how about if we begin by treating foreign terrorists like terrorists and not like american citizens!
How about if we keep our interrogation methods under wraps and up for speculation by those who wish to harm us, instead of making them promises as they plan the spilling of more american blood!
As we speak more about restricting american freedoms, we grant for rights to those who attack us!
because we are better than the terrorists.. And if there is one thing about torture.. It will always be leaked somehow.. Just look at abu graib..
Do you really advocate our soldiers being tortured? Because how we treat our prisoners effects how their prisoners will be treated..
I don't know if you have been watching the news.. But the underwear bomber has been talking and giving the fbi and cia good intel.. Without being tortured..
Why don't you neotards talk about richard ried?? You remember him? The shoe bomber? The guy that bush tried and convicted? The guy that provided some good intel on the terror cell he was in.. The guy that had an attorney, wasn't tortured, and spilled the beans on a number of future plots?? How come you don't remember him?? That is a great success story for the bush administration..
Do you morons really have to water board someone 100's of times, get no valuable intel, create new enemies, risk the lives of our soldiers, damage our image abroad, and act like terrorists??
If you all are so bent out of shape and want to torture people.. Move to afghanistan or something.. I am sure you can find some remote town that will let you torture someone.. If you are not tortured first..
i think we should get down and dirty in the sewer just like the terrorists. Thats the only language these dirtbags understand.
Do you really think they care how theirs are treated? Do you really think they wouldn't behead any captured soldiers or torture them no matter how we treated prisoners?? I mean really torture. Not waterboard?? If you believe that i've got some real prime swamp i'll sell you down here in florida.
The underware bomber?? Wonder what he got out of a plea bargain???
The only reason reid wasn't tried in a mt is because it was 3 months after 9=11 and nothing was set up. Reid was a nutcase that al queda wouldn't even claim. All of these dirtbags should have already been tried by mt.
Waterboarding, with doctors in attendance, worked pretty well. Ask those who interrogated ksm. As for what the rest of the world thinks. I could care. Let them experience a 9-11 and see what they say then.
These dirtbags are terrorists. They would kill you, your family. Me and my family and wouldn't bat an eye. I wonder if you would be so high minded if you and your family were in the local mall and a suicide bomber struck??
Travel that fucking high road?? No way. I'd rather they killed all the bastards. Take no prisoners, kill em all. Thats what they would do to you and me. Bet on it.