Another defender of Stephen Bannon, states obama had jeremiah wright and bill ayers, no one cared


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is another defender of Stephen Bannon......

I Know Steve Bannon-He's Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or a Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers - Breitbart

The corrupt mainstream media had no problem with Obama’s nutcase Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.


I know Steve Bannon and he is not a racist, sexist, Jew-hater, or homophobe.

The media is lying to you again.

Back in August 2013, I came down with a sepsis bacterial attack that nearly killed me. I suffered five strokes, had major heart damage, lost vision in one eye, lost a knee to infection and nearly died.

During this very difficult time Steve Bannon, Larry Solov, and the late Mike Flynn reached out to my assistant and volunteered to keep The Gateway Pundit going until I was well enough to start writing again. Steve Bannon is a class act.

Steve Bannon even ran a tribute for me on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM asking for prayers and support during my time of need. That was Breitbart. That was Steve Bannon.
This is another defender of Stephen Bannon......

I Know Steve Bannon-He's Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or a Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers - Breitbart

The corrupt mainstream media had no problem with Obama’s nutcase Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.


I know Steve Bannon and he is not a racist, sexist, Jew-hater, or homophobe.

The media is lying to you again.

Back in August 2013, I came down with a sepsis bacterial attack that nearly killed me. I suffered five strokes, had major heart damage, lost vision in one eye, lost a knee to infection and nearly died.

During this very difficult time Steve Bannon, Larry Solov, and the late Mike Flynn reached out to my assistant and volunteered to keep The Gateway Pundit going until I was well enough to start writing again. Steve Bannon is a class act.

Steve Bannon even ran a tribute for me on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM asking for prayers and support during my time of need. That was Breitbart. That was Steve Bannon.
Because Obama appointed two guys he very little contact with to a high positions in his cabinet?

You guys are stretching. Another false equivalency. Does Donald grab lazy black and drugged Mexican pu$$y. Does he limit it to certain kinds?
That Donald is not a class act is a fact, but is an unimportant one right now.

Let's see who he appoints as AG and SOS.
This lie about Bannon is one of the biggest whoppers I've ever seen.

to which lie do you refer, dancer?

That Bannon is anti Semetic. It's a biggie. And it was so easily busted.

Yes....these lefties still don't realize this isn't the 80s....we now have the internet....back in the 80s before the internet they could smear a Republican any way they wanted and their democrat faces on the news shows would repeat it and stifle those trying to tell the, we have the internet and social media.......and the lies they tell will not stand....that is why Trump won.......
These alt right don't realize that we have the internet and that we easily can expose their smears of people and causes without any problem.

All of the little alt right froggies can do is croak.
These alt right don't realize that we have the internet and that we easily can expose their smears of people and causes without any problem.

All of the little alt right froggies can do is croak.

That's rich Jake. Considering the giant whopper all the left have been telling about Bannon. Sigh. The lies never seem to end from the left and they don't give a damn what it might do to someone's reputation.

Has anyone out there apologized for running with the big lie that Michelle Fields told about Corey Lewandowski man handling her at the rally? She and others tried to destroy that man.

Has anyone apologized for blaming Trump supporters for inciting violence at rallies when we found out that D operatives were specifically being sent in to stir up shit?

That Melania was a call girl? That Trump wanted a mail order bride? That Trump raped a 13 year old?

Cripes the list of lies are endless. And purposeful. That's why there's never an apology.
This is another defender of Stephen Bannon......

I Know Steve Bannon-He's Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or a Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers - Breitbart

The corrupt mainstream media had no problem with Obama’s nutcase Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.


I know Steve Bannon and he is not a racist, sexist, Jew-hater, or homophobe.

The media is lying to you again.

Back in August 2013, I came down with a sepsis bacterial attack that nearly killed me. I suffered five strokes, had major heart damage, lost vision in one eye, lost a knee to infection and nearly died.

During this very difficult time Steve Bannon, Larry Solov, and the late Mike Flynn reached out to my assistant and volunteered to keep The Gateway Pundit going until I was well enough to start writing again. Steve Bannon is a class act.

Steve Bannon even ran a tribute for me on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM asking for prayers and support during my time of need. That was Breitbart. That was Steve Bannon.
I wish you would do a Hillary and go away, you got too much time on those tiny little hands.
This is another defender of Stephen Bannon......

I Know Steve Bannon-He's Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or a Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers - Breitbart

The corrupt mainstream media had no problem with Obama’s nutcase Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.

Another false equivalency argument to defend the indefensible.

So far the right has claimed the KKK is just like a guy on Twitter calling for a revolution.

Then Claims that Bannon working inside the white house is the same as their suspicions that CNN really likes Obama.

Now Bannon is just like Rev Wright because as you all know Rev Wright was a prominent member of Obamas staff.

They cant defend so they continue their Blame everyone else tour
This is another defender of Stephen Bannon......

I Know Steve Bannon-He's Not a Racist Crackpot Like Rev. Wright or a Terrorist Bomber Like Bill Ayers - Breitbart

The corrupt mainstream media had no problem with Obama’s nutcase Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached political hatred against America and the Jews.


I know Steve Bannon and he is not a racist, sexist, Jew-hater, or homophobe.

The media is lying to you again.

Back in August 2013, I came down with a sepsis bacterial attack that nearly killed me. I suffered five strokes, had major heart damage, lost vision in one eye, lost a knee to infection and nearly died.

During this very difficult time Steve Bannon, Larry Solov, and the late Mike Flynn reached out to my assistant and volunteered to keep The Gateway Pundit going until I was well enough to start writing again. Steve Bannon is a class act.

Steve Bannon even ran a tribute for me on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM asking for prayers and support during my time of need. That was Breitbart. That was Steve Bannon.

The loons want to discredit him just as they are trying to do with Trump. The only ones who seem to fall for this shit Trump included are those severely indoctrinated by MSM BS!! and that is all it is.

Now we see why they want GOOGLE to play Gov. lick ass because now Google will be the new truth factor of so called " Oh fake news" they will be the new SNOPE ass holes who ppl will say see, seee google said it's false.
That will be our new battle of what is real or not. Google is paid off Government ass kissers just like SNOPES.. only a hundred times more powerful
This lie about Bannon is one of the biggest whoppers I've ever seen.

to which lie do you refer, dancer?

That Bannon is anti Semetic. It's a biggie. And it was so easily busted.

Oh---I missed it-----bannon is not anti-Semitic? ------????

Absolutely not. It's a flat out lie. He's even got the backing of the ZOA who are demanding that the ADL take back that lie.

Look this whopper is such a doozy because the left wing loons that started this shit didn't do their homework. Bannon was a good friend, confidant and advisor to Breitbart for years.

Andrew was a Jew. Joel Pollack who is the Senior Editor at large at Breitbart has worked with Bannon for years. Orthodox. Then you have Larry Solov CEO of Breitbart who with Bannon put Breitbart Jerusalem in place.

:) Guess what religion Larry is. And you have heavy weights coming out swinging for Bannon Horowitz and Levin to name but a few.

This is just for starters. Don't forget who worked day and night with Bannon on the campaign. Jared and Ivanka Kushner. Does anyone really believe Trump's daughter and son in law would tolerate an anti Semetic on their fathers team let alone in his cabinet?


The left really blew it on this one.
oh-----ok -----never heard of the guy before----who came up with the libel? ---------the muslim brotherhood?

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