Andrew Tate takes a stand for the January 6 protesters while calling out the BLM rioters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Tate is talking about how people who walked around the capitol building in January 6 have been sentenced two years in jail. While some of the BLM rioters got away with it. Sure a few blm rioters went to jail, but tons of them got away with it and of course the media treats these events incredibly differently. The BLM riots were deadly over 25 people died and not a single person was killed by any Trump supporters on January 6. The only people who died we’re Trump supporters, including an American veteran.

Great to see the man himself back at it. He’s in tiptop shape, and calling out hypocrisy of the left wingers of the world. And with two big wars going on you get to see even more of this hypocrisy day in and day out from these con artists and that includes Republicans. Men like Tate are calling it right.

I remember some of the anti-free-speech people, who will want to see people in prison, for no reason with no evidence provided. I remember them saying that Mr. Tate will never get out of jail. Well now look he’s back on Twitter. He’s back doing interviews that he is commanding millions upon millions of yours. Tate has the second most watched interview in human history when Tucker Carlson interviewed him.
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Tate is talking about how people who walked around the capitol building in January 6 have been sentenced two years in jail. While some of the BLM riders got away with it. Sure, if you’ll be all I’m riders went to jail, but tons of them got away with it and of course the media treats these events incredibly differently. The BLM riots were deadly over 25 people died and not a single person was killed by any Trump supporters on January 6. The only people who died we’re Trump supporters, including an American veteran.

Great to see the man himself back at it. He’s in tiptop shape, and calling out hypocrisy of the left wingers of the world. And with two big wars going on you get to see even more of this hypocrisy day in and day out from these con artists and that includes Republicans. Men like Tate are calling it right.

I remember some of the anti-free-speech people, who will want to see people in prison, for no reason with no evidence provided. I remember them saying that Mr. Tate will never get out of jail. Well now look he’s back on Twitter. He’s back doing interviews that he is commanding millions upon millions of yours. Tate has the second most watched interview in human history when Tucker Carlson interviewed him.

Then again some of the BLM people have been locked up, and some of the 6th January people will get away with it.
Tate is talking about how people who walked around the capitol building in January 6 have been sentenced two years in jail. While some of the BLM riders got away with it.
And that would be our government who flips the 'terrorist' or 'freedom fighter' coin Frank....
I remember some of the anti-free-speech people, who will want to see people in prison, for no reason with no evidence provided.
Those would be brown shirts

Fascism just can't do w/out them....



Are you with the hasbara? you have been asked the question about 10 times and you’ve never answered. It’s quite telling and it’s possible that you are with the hasbara. Brand new member and your shilling for Israel all the time.

The Taliban at one point congratulated Mr. Trump. So what are you doing.
Then again some of the BLM people have been locked up, and some of the 6th January people will get away with it.
Compare the woman getting shot at the Capital who was unarmed to the kid in Fergusen shot by police who was unarmed.

The police who shot the woman was instantly declared a hero by the powers that be and the media. In addition, his identity was withheld to protect him and his family. They said no investigation was necessary. And even though the police officer was black and the woman was white, no mention of racism was ever mentioned as the motive.

Conversely, the police officer who shot the black man in Fergusen was declared by the powers that be and the media to be racist. In fact, the entire system is systemically racist they said. The officer was then put on suspension, and a detailed investigation was begun as the media told the entire world who he was. This meant continual death threats to him and his family. Even though he was acquitted, his career was done and could no longer walk the streets and had to be relocated to a desk job somewhere. He was essentially treated as though he was guilty despite a court and jury saying he was not.

You can't account for these discrepancies.

Sorry, your position is toast.
War propagandists are nothing new ,and who be outed if not for the eyes wide shut warmongers who deny it's existence , so good luck w/that here Frank.....~S~

Tate is talking about how people who walked around the capitol building in January 6 have been sentenced two years in jail. While some of the BLM riders got away with it. Sure, if you’ll be all I’m riders went to jail, but tons of them got away with it and of course the media treats these events incredibly differently. The BLM riots were deadly over 25 people died and not a single person was killed by any Trump supporters on January 6. The only people who died we’re Trump supporters, including an American veteran.

Great to see the man himself back at it. He’s in tiptop shape, and calling out hypocrisy of the left wingers of the world. And with two big wars going on you get to see even more of this hypocrisy day in and day out from these con artists and that includes Republicans. Men like Tate are calling it right.

I remember some of the anti-free-speech people, who will want to see people in prison, for no reason with no evidence provided. I remember them saying that Mr. Tate will never get out of jail. Well now look he’s back on Twitter. He’s back doing interviews that he is commanding millions upon millions of yours. Tate has the second most watched interview in human history when Tucker Carlson interviewed him.

The January 6th storming of the U.S. Capitol in 2021 was a single event lasting barely half a day.

The Black Lives Matter constitutionally protected protests numbered as high as 550 events on the single day of June 6th 2020:
The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6, when half a million people turned out in nearly 550 places across the United States. That was a single day in more than a month of protests that still continue to today.

The people rioting were not a part of the protest as many here fail to acknowledge let alone believe. Furthermore

More than 40 percent of counties in the United States — at least 1,360 — have had a protest. Unlike with past Black Lives Matter protests, nearly 95 percent of counties that had a protest recently are majority white, and nearly three-quarters of the counties are more than 75 percent white.
Compare the woman getting shot at the Capital who was unarmed to the kid in Fergusen shot by police who was unarmed.

The police who shot the woman was instantly declared a hero by the powers that be and the media. In addition, his identity was withheld to protect him and his family. They said no investigation was necessary. And even though the police officer was black and the woman was white, no mention of racism was ever mentioned as the motive.

Conversely, the police officer who shot the black man in Fergusen was declared by the powers that be and the media to be racist. In fact, the entire system is systemically racist they said. The officer was then put on suspension, and a detailed investigation was begun as the media told the entire world who he was. This meant continual death threats to him and his family. Even though he was acquitted, his career was done and could no longer walk the streets and had to be relocated to a desk job somewhere. He was essentially treated as though he was guilty despite a court and jury saying he was not.

You can't account for these discrepancies.

Sorry, your position is toast.

Yes you can. The kid who was shot in Ferguson stole a candy bar. His body was left in the street for hours.

The woman who was shot in Washington attacked the Capitol Building in an effort to overthrow the duly elected government of the USA, and was trying to get onto the House Floor where Representatives and their staffers were sheltering.

The fact that you can't see the difference is indicative of your racism and ignorance.

Tate is talking about how people who walked around the capitol building in January 6 have been sentenced two years in jail. While some of the BLM rioters got away with it. Sure a few blm rioters went to jail, but tons of them got away with it and of course the media treats these events incredibly differently. The BLM riots were deadly over 25 people died and not a single person was killed by any Trump supporters on January 6. The only people who died we’re Trump supporters, including an American veteran.

Great to see the man himself back at it. He’s in tiptop shape, and calling out hypocrisy of the left wingers of the world. And with two big wars going on you get to see even more of this hypocrisy day in and day out from these con artists and that includes Republicans. Men like Tate are calling it right.

I remember some of the anti-free-speech people, who will want to see people in prison, for no reason with no evidence provided. I remember them saying that Mr. Tate will never get out of jail. Well now look he’s back on Twitter. He’s back doing interviews that he is commanding millions upon millions of yours. Tate has the second most watched interview in human history when Tucker Carlson interviewed him.

Isn't he still getting his asshole stretched in a Romanian prison?
You have been answered again that I'm an individual and that is how you should assume on anyone. And you were asked if you are with CAIR or MAS or SJP or such?.
Yes you can. The kid who was shot in Ferguson stole a candy bar. His body was left in the street for hours.

The woman who was shot in Washington attacked the Capitol Building in an effort to overthrow the duly elected government of the USA, and was trying to get onto the House Floor where Representatives and their staffers were sheltering.

The fact that you can't see the difference is indicative of your racism and ignorance.
The difference was, the police officer at the Capital was protecting the powers that be.

But the average police officer on the street is constantly thrown to the wolves

Another example is the police officer in Ohio who shot dead a black girl who attempted to stab another black girl. The officer told the girl to drop the blade, but ignored him and went after the other girl. To save her life, the officer shot her dead.

Lebron James instantly Tweeted, "You are next" to the white police officer, a clear threat to his person as Lebron knew virtually nothing about the facts. Even though what Lebron did was illegal, he is Lebron so he can do any damn thing he wants without any consequences. Then the media tore into the officer as he and his family were continually threatened with death. He was put on leave forever, and also had to put in some sort of witness protection to save his life and his family, despite later being vindicated after a lengthy investigation.

Is the life of the girl less important that trying to break in the Congressional chambers? Then again, she was Black and as we all know Black lives really don't matter, do they. All that matters is power within the democrat party.

Your rebuttal is shit.

thats who they want for president?

FDR is a huge fan of Andrew Tate. Tate will restore white male self esteem.

I hope someone cuts his nuts off and teaches him to sing soprano. Rapists and child molesters all deserve that fate.
FDR is a huge fan of Andrew Tate. Tate will restore white male self esteem.

I hope someone cuts his nuts off and teaches him to sing soprano. Rapists and child molesters all deserve that fate.
The DNC support for Hamas proves you kids have a thirst of kill'in and torture.

Makes sense you would want to do that to him.
The difference was, the police officer at the Capital was protecting the powers that be.

But the average police officer on the street is constantly thrown to the wolves

Another example is the police officer in Ohio who shot dead a black girl who attempted to stab another black girl. The officer told the girl to drop the blade, but ignored him and went after the other girl. To save her life, the officer shot her dead.

Lebron James instantly Tweeted, "You are next" to the white police officer, a clear threat to his person as Lebron knew virtually nothing about the facts. Even though what Lebron did was illegal, he is Lebron so he can do any damn thing he wants without any consequences. Then the media tore into the officer as he and his family were continually threatened with death. He was put on leave forever, and also had to put in some sort of witness protection to save his life and his family, despite later being vindicated after a lengthy investigation.

Is the life of the girl less important that trying to break in the Congressional chambers? Then again, she was Black and as we all know Black lives really don't matter, do they. All that matters is power within the democrat party.

Your rebuttal is shit.

Boy, they've got you fully bamboozed - hook line and sinker. You'll believe any stupid thing they tell you.

The black girl was armed with a bread knife and she was DEFENDING herself from an attack when the police shot and killed her within seconds of pulling up to the curb.

Your comparisons don't work because DEMOCRACY WAS AT STAKE IN THE CAPITOL ATTACK. It's not because powerful people were attacked, but because the NATION was under attack.

You make all of these false equivalencies in regards to the Trump and his criminal administraiton, and your comparisons are ridiculous.

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