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Are you an Anarchist or political Libertarian?

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There are more than enough guns in the country to arm every man, woman, and child...Trying to mount a land war here would be an historical military blunder...And let's let other people worry about their own nation's defense.

My 50 or so firearms would not be very effective against Russian or Chinese tanks, ships, bombers or nuclear missiles, would they?

No, but you can't occupy a country until you get out of your vehicle.

Every blade of grass, my friend; you should know this better than anyone.

That is why they make missiles and bombers and nukes and cluster bombs and things like that. So they don't have to get out of the vehicle. Things that wouldn't be funded on our side with anarchy.

We don't know what would be funded, so why do you assert this so confidently?

And destroying everything is not the goal of any government. They use violence as a means of control. They want obedience; this is the only goal with any value. A people willing to live free or die cannot be occupied, and once they prove this, the bully will go away. Even if many yield to intimidation, there is no centralized body authorized to submit on behalf of all people in a free society. So they have to take each and every town, one by one.

The largest army in the world, the Chinese PLA, consists of 2.3 million. Even if they send everyone they had, leaving themselves defenseless in their own land, they would be perpetually lost in a wilderness of danger and could never gain control. They would be better off going to one of the many countries that have way less guns, and a governmental system in place that they could usurp, instead of coming halfway around the world to get here, only to find a gun in every hand, and the necessity to establish authoritarian rule from scratch.

Without a strong national defense we have no idea what dangers lurk in the future. Given the world history of oppression and warfare I personally don't want to bet my children's and grandchildren's future on the the good graces of foreign shitasses.

Anarchy would not fund a modern military capable of defending this country against another modern military.

I didn't say anything about "good graces". You've reverted back to your pre-conceived notion, ignoring the argument made for the undesirability and impracticality of choosing a free America as a target for occupation, which doesn't even require a single missile to be valid.
Anarchy is the Dark Side. Seductive but just like the other extreme of socialism is doomed to failure.

Socialism fails because human nature is to be greedy and lazy.

Anarchy fails because our basic nature is to be evil.

You think that those tens of millions of welfare queens living in the big city sucking off the teat of government don't have the mentality and responsibility of children? How about the gang members? The thieves that would take what you have if they could get away with it? Hardly responsible adults, are they?

No, humans are too screwed up to be responsible. History is full of those examples. It ain't gonna change now.
Yet you support the very government that promotes such behavior...And if you think that you can tame the beast to give you only what you want, without the indolent and antisocial getting what they want, you need a reality check.
Fictitious but plausible. Why don't you tell me how you see user fees for emergency services working? I have been watching and learning for 70 fucking years, and I know stupidity and bullshit when I see it.
I live in a rural place where the fire and EMS is 100% voluntary...The members of the community are all very generous to support them at their every fundraiser....This model works every day of every year for hundreds upon hundreds of towns all across the nation....Actual reality shows that it's your "plausible" fictitious scenario that is stupidity and bullshit.
Again, voluntary "authority", like that of an employer, is not what's being challenged here. No anarchist believes that a baseball team should just run wildly around the field because "authority" is invalid.

Well yes a true anarchist would, they would never think to agree with baseball rules. This is why I labeled you anarchy lite. You are down with authority as long as it is not labeled “government”.

And what you're describing is people in a depraved state. I already granted that as an aspect of human nature, but you are ignoring the incredibly influential factor of conditions.

This has been mankind’s state since the beginning of time. In the beginning there were no governments and no laws and rules and yet mankind’s nature was the same.

If pure freedom brings this utopia you speak of, why did things change?

The condition of freedom is essential to the expression of human potential. What you have seen are not human beings as they should or would be under different circumstances.

You have a Pollyanna view of humans, and there is not a single bit of evidence to suggest your view had even the smallest amount of reality.

This should be obvious, as in this country we have enjoyed less debilitating slavery (what many would erroneously call "freedom"), and have thrived in many ways because of it. Our poor would be considered well-off by the standards of many other countries.

They thrive because the authority keeps their exploitation to a minimum by those with greater means.

That is why those people in our grocery stores are not the people you're talking about - because of conditions. I'm not saying they're not capable of it, I'm saying they're not that way because of law, they're that way because their chains are light compared to much of the world. The closer to freedom we move, the more prosperous, and moral we will be.

But they are the same people in your grocery store. The Marines that threw the MREs are now the people walking next to you. The people that will riot and burn cars when their team wins a championship are the people in the car next to you. The people that will loot the BestBuy because someone got shot are the people eating dinner next to you at the local diner. The people that will trample you to get to the $10 mixer on Black Friday are the people you think will have your back when there is no actual authority.

You kid yourself if you think that mankind is at its core good and peaceful.

To deny this is to suggest that more oppression breeds better people, which is not the case. If it was, prisons would represent an exemplary society, and those people are throwing shit on each other as we speak.

It does not have to be one or the other, it does not have to be no authority or ultimate authority. Extremes are rarely the right answer.

I am not saying that more oppression is good. I am an amateur chef and I love the spice nutmeg. A pinch of nutmeg can be the difference between a good meal and a great meal. Too much nutmeg will kill you. This is the way government is, none at all ruins the meal, too much kills you but just the right amount is wonderful.

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Fictitious but plausible. Why don't you tell me how you see user fees for emergency services working? I have been watching and learning for 70 fucking years, and I know stupidity and bullshit when I see it.
I live in a rural place where the fire and EMS is 100% voluntary...The members of the community are all very generous to support them at their every fundraiser....This model works every day of every year for hundreds upon hundreds of towns all across the nation....Actual reality shows that it's your "plausible" fictitious scenario that is stupidity and bullshit.

Don't look now, but what you are describing is social contract. And even though there is no formal government, I'm pretty sure it is like all other such rural areas in which there is mutual agreement on how the funds will be used and who has authority to use them; i.e. at least a rudimentary form of government. And there is also most likely legal recourse if somebody should decide to abscond with those funds which also requires some some of government, though in such rural areas the government is usually a government by the people which is what the Constitution intended for us all.
Fictitious but plausible. Why don't you tell me how you see user fees for emergency services working? I have been watching and learning for 70 fucking years, and I know stupidity and bullshit when I see it.
I live in a rural place where the fire and EMS is 100% voluntary...The members of the community are all very generous to support them at their every fundraiser....This model works every day of every year for hundreds upon hundreds of towns all across the nation....Actual reality shows that it's your "plausible" fictitious scenario that is stupidity and bullshit.

Don't look now, but what you are describing is social contract. And even though there is no formal government, I'm pretty sure it is like all other such rural areas in which there is mutual agreement on how the funds will be used and who has authority to use them; i.e. at least a rudimentary form of government. And there is also most likely legal recourse if somebody should decide to abscond with those funds which also requires some some of government, though in such rural areas the government is usually a government by the people which is what the Constitution intended for us all.

I worked as a volunteer fire fighter for brush fires when I was first in the Marines. The closest station was a volunteer station, I was surprised to find out they still got state and local funding on top of the donations. They just did not get as much as the professional ones did.

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I didn't say anything about "good graces". You've reverted back to your pre-conceived notion, ignoring the argument made for the undesirability and impracticality of choosing a free America as a target for occupation, which doesn't even require a single missile to be valid.

Good luck with hoping that the US would never be a target. History is not exactly on your side.

I am not willing to bet my children's and grandchildren's lives and liberty on that.
So if your house is burning or you're being assaulted, you should give a credit card number when calling the fire department or police?
You'd probably have a subscription to a fire service, whether from contract services, community covenants, or through your freely purchased insurance policy.

Call to 911: My house is on fire ! My son is trapped on the third floor!
What agency do you contract with?
Shit! I don't know! Oh Fire services Inc.
I'll try them. Getting their answering service. Oh OK got them
Fire Service inc. That credit card is expired . Do you have an update
May son is trapped !!
I understand but we must arrange payment first
OK, oK! Here is my new number
Sorry but you are only subscribed to the silver plan that provides protection and rescue up to the second floor. Would you like to upgrade now?
My son is dead!


They are no morons, they are playing make believe. A society of anarchists is a oxymoron. You will notice how they had to water down the meaning of the word anarchy to just refer to governments and not all authority as was its original meaning. The funny thing is they are not actually changing anything, they are just transferring who has authority and calling it something different.

Sort of like..."no dear, I am not going to Kentucky Fried Chicken, I am going to KFC"
You seem to be admitting that a society can exist without government. Now you're just whining about the terms we use to describe that arrangement.

Yes, society can exist without government if you replace government with something exactly like government but just give it a new name to make you feel better.

Government is the monopoly on the use of force. There is nothing exactly like it, dumbass.
The right of the political spectrum is about liberty...the left is about oppression.

This from the guy that fights to deny people the liberty to use marijuana if they choose to. You my friend are a fraud, you are all about control and nothing else
Oh, I see. Pot is that big a deal to you. Hey, shoot some heroin too...I don’t give a fuck. I just want Mexican cartels destroyed and not glorified by lazy fucking stoners.

No, it is not a big deal to me as I do not wish to use it. But if I can sit in my house and drink a beer someone else should be able to sit in their house and smoke a joint.

That is what is known as liberty

But you do not care about liberty, you only care about control....what you can put in your body, who you can marry...and then you lie and pretend to care about liberty.
So someone should be able to sit in their car before walking into work and down a six pack...just like people who sit in their car and get high before going into work?

That's up to the employer, and most wouldn't allow it.
Call to 911: My house is on fire ! My son is trapped on the third floor!
What agency do you contract with?
Shit! I don't know! Oh Fire services Inc.
I'll try them. Getting their answering service. Oh OK got them
Fire Service inc. That credit card is expired . Do you have an update
May son is trapped !!
I understand but we must arrange payment first
OK, oK! Here is my new number
Sorry but you are only subscribed to the silver plan that provides protection and rescue up to the second floor. Would you like to upgrade now?
My son is dead!

Fictitious scenario is fictitious....So many holes and preposterous presumptions in that mess to even try to take it seriously.

Methinks you don't even want to bother to listen and learn, from a place that's disconnected from knee-jerk emotional responses.
Fictitious but plausible. Why don't you tell me how you see user fees for emergency services working? I have been watching and learning for 70 fucking years, and I know stupidity and bullshit when I see it.
I've already explained it. Lenders would require you to have a contract for fire protection service as a condition of your mortgage.
Anarchy is social evolution at its finest, if you have the power or resources to defend yourself you will survive, those without the resources will be killed off by those with it. The only rule that fits anarchy is "might makes right".

Your worldview is skewed, which is no surprise, as there is a purposeful effort in place to accomplish this. Media has warped your perception, as it has to all of us, but if you understood the primacy of individual experience, you would not feel as you do. When you walk around a grocery store, are you under the impression that if not for law, those people would just be knocking each other over, and shooting each other in the face to be first in line? Who are these people that you think are going to be attacking your home every five minutes? Do you understand how minuscule, percentage-wise, aggressors are in our society?

There's about 2.2 million people in prison right now. Considering that many of them are wrongly imprisoned for non-aggressive, victimless crimes, and that many people have not been caught or imprisoned for their crimes, let's allow those two groups to cancel each other out and stick with the 2.2 million figure. There are 325 million people in the U.S., which gives us a ballpark figure of 0.007% of people being aggressors. Considering the established fact that defense, not a lofty respect for law, is the only real deterrent, and that defense is stronger in a free society, where resides the valid foothold for your concerns about violent chaos in a free society? You have bought into a purposeful con; a lie designed specifically for your enslavement.

You have no concept of:
- Human nature
- What anarchy is
- How infringement on freedom is the only evil
- The effects of cultural indoctrination
- Why external authority is slavery
- How aggression and defense are antithetical
- Why law exists
- What natural law is
- Your inherent self-ownership
- How all mankind's positive progress is derived from the natural order of freedom, in spite of (not because of) external authority.

This is not an insult. I can make a list much longer than this of things I have no concept of, but none of the above are on that list. Since the above represents the topic of discussion here, you are at a distinct disadvantage. No shame in it, but you must admit (at least to yourself) that you're not in a position to opine on this topic with clarity. So why not earnestly seek an understanding, instead of holding firm to an uninformed position?

I do not take it as an insult at all, I read it and I laugh.

You live in a fantasy world where human nature is benevolent and loving and caring. That is not reality, that is some utopia fueled fantasy.

I have been all around this world, I spent 4.5 years of my childhood in Iran, I went to more than a dozen countries as a Marine and helped in multiple humanitarian missions. I have traveled to even more countries as a civilian and seen what human nature is and does.

I have watched as what you would assume are normal well rounded individuals throw unused MRE parts over a fence so they could watch the starving children fight over them like a pack of dogs and take bets on which will win. These are the same people walking your grocery store aisles. These are the same people you will assume will get your back in your anarchist utopia, how utterly clueless you are to human nature.

I understand these things far better than you, as your understanding of them is not rooted in reality but in some fantasy of what “could be” if only...

You do not even really understand anarchy, pure anarchy is chaos not order and goodness.

You preach anarchy lite, moving authority from one source to another instead of true anarchy that is against all authority.

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Bullshit. Anarchy does not require everyone to be an angel. I've explained how predators can be handled, and you simply ignore it. It's pointless to debate the issue with you because you proceed as if no one ever countered your arguments.
Fictitious but plausible. Why don't you tell me how you see user fees for emergency services working? I have been watching and learning for 70 fucking years, and I know stupidity and bullshit when I see it.
I live in a rural place where the fire and EMS is 100% voluntary...The members of the community are all very generous to support them at their every fundraiser....This model works every day of every year for hundreds upon hundreds of towns all across the nation....Actual reality shows that it's your "plausible" fictitious scenario that is stupidity and bullshit.
You're moving the goal; posts now. THAT is a logical fallacy. This started with a mention of "fee for service" vs. taxes. Volunteer departments are an entirely different matter.
You think that those tens of millions of welfare queens living in the big city sucking off the teat of government don't have the mentality and responsibility of children? How about the gang members? The thieves that would take what you have if they could get away with it? Hardly responsible adults, are they?

No, humans are too screwed up to be responsible. History is full of those examples. It ain't gonna change now.
Yet you support the very government that promotes such behavior...And if you think that you can tame the beast to give you only what you want, without the indolent and antisocial getting what they want, you need a reality check.

That is why I am a Libertarian for the most part. I want the government to get out of the business of subsidizing sorriness.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidizes or entitlements.

We can easily do that without jeopardizing the few minimal necessary government functions like defense, courts, police etc.

However, you missed the point that I made. The point that I made was that humans are not moral or decent enough so that anarchy would work. Many humans are assholes and without the reasonable constraints would brutalize others and would steal from others.

Tony Soprano and MS-14 are not killers and thieves because the government made them do it. They are killers and thieves because they are assholes.
Anarchy is social evolution at its finest, if you have the power or resources to defend yourself you will survive, those without the resources will be killed off by those with it. The only rule that fits anarchy is "might makes right".

Your worldview is skewed, which is no surprise, as there is a purposeful effort in place to accomplish this. Media has warped your perception, as it has to all of us, but if you understood the primacy of individual experience, you would not feel as you do. When you walk around a grocery store, are you under the impression that if not for law, those people would just be knocking each other over, and shooting each other in the face to be first in line? Who are these people that you think are going to be attacking your home every five minutes? Do you understand how minuscule, percentage-wise, aggressors are in our society?

There's about 2.2 million people in prison right now. Considering that many of them are wrongly imprisoned for non-aggressive, victimless crimes, and that many people have not been caught or imprisoned for their crimes, let's allow those two groups to cancel each other out and stick with the 2.2 million figure. There are 325 million people in the U.S., which gives us a ballpark figure of 0.007% of people being aggressors. Considering the established fact that defense, not a lofty respect for law, is the only real deterrent, and that defense is stronger in a free society, where resides the valid foothold for your concerns about violent chaos in a free society? You have bought into a purposeful con; a lie designed specifically for your enslavement.

You have no concept of:
- Human nature
- What anarchy is
- How infringement on freedom is the only evil
- The effects of cultural indoctrination
- Why external authority is slavery
- How aggression and defense are antithetical
- Why law exists
- What natural law is
- Your inherent self-ownership
- How all mankind's positive progress is derived from the natural order of freedom, in spite of (not because of) external authority.

This is not an insult. I can make a list much longer than this of things I have no concept of, but none of the above are on that list. Since the above represents the topic of discussion here, you are at a distinct disadvantage. No shame in it, but you must admit (at least to yourself) that you're not in a position to opine on this topic with clarity. So why not earnestly seek an understanding, instead of holding firm to an uninformed position?

I do not take it as an insult at all, I read it and I laugh.

You live in a fantasy world where human nature is benevolent and loving and caring. That is not reality, that is some utopia fueled fantasy.

I have been all around this world, I spent 4.5 years of my childhood in Iran, I went to more than a dozen countries as a Marine and helped in multiple humanitarian missions. I have traveled to even more countries as a civilian and seen what human nature is and does.

I have watched as what you would assume are normal well rounded individuals throw unused MRE parts over a fence so they could watch the starving children fight over them like a pack of dogs and take bets on which will win. These are the same people walking your grocery store aisles. These are the same people you will assume will get your back in your anarchist utopia, how utterly clueless you are to human nature.

I understand these things far better than you, as your understanding of them is not rooted in reality but in some fantasy of what “could be” if only...

You do not even really understand anarchy, pure anarchy is chaos not order and goodness.

You preach anarchy lite, moving authority from one source to another instead of true anarchy that is against all authority.

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Bullshit. Anarchy does not require everyone to be an angel. I've explained how predators can be handled, and you simply ignore it. It's pointless to debate the issue with you because you proceed as if no one ever countered your arguments.

Then quit fucking responding to post that are not directed at you. I am responding to what he wrote, not the crap you posted.

You are a fraud, nobody that is against all government can also be a cheerleader for the leader of the government.

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You think that those tens of millions of welfare queens living in the big city sucking off the teat of government don't have the mentality and responsibility of children? How about the gang members? The thieves that would take what you have if they could get away with it? Hardly responsible adults, are they?

No, humans are too screwed up to be responsible. History is full of those examples. It ain't gonna change now.
Yet you support the very government that promotes such behavior...And if you think that you can tame the beast to give you only what you want, without the indolent and antisocial getting what they want, you need a reality check.

That is why I am a Libertarian for the most part. I want the government to get out of the business of subsidizing sorriness.

No welfare, bailouts, subsidizes or entitlements.

We can easily do that without jeopardizing the few minimal necessary government functions like defense, courts, police etc.

However, you missed the point that I made. The point that I made was that humans are not moral or decent enough so that anarchy would work. Many humans are assholes and without the reasonable constraints would brutalize others and would steal from others.

Tony Soprano and MS-14 are not killers and thieves because the government made them do it. They are killers and thieves because they are assholes.

Post of the thread! You nailed it!

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Again, voluntary "authority", like that of an employer, is not what's being challenged here. No anarchist believes that a baseball team should just run wildly around the field because "authority" is invalid.

Well yes a true anarchist would, they would never think to agree with baseball rules. This is why I labeled you anarchy lite. You are down with authority as long as it is not labeled “government”.

Don't tell us what a "true anarchist" would do. You can try to ram your definition of the term down our throats, but no one is buying what you're selling. You're argument is moot.

And what you're describing is people in a depraved state. I already granted that as an aspect of human nature, but you are ignoring the incredibly influential factor of conditions.

This has been mankind’s state since the beginning of time. In the beginning there were no governments and no laws and rules and yet mankind’s nature was the same.

If pure freedom brings this utopia you speak of, why did things change?

Humans live in communities for thousands of years before government came into existence. According to you, that should have been impossible.

You asked how government came into existence. I know you won't read this, but here is your answere:

The State - Online Library of Liberty
Anarchy is social evolution at its finest, if you have the power or resources to defend yourself you will survive, those without the resources will be killed off by those with it. The only rule that fits anarchy is "might makes right".

Your worldview is skewed, which is no surprise, as there is a purposeful effort in place to accomplish this. Media has warped your perception, as it has to all of us, but if you understood the primacy of individual experience, you would not feel as you do. When you walk around a grocery store, are you under the impression that if not for law, those people would just be knocking each other over, and shooting each other in the face to be first in line? Who are these people that you think are going to be attacking your home every five minutes? Do you understand how minuscule, percentage-wise, aggressors are in our society?

There's about 2.2 million people in prison right now. Considering that many of them are wrongly imprisoned for non-aggressive, victimless crimes, and that many people have not been caught or imprisoned for their crimes, let's allow those two groups to cancel each other out and stick with the 2.2 million figure. There are 325 million people in the U.S., which gives us a ballpark figure of 0.007% of people being aggressors. Considering the established fact that defense, not a lofty respect for law, is the only real deterrent, and that defense is stronger in a free society, where resides the valid foothold for your concerns about violent chaos in a free society? You have bought into a purposeful con; a lie designed specifically for your enslavement.

You have no concept of:
- Human nature
- What anarchy is
- How infringement on freedom is the only evil
- The effects of cultural indoctrination
- Why external authority is slavery
- How aggression and defense are antithetical
- Why law exists
- What natural law is
- Your inherent self-ownership
- How all mankind's positive progress is derived from the natural order of freedom, in spite of (not because of) external authority.

This is not an insult. I can make a list much longer than this of things I have no concept of, but none of the above are on that list. Since the above represents the topic of discussion here, you are at a distinct disadvantage. No shame in it, but you must admit (at least to yourself) that you're not in a position to opine on this topic with clarity. So why not earnestly seek an understanding, instead of holding firm to an uninformed position?

I do not take it as an insult at all, I read it and I laugh.

You live in a fantasy world where human nature is benevolent and loving and caring. That is not reality, that is some utopia fueled fantasy.

I have been all around this world, I spent 4.5 years of my childhood in Iran, I went to more than a dozen countries as a Marine and helped in multiple humanitarian missions. I have traveled to even more countries as a civilian and seen what human nature is and does.

I have watched as what you would assume are normal well rounded individuals throw unused MRE parts over a fence so they could watch the starving children fight over them like a pack of dogs and take bets on which will win. These are the same people walking your grocery store aisles. These are the same people you will assume will get your back in your anarchist utopia, how utterly clueless you are to human nature.

I understand these things far better than you, as your understanding of them is not rooted in reality but in some fantasy of what “could be” if only...

You do not even really understand anarchy, pure anarchy is chaos not order and goodness.

You preach anarchy lite, moving authority from one source to another instead of true anarchy that is against all authority.

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Bullshit. Anarchy does not require everyone to be an angel. I've explained how predators can be handled, and you simply ignore it. It's pointless to debate the issue with you because you proceed as if no one ever countered your arguments.

Then quit fucking responding to post that are not directed at you. I am responding to what he wrote, not the crap you posted.

You are a fraud, nobody that is against all government can also be a cheerleader for the leader of the government.

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ROFL! You're a coward. If you don't want to be called on posting bullshit, then stop posting it. You have posted one lie after another.

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