America’s vitriol towards Clinton reveals a nation mired in misogyny

The vitriol is clearly one sided. Cultivated by the Russian directed Alt-Right Media (formerly known as the Echo-Chamber). Their irrational hatred is as pervasive as it is astounding.

Russia's playing them suckers like a drum set.

They really are this stupid folks...
It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe this horseshit. It appears that that a large percentage of the Democrat party is suffering from brain damage.
The vitriol is clearly one sided. Cultivated by the Russian directed Alt-Right Media (formerly known as the Echo-Chamber). Their irrational hatred is as pervasive as it is astounding.

Russia's playing them suckers like a drum set.
...and still no russian connection
The vitriol is clearly one sided. Cultivated by the Russian directed Alt-Right Media (formerly known as the Echo-Chamber). Their irrational hatred is as pervasive as it is astounding.

Russia's playing them suckers like a drum set.

God... how utterly ridiculous. So, given this logic, people who didn't vote for Trump hate white men.

The vitriol toward Sec. Clinton by the RussianWNJ's who control the GOP is one sided. Proof is in the 65 million votes for Her.
...and who's sitting in the Oval Office?
It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe this horseshit. It appears that that a large percentage of the Democrat party is suffering from brain damage.

I was not jesting when I said they are brain dead. They obviously were either born without a frontal lobe, or it withered away from lack of use. The only reason they live as long as they do is because we prevent nature from selecting them through redundant and excessive safety precautions. People that stupid are supposed to be eaten by predatory animals or starve to death.

The vitriol is clearly one sided. Cultivated by the Russian directed Alt-Right Media (formerly known as the Echo-Chamber). Their irrational hatred is as pervasive as it is astounding.

Russia's playing them suckers like a drum set.

God... how utterly ridiculous. So, given this logic, people who didn't vote for Trump hate white men.

The vitriol toward Sec. Clinton by the RussianWNJ's who control the GOP is one sided. Proof is in the 65 million votes for Her.

Pales in comparison to Hillary's vitriol towards anyone in her way.

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