Amy Goodman is a paid shill now ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Democracy Now was a ground-breaking Internet organization, holding truth to power since shortly after 9/11, but now it appears they're just towing the mainline, like TYT and others.

It's sickening. And extremely disturbing they would even stoop as low as to pull the race card on Rogan, with out-of -context clips of him saying the 'n' word.
Democracy Now was a ground-breaking Internet organization, holding truth to power since shortly after 9/11, but now it appears they're just towing the mainline, like TYT and others.

It's sickening. And extremely disturbing they would even stoop as low as to pull the race card on Rogan, with out-of -context clips of him saying the 'n' word.

Goodman and DN have always been Democrat shills.

They just play footsie with the left to herd as many as possible into the Democrat Party.
Democracy Now was a ground-breaking Internet organization, holding truth to power since shortly after 9/11, but now it appears they're just towing the mainline, like TYT and others.

It's sickening. And extremely disturbing they would even stoop as low as to pull the race card on Rogan, with out-of -context clips of him saying the 'n' word.

Ummm...Democracy Now! has been a far left outlet from the get-go, dude.
You obviously don't understand the difference between left and corporate-owned.,

This is about people like Noam Chomsky losing their integrity completely.
What corporation owns Democracy Now?

Answer: None.

It is paid for by contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations. They are a non-profit and do not accept corporate underwriting or government funding.
There is any discernable difference these days?
The Democrats are corrupt/totalitarian/fascist capitalists, and the communists were corrupt/totalitarian/fascist communists.

By the time you get to the last word describing each, there isn't much of a difference, no.
Ummm...Democracy Now! has been a far left outlet from the get-go, dude.

It's yet ANOTHER Democrat shill outlet playing footsie with the left.

It ALWAYS pivots back to supporting the OTHER criminal party/wing of the duopoly, and seeks to herd leftists in the DP direction.
Just watch the op video
and stop putting words in my mouth.
I thought I had a good grasp on what a complete Democrat Party shill Goodman was, but in looking at the video, I can see she's far worse than I remembered.

This is CNN-level garbage. :(

Goodman is chilling in her bland reportage that Spotify has, in fact, now censored Rogan, saying as they did so that they don't beleive in it.

Maybe we should call her Big Sister...

And I love the "curate, not censor" crap.

In other words, censor, bur call it a pretty name.

Curate may not be pretty enough however, so maybe it should be hug.

"We want Spotify to hug those who agree with us, and no one else."

Liberals... :(
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Democracy Now was a ground-breaking Internet organization, holding truth to power since shortly after 9/11, but now it appears they're just towing the mainline, like TYT and others.

It's sickening. And extremely disturbing they would even stoop as low as to pull the race card on Rogan, with out-of -context clips of him saying the 'n' word.

Great post.

It is amazing the number of journalists and commentators who have been exposed as shills for the establishment. Yes Amy once was admired as a real progressive, but now is no different from the rest.

Look at Chomsky? Once consider the foremost classical liberal. Now just another shill. Of course he’s like 100 years old, so maybe he’s lost his mind

I suspect this has something to do with dumb Don. He broke the brains of many on the left.

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