An Iraqi Christian Stands Firm With His Muslim Neighbors


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
An Iraqi Christian Stands Firm With His Muslim Neighbors

BAGHDAD — Over the past several months, Iraq’s dwindling Christian population has gotten even smaller.

Since a bloody attack at a church in Baghdad in October in which more than 50 people were killed, waves of Christians have fled for the country’s Kurdish north or abroad. Others in Baghdad have moved within the capital, giving up their homes for neighborhoods where no one knows their faith.

Nassir Daood Suleiman is not one of those people.

The attack on the church had taken place Oct. 31, when assailants armed with rifles and suicide vests laid waste to the building. Three days later, Mr. Suleiman, a Christian shop owner, was shot in the neck. Still, he and his family have vowed to defy the threats.

At 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 2, Mr. Suleiman was standing in the doorway of his store in Baghdad’s Mansour neighborhood when two young men approached him. One of them took a gun with a noise suppressor out of a black bag and fired two shots. One bullet penetrated Mr. Suleiman’s neck and the other bullet struck a refrigerator.

The two attackers ran down the block to a waiting sedan.

“I felt dizzy and fell down on the ground,” said Mr. Suleiman, in an interview at his home in Mansour. “I was bleeding severely and felt like my soul going out of my body. I was waiting for someone to save me. I felt it was the last moment of my life.”

Mr. Suleiman’s wife, Munira, said that an 8-year-old girl came running into her house, screaming that Mr. Suleiman had been shot.

“I ran quickly and saw him lying on the ground,” his wife said. “His eyes were closed and blood had filled the shop. I slipped because of the blood when I tried to hold him up.”

Mr. Suleiman’s neighbors took him to the hospital, where he was treated for the gunshot wound.

Some people in Baghdad attributed the string of attacks against the Christians to extremist Muslims trying to create sectarian violence.

But Mr. Suleiman’s son Ragheed said that he did not blame Muslims for the attacks.

“The men who attempted to kill my father are not Muslims because the Muslim people in the neighborhood are the ones who saved my father from death,” Ragheed said. “The men who shot my father are associated with foreign agendas and want to sabotage Iraq and sow sectarian violence. “

Although Mr. Suleiman almost lost his life, he and his family have refused to leave Baghdad.

“We live a better life here than those who live as foreigners in pity outside Iraq,” Mr. Suleiman said. “I spent more than 40 years of my life in this house, and I don’t want to leave it until I die.”

An Iraqi Christian Stands Firm With His Muslim Neighbors -
Brave man and I pray for him. However, bravery can sometime cloud a person's judgement. I have no doubt something bad will befall on this brave soul and his family.

An Iraqi Christian Stands Firm With His Muslim Neighbors

BAGHDAD — Over the past several months, Iraq’s dwindling Christian population has gotten even smaller.

Since a bloody attack at a church in Baghdad in October in which more than 50 people were killed, waves of Christians have fled for the country’s Kurdish north or abroad. Others in Baghdad have moved within the capital, giving up their homes for neighborhoods where no one knows their faith.

Nassir Daood Suleiman is not one of those people.

The attack on the church had taken place Oct. 31, when assailants armed with rifles and suicide vests laid waste to the building. Three days later, Mr. Suleiman, a Christian shop owner, was shot in the neck. Still, he and his family have vowed to defy the threats.

At 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 2, Mr. Suleiman was standing in the doorway of his store in Baghdad’s Mansour neighborhood when two young men approached him. One of them took a gun with a noise suppressor out of a black bag and fired two shots. One bullet penetrated Mr. Suleiman’s neck and the other bullet struck a refrigerator.

The two attackers ran down the block to a waiting sedan.

“I felt dizzy and fell down on the ground,” said Mr. Suleiman, in an interview at his home in Mansour. “I was bleeding severely and felt like my soul going out of my body. I was waiting for someone to save me. I felt it was the last moment of my life.”

Mr. Suleiman’s wife, Munira, said that an 8-year-old girl came running into her house, screaming that Mr. Suleiman had been shot.

“I ran quickly and saw him lying on the ground,” his wife said. “His eyes were closed and blood had filled the shop. I slipped because of the blood when I tried to hold him up.”

Mr. Suleiman’s neighbors took him to the hospital, where he was treated for the gunshot wound.

Some people in Baghdad attributed the string of attacks against the Christians to extremist Muslims trying to create sectarian violence.

But Mr. Suleiman’s son Ragheed said that he did not blame Muslims for the attacks.

“The men who attempted to kill my father are not Muslims because the Muslim people in the neighborhood are the ones who saved my father from death,” Ragheed said. “The men who shot my father are associated with foreign agendas and want to sabotage Iraq and sow sectarian violence. “

Although Mr. Suleiman almost lost his life, he and his family have refused to leave Baghdad.

“We live a better life here than those who live as foreigners in pity outside Iraq,” Mr. Suleiman said. “I spent more than 40 years of my life in this house, and I don’t want to leave it until I die.”

An Iraqi Christian Stands Firm With His Muslim Neighbors -
Indeed Ghook, I admire his bravery to stay but at the same time I wouldn't put my life in danger for a country that could care less if I lived or died, I would be heading to Kurdistan if I were him.
They are little more than dhimmi second class citizens anyway. This is the real proof. People talk peace this and peace that and then yearly, in every one of the 57 Muslim majority countries, they have LESS of their minorities.

But still the marks say Religion of Peace and stand with the killers just as they did with Hitler on the night of the long knives.

They were still supporting Hitler after that night. They still support these ones who 'say' Religion of Peace'.

While they are cutting the heads off of all others who are not like them and who they call unbelievers and who they say their God COMMANDS that they perform Jihad on ALL unbelievers.

Even the ones who support them. :eusa_whistle: They will die as well, just later.


Perspective is necessary. This fellow who stands will one day fall. If he doesn't, then his children or line of religion in his family will convert or die. It's happening in 57 Muslim countries around the world as I pen this.

Pages and pages of Christians and Jews being slaughtered by Muslims and unbelievers are the problem. We are at war with the religion of peace they say.

And these Liberal apologists just jump on that bandwagon because they want peace. :doubt: :eusa_shhh:
They are little more than dhimmi second class citizens anyway. This is the real proof. People talk peace this and peace that and then yearly, in every one of the 57 Muslim majority countries, they have LESS of their minorities.

But still the marks say Religion of Peace and stand with the killers just as they did with Hitler on the night of the long knives.

They were still supporting Hitler after that night. They still support these ones who 'say' Religion of Peace'.

While they are cutting the heads off of all others who are not like them and who they call unbelievers and who they say their God COMMANDS that they perform Jihad on ALL unbelievers.

Even the ones who support them. :eusa_whistle: They will die as well, just later.


Perspective is necessary. This fellow who stands will one day fall. If he doesn't, then his children or line of religion in his family will convert or die. It's happening in 57 Muslim countries around the world as I pen this.

Pages and pages of Christians and Jews being slaughtered by Muslims and unbelievers are the problem. We are at war with the religion of peace they say.

And these Liberal apologists just jump on that bandwagon because they want peace. :doubt: :eusa_shhh:

When the Americans leave and they run out of Christians to kill, they will start to kill each other. Peace my ass.:doubt:
When the Americans leave and they run out of Christians to kill, they will start to kill each other. Peace my ass.:doubt:

They are little more than dhimmi second class citizens anyway. This is the real proof. People talk peace this and peace that and then yearly, in every one of the 57 Muslim majority countries, they have LESS of their minorities.

But still the marks say Religion of Peace and stand with the killers just as they did with Hitler on the night of the long knives.

They were still supporting Hitler after that night. They still support these ones who 'say' Religion of Peace'.

While they are cutting the heads off of all others who are not like them and who they call unbelievers and who they say their God COMMANDS that they perform Jihad on ALL unbelievers.

Even the ones who support them. They will die as well, just later.

Perspective is necessary. This fellow who stands will one day fall. If he doesn't, then his children or line of religion in his family will convert or die. It's happening in 57 Muslim countries around the world as I pen this.

Pages and pages of Christians and Jews being slaughtered by Muslims and unbelievers are the problem. We are at war with the religion of peace they say.

And these Liberal apologists just jump on that bandwagon because they want peace.

High Gravity said:
When the Americans leave and they run out of Christians to kill, they will start to kill each other. Peace my ass.

They will just kill more of their own faster. They do it now also. But yes, when there is only Muslims left then it will come down to the moderates being dealt with.

Until all we have left are these:


And those are British citizens.

Warning - Disturbing Graphics

Muslims Beheading Children of Unbelievers and more

^^ Simple Google Search.
When the Americans leave and they run out of Christians to kill, they will start to kill each other. Peace my ass.:doubt:

They are little more than dhimmi second class citizens anyway. This is the real proof. People talk peace this and peace that and then yearly, in every one of the 57 Muslim majority countries, they have LESS of their minorities.

But still the marks say Religion of Peace and stand with the killers just as they did with Hitler on the night of the long knives.

They were still supporting Hitler after that night. They still support these ones who 'say' Religion of Peace'.

While they are cutting the heads off of all others who are not like them and who they call unbelievers and who they say their God COMMANDS that they perform Jihad on ALL unbelievers.

Even the ones who support them. They will die as well, just later.

Perspective is necessary. This fellow who stands will one day fall. If he doesn't, then his children or line of religion in his family will convert or die. It's happening in 57 Muslim countries around the world as I pen this.

Pages and pages of Christians and Jews being slaughtered by Muslims and unbelievers are the problem. We are at war with the religion of peace they say.

And these Liberal apologists just jump on that bandwagon because they want peace.
When the Americans leave and they run out of Christians to kill, they will start to kill each other. Peace my ass.
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They will just kill more of their own faster. They do it now also. But yes, when there is only Muslims left then it will come down to the moderates being dealt with.

Until all we have left are these:


And those are British citizens.

Warning - Disturbing Graphics

Muslims Beheading Children of Unbelievers and more

^^ Simple Google Search.

I can understand having the right to protests but how can holding signs with threats like this be legal? "Islam will chop off your heads" what the fuck is this? where are these kids parents? if my son was out there I would yank him out of the crowd and slap the taste out of his mouth.:evil:
^^ Europe, you'll come crawling when the Mujahideen come roaring.

I mean how much clarity do people need? How much did they need to see that Hitler wasn't a funny little Charlie Chaplain man.



And another funny looking guy who couldn't cause much harm.

^^ Europe, you'll come crawling when the Mujahideen come roaring.

I mean how much clarity do people need? How much did they need to see that Hitler wasn't a funny little Charlie Chaplain man.



And another funny looking guy who couldn't cause much harm.


It seems like nothing has been learned from WW2, they tried to appease Hitler, they said "oh let him have Poland and Czechoslovakia, who cares about those countries anyways?" by the time they got around to try and stop him, the Germans had half of Europe! It seems like its the same thing with Iran, appease and try to bargain with them to stop nukes, shit Iran basically has control of 3 countries in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, direct line to Israel too.
I can understand having the right to protests but how can holding signs with threats like this be legal? "Islam will chop off your heads" what the fuck is this? where are these kids parents? if my son was out there I would yank him out of the crowd and slap the taste out of his mouth.:evil:

Free speech. Just like on here you have ones such as JBukema, et al here. Can you imagine a country run by nutbars such as him? :razz:

There is already.

I can understand having the right to protests but how can holding signs with threats like this be legal? "Islam will chop off your heads" what the fuck is this? where are these kids parents? if my son was out there I would yank him out of the crowd and slap the taste out of his mouth.:evil:

Free speech. Just like on here you have ones such as JBukema, et al here. Can you imagine a country run by nutbars such as him? :razz:

There is already.


I understand free speech but I didn't think you were allowed to threaten murder, these clowns have signs threatening to kill people. And yes a country run by idiots like Jbukema would be a huge joke.:lol:
And yes a country run by idiots like Jbukema would be a huge joke.:lol:

But we pretend JBukema is mentally stable. We allow him to post his hate all over the site. His name calling is just as bad. His calling for the deaths of entire people's is just as bad.

Yet here he is... :razz:

It seems like nothing has been learned from WW2, they tried to appease Hitler, they said "oh let him have Poland and Czechoslovakia, who cares about those countries anyways?" by the time they got around to try and stop him, the Germans had half of Europe! It seems like its the same thing with Iran, appease and try to bargain with them to stop nukes, shit Iran basically has control of 3 countries in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, direct line to Israel too.

Yes, history surely repeats. :( In the end the greatest deaths come from appeasement.
And yes a country run by idiots like Jbukema would be a huge joke.:lol:

But we pretend JBukema is mentally stable. We allow him to post his hate all over the site. His name calling is just as bad. His calling for the deaths of entire people's is just as bad.

Yet here he is... :razz:

It seems like nothing has been learned from WW2, they tried to appease Hitler, they said "oh let him have Poland and Czechoslovakia, who cares about those countries anyways?" by the time they got around to try and stop him, the Germans had half of Europe! It seems like its the same thing with Iran, appease and try to bargain with them to stop nukes, shit Iran basically has control of 3 countries in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, direct line to Israel too.

Yes, history surely repeats. :( In the end the greatest deaths come from appeasement.

I think freedom of speech has been basterdized Ropey, when freedom of speech was drawn up centuries ago I doubt the founding fathers intended for it to be used this way, for clowns like JB to call for the death of an entire people or for these idiots in England to wave signs to kill all non Muslims, it is putting a bad taste in my mouth for it to be honest.:doubt: only bad people seem to really enjoy using freedom of speech to hurt others.
I think freedom of speech has been basterdized Ropey, when freedom of speech was drawn up centuries ago I doubt the founding fathers intended for it to be used this way, for clowns like JB to call for the death of an entire people or for these idiots in England to wave signs to kill all non Muslims, it is putting a bad taste in my mouth for it to be honest.:doubt: only bad people seem to really enjoy using freedom of speech to hurt others.

Freedom of speech, but not freedom of actions.

Islam says sin is in the mind. Modern secularity says sin is in the act.

That's one of the major reasons for this war on the West by Islam.
I think freedom of speech has been basterdized Ropey, when freedom of speech was drawn up centuries ago I doubt the founding fathers intended for it to be used this way, for clowns like JB to call for the death of an entire people or for these idiots in England to wave signs to kill all non Muslims, it is putting a bad taste in my mouth for it to be honest.:doubt: only bad people seem to really enjoy using freedom of speech to hurt others.

Freedom of speech, but not freedom of actions.

Islam says sin is in the mind. Modern secularity says sin is in the act.

That's one of the major reasons for this war on the West by Islam.

In Islam almost everything is a sin Ropey, even listening to music and laughing can be considered haram by some Muslims.:eek:
In Islam almost everything is a sin Ropey, even listening to music and laughing can be considered haram by some Muslims

Yes, with Islam, if you have chosen a belief other than Islam you are an unbeliever and Holy Jihad MUST be performed upon you. You are 'the' major sin.

In your mind. Where you chose other than Allah.

And if you can not be converted by the soft Jihad, then you will be by the flaming sword of Jihad.
In Islam almost everything is a sin Ropey, even listening to music and laughing can be considered haram by some Muslims

Yes, with Islam, if you have chosen a belief other than Islam you are an unbeliever and Holy Jihad MUST be performed upon you. You are 'the' major sin.

In your mind. Where you chose other than Allah.

I don't see how people can get any enjoyment out of such a strict restrictive lifestyle, I would be a terrible Muslim with no beer and no girls.:eek:
In Islam almost everything is a sin Ropey, even listening to music and laughing can be considered haram by some Muslims

Yes, with Islam, if you have chosen a belief other than Islam you are an unbeliever and Holy Jihad MUST be performed upon you. You are 'the' major sin.

In your mind. Where you chose other than Allah.

I don't see how people can get any enjoyment out of such a strict restrictive lifestyle, I would be a terrible Muslim with no beer and no girls.:eek:

The men have drugs and many wives and slaves. The Arab slave market is still quite strong. Dhimmi are in effect, slaves to Muslims who submit to the will of Allah.


The Grand Jihad Has Arrived​

The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.

The Grand Jihad by Andrew McCarthyThis is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term.

“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”

Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?

Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.

We will always have liberals who soften the effect of the immoderate. This is how Hitler came to power. The moderates let him in the door. I see more than a few of them on this website. They feel secure. So did many prior to the night of the long knives.
Yes, with Islam, if you have chosen a belief other than Islam you are an unbeliever and Holy Jihad MUST be performed upon you. You are 'the' major sin.

In your mind. Where you chose other than Allah.

I don't see how people can get any enjoyment out of such a strict restrictive lifestyle, I would be a terrible Muslim with no beer and no girls.:eek:

The men have drugs and many wives and slaves. The Arab slave market is still quite strong. Dhimmi are in effect, slaves to Muslims who submit to the will of Allah.


The Grand Jihad Has Arrived​

The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.

The Grand Jihad by Andrew McCarthyThis is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term.

“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”

Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?

Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.

We will always have liberals who soften the effect of the immoderate. This is how Hitler came to power. The moderates let him in the door. I see more than a few of them on this website. They feel secure. So did many prior to the night of the long knives.

You are correct, I read an article on the Taliban female slave trade after the US Troops went into Afghanistan, they found villages with hundreds of girls missing, basically stolen by Al Qaeda and the Taliban to be used as their personal sex slaves or to sell them to others, Saudi Arabia is notorious for this as well but of course no one wants to talk about it.:doubt:
I don't see how people can get any enjoyment out of such a strict restrictive lifestyle, I would be a terrible Muslim with no beer and no girls.:eek:

The men have drugs and many wives and slaves. The Arab slave market is still quite strong. Dhimmi are in effect, slaves to Muslims who submit to the will of Allah.


The Grand Jihad Has Arrived​

The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.

The Grand Jihad by Andrew McCarthyThis is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term.

“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”

Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?

Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.

We will always have liberals who soften the effect of the immoderate. This is how Hitler came to power. The moderates let him in the door. I see more than a few of them on this website. They feel secure. So did many prior to the night of the long knives.

You are correct, I read an article on the Taliban female slave trade after the US Troops went into Afghanistan, they found villages with hundreds of girls missing, basically stolen by Al Qaeda and the Taliban to be used as their personal sex slaves or to sell them to others, Saudi Arabia is notorious for this as well but of course no one wants to talk about it.:doubt:

Appeasement is the play of the day. History shows mankind tries to placate and appease. But this is before they go and do the heavy stuff.

And the heavy stuff? It comes...

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