Another Leftist Conspiracy Shot Full of Holes


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The controversial June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Russians, Donald Trump Jr. and others was indeed about the Magnitsky Act, not dishing dirt on Hillary Clinton, CNN reported.

Documents provided to CNN back Trump Jr.'s account — and that of Jared Kushner — that the meeting was insignificant and a waste of their time.

An attorney for the Russian billionaire who requested the meeting provided the documents to CNN, and suggested the mixup originated with the publicist who brokered the meet and greet with Trump Jr., Kushner and other members of President Donald Trump's campaign.

The attorney, Scott Balber, told CNN that the publicist, Rob Goldstone, "probably exaggerated and maybe willfully contorted the facts for the purpose of making the meeting interesting to the Trump people."

And the seeds of a Russia collusion story were born, CNN reported.

"The documents … are consistent with my client's understanding of the purpose of the meeting which was from the beginning and at all times thereafter about her efforts to launch a legislative review of the Magnitsky Act," Balber told CNN.

CNN: Documents Show Trump Jr. Meeting Had Zero to Do With Dirt on Clinton

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