Another Fake caught.

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

This makes it an easy case as he was seeking financial gain from it, eliminating pure first amendment concerns you can have with other cases of people falsely claiming veteran status.
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

Hope Larceny brings some decent time. He got caught, wonder how many others are out there running scams like this.
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

Hope Larceny brings some decent time. He got caught, wonder how many others are out there running scams like this.

One clown faked a whole Military career and got a VA Loan for a house in Nebraska when I was stationed there.
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

Hope Larceny brings some decent time. He got caught, wonder how many others are out there running scams like this.

Too many.
Man Charged With Impersonating Soldier at Airport
June 28, 2011
Knight Ridder/Tribune

NEW YORK -- A Long Island man has been arrested after impersonating military personnel while on an international American Airlines flight.

According to authorities, Rock Diaz, 22, of Freeport, Long Island, was arrested Friday night at John F. Kennedy airport.

Diaz, who was traveling from the Dominican Republic to New York, arrived at the airport dressed in fatigues. He had gotten an upgrade from coach to first class based on his military service.

While making his way through customs, a Port Authority official inquired about his rank in the Army. Diaz then gave an answer, according to reports, that did not match up to the insignia on his uniform. He claimed to be an "E-5" but his patch showed he was a staff sergeant, which is an "E-6."

Diaz also wore a black POW patch on his sleeve, which no real Soldier would place there, the New York Post reported.

When asked where he was stationed, Diaz had no response. He also could not show a military ID to corroborate his story. He was later detained at the airport.

Investigators said Diaz had pulled the same scam before. In December 2009, he talked his way into the cockpit of a jet, where he was photographed sitting at the controls of the plane.

Diaz is being charged with second-degree impersonation, a felony.
Man Charged With Impersonating Soldier at Airport
Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

June 21, 2011
Connecticut Post

A Greenwich man picked to speak at a Memorial Day event in town about his four tours of duty in Afghanistan turned out to be a fraud, police said.

Jesus M. Garcia, 20, wore a military uniform in public. He claimed he had been wounded while in the Middle East. And he asked friends, family and the public for money to help pay for medical services and other costs.

But Garcia was never actually in the U.S. Army as he had claimed, police said.

Garcia didn't get a chance to speak at the Memorial Day event, and now, he finds himself in a lot of legal trouble.

On Thursday, Greenwich police arrested Garcia, on a warrant for larceny charges and for impersonating a member of the military, according to police spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray.

Man Charged With Being Fake Army Ranger, Larceny

Lot of posers out there Ollie. I run into them all the time at bike events. They have "Vietnam Vet" tattoo'd all over themselves and once you start talking to them about what they did and where they served, the bullshit meter goes off. I don't run into these types every day, but I have enough over the years to know it's going on.
Its too easy to just go online and order yourself a full Military uniform with all the trimmings, that definently doesn't help.
Its too easy to just go online and order yourself a full Military uniform with all the trimmings, that definently doesn't help.

Yeah - I know. It's also a plus to have your ribbons in order and keeping it realistic. A 20 year old walking around as a full-bird colonel with a sea-service ribbon SENIOR to the medal of honor in the fruit salad is a sure giveaway... LOL
Its too easy to just go online and order yourself a full Military uniform with all the trimmings, that definently doesn't help.

Yeah - I know. It's also a plus to have your ribbons in order and keeping it realistic. A 20 year old walking around as a full-bird colonel with a sea-service ribbon SENIOR to the medal of honor in the fruit salad is a sure giveaway... LOL

Yeah no doubt, in the Air Force even some new Airman who just got in the Air Force would try to get over and put on more ribbons than they really had, one idiot put on an Air Force Cross and he was an E-3 out of Tech School. There was an E-2 my first supervisor told me about who would walk around with a 2LT hat with the gold bars on it, she got sent to mental health.
This guy wants to CLAIM to be a Ranger.... FINE. Send him to Ranger school, but don't let him DOR. He either survives it or he dies trying. THAT ought to be the punishment for these fruitcakes who claim to be something they're not.
Its too easy to just go online and order yourself a full Military uniform with all the trimmings, that definently doesn't help.

Yeah - I know. It's also a plus to have your ribbons in order and keeping it realistic. A 20 year old walking around as a full-bird colonel with a sea-service ribbon SENIOR to the medal of honor in the fruit salad is a sure giveaway... LOL

I remember a friend of mine who had been an MP at Ft Knox telling us about a kid they picked up on his first weekend pass (Remember those?) he had Sergeant stripes on one collar and a Major leaf on the other. Told the MP's he was a Sergeant Major.....
Somehow I doubt he made it through basic.
I was in the Navy, stationed in San Diego, when "Top Gun" came out. Man, the "Mavericks" running around were a sight to see. We had guys stealing officer decals for their cars and everyone had to have a leather pilot's jacket.
This stuff makes you crazy. Where were you lefties last March? There was little or no outrage when the 9th circut court of appeals found that the "Stolen Valor" act was unconstitutional. The 9th circut determined that anyone can impersonate a veteran because it is protected 1st Amendment speech. It's good to see that municipalities are finally checking up on these frauds but there is no way to prosecute them.

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