Another PBS Attempt At Indoctrinating Americans into the Culture of Death.


Jun 10, 2010
Why do Latin Americans Worship "Tonantzin", A Rip Off of Mary?
I was just watching part of another PBS attempt at making US Americans feel bad about the Latin American and how they should just let them overrun America and throw out all the other races, when they were showing the connections to Catholicism that Latin American countries had over the years. The show was called "When Worlds Collide", not to be confused with the famous science fiction movie. It should also be noted that the narrator is famous for his attacks on US laws about Latino immigration into the US.

It is fascinating how they took one image the indigenous population worshipped and just pasted Mary over her. I think the indigenous people were smart enough to figure that they had better play along or else. They never really became Catholic as much as those nasty Spanyards thought. They would mearly bow to one image while having the other image in their minds.

Tell me if I am wrong:

Why is it so hard for most American Catholics to understand that many Latin Americans are not worshipping the way that the rest of the world does but a indigenous invention from the good old days. Whether this is an insult to our God, I do not know but it should be noted and it should not take place in American Catholic Churches.

It is important for US Americans to understand that for Latin Americans to take over the US, they first must soften up the US American people with lies. These shows are an attempt to make all US Americans feel sorry for those who have had hundreds of years to fix their own countries yet fail miserably because they refuse to get rid of their backyard cultures that promote overpopulating as a means of conquering neighboring countries.

Don't fall for this B S !

Some cultures have the audacity to portray Jesus as black.

The bastards.
Why do Latin Americans Worship "Tonantzin", A Rip Off of Mary?
I was just watching part of another PBS attempt at making US Americans feel bad about the Latin American and how they should just let them overrun America and throw out all the other races, when they were showing the connections to Catholicism that Latin American countries had over the years. The show was called "When Worlds Collide", not to be confused with the famous science fiction movie. It should also be noted that the narrator is famous for his attacks on US laws about Latino immigration into the US.

It is fascinating how they took one image the indigenous population worshipped and just pasted Mary over her. I think the indigenous people were smart enough to figure that they had better play along or else. They never really became Catholic as much as those nasty Spanyards thought. They would mearly bow to one image while having the other image in their minds.

Tell me if I am wrong:

Why is it so hard for most American Catholics to understand that many Latin Americans are not worshipping the way that the rest of the world does but a indigenous invention from the good old days. Whether this is an insult to our God, I do not know but it should be noted and it should not take place in American Catholic Churches.

It is important for US Americans to understand that for Latin Americans to take over the US, they first must soften up the US American people with lies. These shows are an attempt to make all US Americans feel sorry for those who have had hundreds of years to fix their own countries yet fail miserably because they refuse to get rid of their backyard cultures that promote overpopulating as a means of conquering neighboring countries.

Don't fall for this B S !

You don't seem to get how the church propagated. The same thing is true about European churches. It spread by co-opting local traditions. The priests would say, "you can have your feast day, but instead of meaning that now it means this". They co-opted the Roman Saturnalia to create Christmas. Germanic traditions were co-opted into the Easter celebration? Ever wonder what painted eggs have to do with the death of Jesus? It was part of their pagan spring festivals. In Ireland St.Brigid was not a real person, but a re-imagining of a pagan goddess. There are many such examples from all over the world. Rather than bashing Latinos, perhaps you should bone up on the history of Christianity.

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