Andrew Klavan explains why the left loves animals but hate people...Cecil vs. babies...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan is great. He has a way of getting to the heart of the matter and he does so with Cecil the lion vs. all the babies murdered by planned parenthood....and why the left is shocked by the death of cecil, and yawns when you point out murdered babies......

Here is part of his column....

Loving Animals Loving People Klavan On The Culture

My dog is dying, after a long life of beaches and forests and affection. She is one of the sweetest, gentlest, most enthusiastic creatures I’ve ever met, my friend and companion for nearly fifteen years. So even before the news and social media degraded and humiliated themselves by going into hysterics over the death of Cecil the lion while covering up or excusing Planned Parenthood’s butchery and sale of human babies, I’ve had cause to reflect on human-animal relationships.

It in no way detracts from the goodness of my dog nor diminishes my devotion to her to observe that there’s a measure of narcissism in the love of animals. Our pets demand any number of little attentions from us, but they will never ask us to change our opinions. They will never challenge the validity of our inner worlds with their own.

Those competing inner visions humans have — other outlooks; conflicting opinions — that’s what narcissists can’t stand; that’s what really offends them. It’s not enough for a narcissistic tyrant that you do what he says, you also have to profess what he believes. It’s not enough that you leave him alone, you have to bake the cake for his wedding too. Narcissists can’t abide the Other. Competing inner worlds drive them to insane levels of cruelty, brutality and even murder. Animals never pose that problem for them. That’s why so many people who preen themselves on their love of animals are such rotten imbeciles when it comes to other humans. The PETAtypes who assault people for wearing fur, say. Philosopher Peter Singer who believes a baby may be morally killed but not a dog. Such love of animals is not love at all; just narcissism made flesh.
I find that those who truly do love animals tend to do great with people too. Leftist animal rights whackos actually believe they are the only ones that care for animals. Enviro-whacks are this way too.
He's welcome back - but not for hunting...

Zimbabwe: Cecil's killer had permits
Tuesday, October 13, 2015, Authorities in Zimbabwe have decided not to charge the American dentist who hunted and killed one of Africa's most beloved lions, saying that Walter Palmer went through the proper channels before he set out on the savanna with a bow and arrow.
Palmer sparked international outrage over the summer after he killed the 13-year-old black-maned beauty Cecil the lion. Some called Palmer a monster. Others called him a murderer. The uproar all but forced him underground. But a cabinet minister said Monday in Zimbabwe that Palmer had obtained the legal authority to do it. "We approached the police and then the prosecutor general, and it turned out that Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order," Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri told reporters, according to Agence France-Presse. "The documents were there," she added. "The problem now remains internal. ... We are now going to review how we issue hunting quotas." A spokesman for Palmer told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that Palmer had no comment.


American dentist Dr. Walter Palmer’s killed Cecil, who killed Zimbabwe’s famous lion, is seen here posing with another lion he killed in his history of hunting.​

Palmer, a big-game hunter from Bloomington, Minn., was identified as Cecil's killer in July. Authorities said he had paid roughly $50,000 for the African safari in which he lured the lion from his home in the Hwange National Park, hunted him, and killed him. Zimbabwean authorities called for his extradition. Palmer apologized, asserting that he thought the hunt was legal. He said he had relied on his hunting guide, Theo Bronkhorst, and a local property owner, Honest Ndlovu. Bronkhorst was charged with "failure to prevent an illegal hunt." Ndlovu was charged with allowing the men to hunt the lion on his land without getting authorization. The minister said this week that Ndlovu did not have a hunting quota but the district council over his land did, according to Agence France-Presse.

After he was identified as Cecil's killer, Palmer said his life was threatened. He temporarily shut down his dental practice, River Bluff Dental, where protesters put up memorials with stuffed lions to represent the one he took. He came forward last month, telling the Associated Press and the Star Tribune in a joint interview that he did, in fact, kill Cecil, but echoing his previous statement that he did not know the lion was important to the country. "It's been especially hard on my wife and daughter," Palmer told the news organizations. "They've been threatened. In the media, as well, and the social media. . . . I don't understand that level of humanity, to come after people not involved at all." Palmer returned to work without further comment. Muchinguri-Kashiri said Zimbabwe would be happy to have Palmer back - but "not for hunting."

Zimbabwe: Cecil's killer had permits
so leftist hate babies b/c they can't control them, once they have escaped the womb.

wow, that is so on point and goes hand in glove with their tyrannical needs in government.
Well I don't agree with the guy. I believe you can learn a lot about people by the way they treat animals. Children don't demand you change your opinion, or if they do it's a case of bad parenting. I love my dogs because they don't pretend to be anything except what they are, unlike many or most people I've met.

It has nothing to do with how they see me, but how I see them. The article is a false dichotomy, one can care for people, oppose abortion on demand and love animals. I don't understand hunting for sport, now that's where the narcissism comes in. Pretending you are more powerful than a lion because you can cower behind cover and pull a trigger. What a big ole hunk of man.
My idea of hunting is with a zoom lense.

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