Anchor Apologizes to those “frightened by” Charles Krauthammer's face

ah well ... at least he didn't say he was happy that hurricane sandy hit last week, even though he was.
Liberals...always with attacks about image and not about substance.

Stupid is as stupid does.
MSNBC will give anybody a show...

Ed Schultz
Martin Bashir
Al Sharpton
Krystal Balls
Melissa Harris Perry
Alex Wagner...

Only credential needed...
Be a major Obama ass kisser.
how anyone watches that piece of trash station is beyond me, but it seems many here do and finds it funny..
We be more politically correct with the FOX crowd, and always take their tender feelings into account. Wouldn't want them to feel offended, you know. All viewpoints are of equal value, even those held by staggeringly stupid people such as "he's [Obama] going to suffer a landslide" Krauthammer.
Charles Krauthammer is an intelligent man.

He is also a physiatrist ... he knows all about human stupidity. I'm sure he won't mind.
As long as we are apologizing for peoples looks maybe some folks over at MSNBC
would like to apologize to the kiddies for

Chris Hayes... Man or Woman...C'mon fess up already.
Melissa Harris Perry....(corn rows,really)
Al Sharpton...Looks creepy after losing all that weight.
ah well ... at least he didn't say he was happy that hurricane sandy hit last week, even though he was.

Yes, but our good-looking intellectual living in a wheelchair, has the brains and that is what the libs are very envious of. He has become a target and I am sure he will laugh all the way to the bank.

Love my Dr. Charles Krauthammar! :D

Is it Ridicule To Mention the Good Doktor Charles Krauthammar is a cripple?'

Unkatory-traitor-doosh seems to think so. I mention the man in the wheelchair is a cripple, and an idiot. Anyone want to deny either of these propositions?

ah well ... at least he didn't say he was happy that hurricane sandy hit last week, even though he was.

Yes, but our good-looking intellectual living in a wheelchair, has the brains and that is what the libs are very envious of. He has become a target and I am sure he will laugh all the way to the bank.

Love my Dr. Charles Krauthammar! :D


I do too.
Is it Ridicule To Mention the Good Doktor Charles Krauthammar is a cripple?'

Unkatory-traitor-doosh seems to think so. I mention the man in the wheelchair is a cripple, and an idiot. Anyone want to deny either of these propositions?


When Dr. Krauthammer was in medical school, he took a dive into a swimming pool, hitting his head, rendering him a paraplegic. Did he whine and cry and apply for disability?? NOOO. We are talking about an achiever here.

He went on to ( in a wheelchair ) graduate from medical school, then from psychiatry then into journalism and analysis and much, much more. He is a success story. :clap2:

I checked him out years ago on Wiki, and feel sure the information I provided above, is correct.
Is it Ridicule To Mention the Good Doktor Charles Krauthammar is a cripple?'

Unkatory-traitor-doosh seems to think so. I mention the man in the wheelchair is a cripple, and an idiot. Anyone want to deny either of these propositions?


When Dr. Krauthammer was in medical school, he took a dive into a swimming pool, hitting his head, rendering him a paraplegic. Did he whine and cry and apply for disability?? NOOO. We are talking about an achiever here.

He went on to ( in a wheelchair ) graduate from medical school, then from psychiatry then into journalism and analysis and much, much more. He is a success story. :clap2:

I checked him out years ago on Wiki, and feel sure the information I provided above, is correct.

He probably had John Edwards for a lawyer and sucked the life out of insurance companies.
Do you really feel so ashamed of what you did that you needed to start a whole thread dedicated to defending yourself?

I have been on the phone with a friend while posting this. He has a severe disability. I ended up persuading him that you are wrong here, but being a cripple himself, he is overly sensitive.

but, no. I feel no shame. I don't do shame well. It's a human concept that serves a limited purpose in the right situation


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