because he doesn't have the organization to get out the vote.

and Democrat supporters are snobs, who think it's running people down to speak of their education and then turn around and post dumb pictures. Mocking and demeaning others doesn't make one superior, but shows them to be just small insufferable people and losers just like they made Hillary the last time she ran for President
Hillary is the only logical choice!


Trump could win, although that doesn't seem likely. Trump is targeting people with a high school education or less and he is definitely reaching that group. The average Trump supporter has an educational level of high school or less. They make up 60% of the adult population, they don't follow politics as much as most voters, and they are far more interested in results rather than means of getting those results. Trump's egotism, bullying, and gross behavior is seen as a sign of strength. Trump is exactly what they are looking for in a candidate.

Less educated voters are less likely to vote. This can be a problem for Trump because he doesn't have the organization to get out the vote.

Lots of people with ONLY high school education have more wisdom, common sense and self-taught smarts than some college graduates who need help to spell C-A-T.

The 60% you speak of so condescendingly put the food on your table, makes the car you drive, the bed you sleep on, the clothes you wear - unless, of course, those jobs have been outsourced to China or Bengladesh.

The 60% you speak of are more interested in honesty than the usual politically correct nonsense the "educated" liberal Democratic crooks spew upon the world.
Yes, lots of people with a high school education are smarter than college grads, but not most. Most people with a high school education or less are not politically involved, don't have a good understanding of how government works. and don't vote as compared with those with higher education.

The founders of this nation did not believe in democratic government. They were afraid that poor uneducated voters would be easy mislead by people exactly like Trump.
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The American people won't elect a vulgar/bullying/blowhard for President even if the ultra-right wing of the Republican Party manages to nominate him. We have never before seen the kind of campaign we are seeing this year within the Republican Party. All their chickens are coming home to roost. The worst excesses and policies of those running as Tea Party candidates in the past few years are combined in the two leading candidates, Donald Trump and Canadian born Rafael 'Ted' Cruz.

Americans Won't Elect a Vulgar/Bullying Blowhard - by Peter D. Rosenstein

Amen! Trump and Cruz have no final path to the White House.

Well they elected a sexual pervert twice.

A Vulgar, Bullying Blowhard is small potatoes compared to that.

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