Another IRS Employee goes Deaf, Dumb & Blind

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sheesh already.

Obama sets the example..

Americans<<<:9:>>>..IRS under Obama/Democrats

A second IRS employee summoned to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee invoked the Fifth Amendment on Wednesday and refused to answer questions &#8212; a flashback to Lois Lerner, who did the same during a hearing on the agency&#8217;s scandal last month.

Gregory Roseman, who worked as a deputy director of acquisitions at the IRS, exercised his constitutional rights when Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) started interrogating him about panel findings that he helped a friend procure potentially $500 million worth of IRS contracts.

&#8220;On the advice of the counsel, I respectfully decline to answer any questions and invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege to remain silent,&#8221; Roseman said when Issa asked to whom he reported at the IRS.

Read more: Second IRS staffer pleads the Fifth - Rachael Bade -

Second IRS staffer pleads the Fifth - Rachael Bade -
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has it gotten to the point where watching these IRS scandals are looking more like an SNL sketch or Sesame Street? MR. Cookie Monster, do you work for Sesame Street?
Sheesh already.

Obama sets the example..

Americans<<<:9:>>>..IRS under Obama/Democrats

A second IRS employee summoned to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee invoked the Fifth Amendment on Wednesday and refused to answer questions — a flashback to Lois Lerner, who did the same during a hearing on the agency’s scandal last month.

Gregory Roseman, who worked as a deputy director of acquisitions at the IRS, exercised his constitutional rights when Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) started interrogating him about panel findings that he helped a friend procure potentially $500 million worth of IRS contracts.

“On the advice of the counsel, I respectfully decline to answer any questions and invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege to remain silent,” Roseman said when Issa asked to whom he reported at the IRS.

Read more: Second IRS staffer pleads the Fifth - Rachael Bade -

Second IRS staffer pleads the Fifth - Rachael Bade -

The IRS is so ridden with scandals that I'm losing track of all of them. What a dog's breakfast.
Yup. And these guys are going to be practically running the ACA.

Kinda makes you warm and fuzzy don't it??
if this was the other way around, the rats would tie the conservatives to a steel chair and use all of those painful tactics to get answers out of them,,,Including showing them Nude Photos Of Janet Noopolotano and Bwarny Frank !!
and to think the IRS are on Americans butts over 3/4 thousand dollars owed, yet, its no big deal to them to go after the 17 Trillion debt.
if this was the other way around, the rats would tie the conservatives to a steel chair and use all of those painful tactics to get answers out of them,,,Including showing them Nude Photos Of Janet Noopolotano and Bwarny Frank !!

Thanks a lot. You have just burned a hole into the retina of my minds eye. :eek:
Maybe there not considered scandals when Democrats do it, merely business as usual.
An IRS agent is deaf dumb and blind too?????? :confused:

I thought they were just assholes!

The IRS wants everybody else to account to them. Obama tells them they are above the law because they work for him, plead the 5th, and his pocketwatch judges will take care of everything for them. Executive privilege!


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