Love to destroy it, you meant to say.
No one wants to destroy America. Who would want that? Us Democrats want to strengthen the middle class and help poor people more. Your policies want to destroy the poor and middle classes. Make America less great for them. All so the rich can get richer.
Always remember when Republicans talk about destroying America, they mean us making the rich pay a little more than they do now. That's not going to destroy America. It will just mean Musk and Zuckaberg make a little less.
Did you hear Elon is the first person ever to be worth $400 BILLION dollars?
How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy? | Common Dreams
At what point does great wealth held in a few hands actually harm democracy, threatening to turn a democratic republic into an oligarchy? It's a debate we haven't had freely and openly in this nation for nearly a century, and last week, by voting to end the Estate Tax, House Republicans tried to...