
Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
ANIMALISTIC CULT Arab 'Palestinians'

It's out in the open, en masse, in public!

  • Regarding the latest:
    Azzat Alsalem @AzzatAlsaalem: Two Palestinians have been killed publicly and their bodies were drugged by Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Tulkarm.
    They were accused that they are cooperating with Israel and were executed.
    “Civilians” celebrated murdering them.

    2 men executed in West Bank for allegedly spying for Israel, as mob cheers
    Men’s bodies hung on an electricity pole and later dumped in the trash as crowds call ‘traitors’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’
    By TOI Sraff and AP
    25 Nov 2023, 12:59


  • Flashback to:

    The 2000 Ramallah lynch

    Described by UK journalist:
    "They were like animals."

    And the official Palestinian Authority (Fatah, PLO Abu Mazen Nahmoud Abbas) TV features elaborating the sick crime.


  • 'Palestinians killing Palestinians' -

    Caution, graphic.


A routine...

It's not just a few butchers from the regimes of PLO, Fatah, Hamas etc..

It's the sick crowds.
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And here is another "innocent wonan" freed from Israeli jail:

Rawda Abu Ajamieh
روضة ابو عجمية

This terrorist, just released from Israeli prison, calls on Palestinian television for Hamas to spill more blood of Jews.

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Who doesn't have? Are you angry at Palestinian Authority police?
Yes. Why then is it occupied?

The settlers who are colonizing the area are violent . They ignore the law . It's not working. Look at the deal toll of 🎨 Palestinians in the West Bank.
Hamas - ISIS

ISIS came out of Iraq in 2004. Hamas has been around since 1987.

The military occupation of the West Bank is criminal. The Israelis have destroyed over 50,000 Palestine homes.

ISIS came out of Iraq in 2004. Hamas has been around since 1987.
But Hamas behaves equally.

Amichai Stein
Russian-Israeli Roni Krivoi amazing story on @kann_news: Was held as hostage until Israel bombed the area, he managed to flee. Hid for several days, until "reguler Gaza citizens" (Yes, Yes) brought him back to Hamas
Nov 27, 2023

Yep the two Lost IDF soldiers ran to a PA Police Station for Safety and the Cops let the Mob in to have their way with them ( Killing them and hanging their bodies from the roof .
They were in civilian clothes but the barbarians put them on military uniform after beating them before being totally lynched by mob of hundreds of racist Arabs 'regular "innocent" civilians' in public square -- bodies mutilated with cheers and moaning of 'hungry' crowds .

In Ramallah in 2000, two .. were kidnapped, beaten, stabbed countless times, had their eyes gouged out, and were literally disemboweled and dismembered by an Arab lynch mob.

The people - and I use the term loosely - who carried out the initial beatings threw one of the victims down to the waiting mob, where his face was further crushed with stones, feet, fists and even a heavy metal window frame. One Jew was set on fire and dragged along the street as Arab onlookers danced and cheered. Some of the butchers celebrated their crimes with the victims' internal organs. One of the killers, famously captured on film, proudly displayed his blood-soaked hands to the cheering Ramallah crowd.

And it gets worse. In 2002, nearly two years later, Arab parents in Gaza cheered again when their little children dressed up as members of the Ramallah lynch mob, complete with hands painted blood red, for a kindergarten graduation ceremony.

According to a report by Dr. Michael Widlanski, an Israeli Arabic expert, the Voice of Palestine called the attack on the Hatuel girls "an act of heroic martyrdom". The targeted children and their mother, the PA radio reported only as "five settlers".

Among the participants at the funerals of the Hatuel family members was President of Israel Moshe Katzav. He said, "This day of blood will be engraved in our history. An earthquake has happened. No one in the world can stand apathetically by in the face of these acts by such evil people. Where are those who speak in the name of Allah?"...

During the lynch of the two .. who had taken a wrong turn into Ramallah in 2000, one of the Arab murderers paused in his savage beating to answer a cell phone belonging to one of the dying soldiers.

He told the worried voice on the other end of the line, "We are killing your husband."


2020 activists film:

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