Another Anti-Gay Gay Gets Busted

God doesn't hate gays, he hates sin which gay sex is and gay is all about the sex, period.

Jude 1 says to extend compassion while at the same time refusing to promote the behavior.

Homosexuals say different. They say that because Jesus was compassionate and extended compassion to all sufferers, that Jesus was promoting the source of the suffering. It's the same as saying that because Jesus welcomed the blind, the lepers, the prostitutes that Jesus also was promoting blindness, leprosy and prostitution "as acceptable moral exceptions to the norm". Jesus was about healing people FROM their illness. Not welcoming the illness itself into the fold!

Just a slight twist on meaning and the LGBT cult has completely redacted the foundation of Christianity (while hoping nobody notices).. The twist itself was even referenced in Jude 1, warning Christians that homosexuals would use "smooth speech" and well-placed influences in order to take over a normal culture: as what happened in Sodom. Jude 1 warned that Sodom was not an isolated incidence; that any like-city could fall prey to this syndrome where homosexuals always (apparently, since the tome is over 1,000 years old) seek to take over cultures with smooth speech and friends in high places., like I said, it's creepy that the gay guys were weaving little kids into a conversation exclusively about hooking up for sex. It was out of context....or was it?

Hey, where's the OP of this thread? Irked maybe that others noticed that kids somehow always make it into gay sex conversations? This one kinda backfired on ya, didn't it bro? :popcorn:
So, where's the usual crowd? Thought they'd be all over a minister or person of faith being secretly struggling with homosexuality? Was there something about these two guys conversations under the context of "gay" that bothers you?
Hey OP....why were the gay guys including children as "nice" in their sex conversation with each other?
MAN this thread got quiet all of a sudden? What? Does it detract from the impact of the Duggar take-down? Water it down a little, does it? :popcorn:
He spoke the truth but he was apparently a conflicted homosexual himself. Why do the progs love to broadcast this sad shit? If a member of the Clergy, however obscure, cannot resist his homosexual urges what do you think an overt homosexual would do to a Boy Scout Troop if he was hired? The profoundly ignorant clown face progs would place the mental and physical health of adolescent boys in jeopardy to make a freaking left wing political point.
He spoke the truth but he was apparently a conflicted homosexual himself. Why do the progs love to broadcast this sad shit? If a member of the Clergy, however obscure, cannot resist his homosexual urges what do you think an overt homosexual would do to a Boy Scout Troop if he was hired? The profoundly ignorant clown face progs would place the mental and physical health of adolescent boys in jeopardy to make a freaking left wing political point.
I'm a progressive and in no way shape or form approve of the Gay Agenda. Never have, never will. I voted for Clinton twice and very reluctantly, Obama twice.

The point is that when I pointed out that in the center of a lewd sex conversation between two dudes struggling with homosexuality comes the comment "got any kids?..yeah, two...(then)...Nice". Next comment "do you do oral/on top etc. etc. etc."

Then suddenly the OP went all ice cold on this thread. They had a Duggar to bring down dontcha know. Might have been a distraction to argue this one out at the same time. ie: you're right, they don't care about children at all and their faux-outrage about Duggar is a sham.
You'd think the tenacious and relentless LGBT posters here would be all over this topic. But they're letting it die...why?
He spoke the truth but he was apparently a conflicted homosexual himself. Why do the progs love to broadcast this sad shit? If a member of the Clergy, however obscure, cannot resist his homosexual urges what do you think an overt homosexual would do to a Boy Scout Troop if he was hired? The profoundly ignorant clown face progs would place the mental and physical health of adolescent boys in jeopardy to make a freaking left wing political point.
I think the conversation taken directly from the OP's pictures spells out exactly what we can expect from gay leadership in the Boyscouts:


Equally compelling as to this topic is: where is the OP after I posted this picture? The choir has suddenly run off. Seems they don't want to talk about why the mention of kids in the middle of a gay sex conversation elicited the response "nice" from one of the gay guys trying to hook up.

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