Another terror attack is a certainty

Which do you prefer, more security or more safety?

  • More security, I want all calls monitored, fuck FISA, save lives.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • More civil liberties, I want FISA strictly enforced.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
☭proletarian☭;1973216 said:
back·ped·al (b
l)intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als 1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.
2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.
3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: The senator later backpedaled on the issue.

I believe Elvis when he says he's played devil advocate. I've known him over a year now, since we both joined around the same time. He's always been one for protecting rights.

I was wondering what kind of point he was trying to make as the points he was making was out of his usual character. And now I understand.
☭proletarian☭;1973216 said:
back·ped·al (b
l)intr.v. back·ped·aled or back·ped·alled, back·ped·al·ing or back·ped·al·ling, back·ped·als 1. To move the pedals of a bicycle or similar vehicle backward, especially to apply a brake.
2. To move backward by taking short quick steps, as in boxing or football.
3. To retreat or withdraw from a position or attitude: The senator later backpedaled on the issue.

If he hadn't been serious, he wouldn't have gotten so butthurt.

The negrep proves that, deep down, he really wanted something to stick.
☭proletarian☭;1973221 said:
If he hadn't been serious, he wouldn't have gotten so butthurt.

The negrep proves that, deep down, he really wanted something to stick.

I didn't like the anal-fisting references.
☭proletarian☭;1973221 said:
If he hadn't been serious, he wouldn't have gotten so butthurt.

The negrep proves that, deep down, he really wanted something to stick.

Things got a little out of hand in terms of tension. And that's a good thing at the end of the day as we all care deeply about our rights as citizens and as human beings. One of the worst things that could occur is apathy.
It's not fisting. It's a body cavity search to ensure safety and security. That you immediately associated it with a sexual favour is your problem.
☭proletarian☭;1973181 said:
Wait, so being a racist means you can't oppose letting ☭proletarian☭ insert his arm, shoulder deep, into your anal cavity at random times to ensure you're not a terrorist with a bomb up your ass?

Or do you just like the idea of a shoulder-deep fisting so much you'll say anything to justify such in-depth random searches in the name of 'national security'?

Looks to me like you mentioned "shoulder-deep fisting".
Let's just put it aside guys. Bigger fish to fry and such. I think we find we all generally agree on this issue.
Face it elvis.. You lose..

You don't seem to grasp the issue here..

Now just bend over like a good little moron so he can check to see if your a terrorist.. I'll be checking your wife and children if any, tapping your phones, placing spyware on your computers, and monitors on your television to ensure you watch the proper shows..

I expect your wife and children to submit to all body searches like you as you don't care about privacy so it doesn't matter.. Be sure to explain to them it is your fault and ignorance that all this is happening..

Get it moron!!

Do we really have to spell it out for you like that?? This is america, we don't live like that.. And what some racist said on this issue doesn't makes his statements wrong because he was a racist..

Your an ignorant turd.. But I am sure at least on some rare occasion, you are correct..

This just isn't one of them..

I understand that you are just trying to make a point but keep the family members of other's out of it.


Face it elvis.. You lose..

You don't seem to grasp the issue here..

Now just bend over like a good little moron so he can check to see if your a terrorist.. I'll be checking your wife and children if any, tapping your phones, placing spyware on your computers, and monitors on your television to ensure you watch the proper shows..

I expect your wife and children to submit to all body searches like you as you don't care about privacy so it doesn't matter.. Be sure to explain to them it is your fault and ignorance that all this is happening..

Get it moron!!

Do we really have to spell it out for you like that?? This is america, we don't live like that.. And what some racist said on this issue doesn't makes his statements wrong because he was a racist..

Your an ignorant turd.. But I am sure at least on some rare occasion, you are correct..

This just isn't one of them..

I understand that you are just trying to make a point but keep the family members of other's out of it.



Yes.. I was trying to make a point.. And it worked.. And since I didn't know if any family members even existed.. It can hardly be said that I used them.. I was trying to get him to personalize the issue at hand and apply it to someone that matters.. Since obviously he himself didn't matter.. Since him being anally fisted didn't matter..

But, my statements have caused him to see the light it seems.. Next time he decides to play devils advocate he can at least say so..

I'll be checking your wife and children if any

You can't use what you don't know to exist..

I will heed the warning A15.. But as I said.. You can't use what may not exist..
The heads of the US security agencies said that another terror attack within the next 3 to 6 months is a "slam dunk".

Am I the only one who wants to unleash the CIA, FBI and NSA to save American lives? I want the gloves off, and I want political correctness destroyed.

New poll, which do you prefer as a US citizen. More safety for your family or less intrusion by the NSA and FBI?

They have been neutered.
Let's just put it aside guys. Bigger fish to fry and such. I think we find we all generally agree on this issue.

We may agree.. But what you don't understand is we tried to get him to agree using simple terms.. He didn't get it.. Somehow because someone wasn't alive during our day and age, and was a racist, his views didn't matter.. We both tried to be nice.. But when it is thrown back at us, when we are insulted, when we are give neg rep cause is is a whiney baby.. More dramatic points have to be made..

I chose wife and kids cause there is the chance he doesn't have them.. Everyone has a mother and a father and I left them alone.. I purposely chose something that has the possibility of not existing for the very family issue you reported me for.. Had I talked about his parents you might have had a case..

But since I made a point to go where there is the possibility of nonexistence and I have no knowlege of existence.. No comments about his family were made.. I can't comment on what I do not know to exist.. It is called plausable deniability I believe.. I know it is possible.. But since I don't know.. Anything I say about them is meaningless..
After a mushroom cloud over one major city you will find most of these " privacy is a right" bunch screaming for all calls to be monitored. Of course the millions just vaporized won't care.
How about if we begin by treating foreign Terrorists like Terrorists and not like American Citizens!

How about if we keep our interrogation methods under wraps and up for speculation by those who wish to harm us, instead of making them promises as they plan the spilling of more American blood!

As we speak more about restricting American freedoms, we grant for rights to those who attack us!

How about if we begin by treating foreign Terrorists like Terrorists and not like American Citizens!

How about if we keep our interrogation methods under wraps and up for speculation by those who wish to harm us, instead of making them promises as they plan the spilling of more American blood!

As we speak more about restricting American freedoms, we grant for rights to those who attack us!


Because we are better than the terrorists.. And if there is one thing about torture.. It will always be leaked somehow.. Just look at Abu Graib..

Do you really advocate our soldiers being tortured? Because how we treat our prisoners effects how their prisoners will be treated..

I don't know if you have been watching the news.. But the underwear bomber has been talking and giving the FBI and CIA good intel.. Without being tortured..

Why don't you neotards talk about Richard Ried?? You remember him? The shoe bomber? The guy that Bush tried and convicted? The guy that provided some good intel on the terror cell he was in.. The guy that had an attorney, wasn't tortured, and spilled the beans on a number of future plots?? How come you don't remember him?? That is a great success story for the Bush administration..

Do you morons really have to water board someone 100's of times, get no valuable intel, create new enemies, risk the lives of our soldiers, damage our image abroad, and act like terrorists??

If you all are so bent out of shape and want to torture people.. Move to Afghanistan or something.. I am sure you can find some remote town that will let you torture someone.. If you are not tortured first.. :eusa_whistle:
How about if we begin by treating foreign Terrorists like Terrorists and not like American Citizens!

How about if we keep our interrogation methods under wraps and up for speculation by those who wish to harm us, instead of making them promises as they plan the spilling of more American blood!

As we speak more about restricting American freedoms, we grant for rights to those who attack us!


Because we are better than the terrorists.. And if there is one thing about torture.. It will always be leaked somehow.. Just look at Abu Graib..

Do you really advocate our soldiers being tortured? Because how we treat our prisoners effects how their prisoners will be treated..

I don't know if you have been watching the news.. But the underwear bomber has been talking and giving the FBI and CIA good intel.. Without being tortured..

Why don't you neotards talk about Richard Ried?? You remember him? The shoe bomber? The guy that Bush tried and convicted? The guy that provided some good intel on the terror cell he was in.. The guy that had an attorney, wasn't tortured, and spilled the beans on a number of future plots?? How come you don't remember him?? That is a great success story for the Bush administration..

Do you morons really have to water board someone 100's of times, get no valuable intel, create new enemies, risk the lives of our soldiers, damage our image abroad, and act like terrorists??

If you all are so bent out of shape and want to torture people.. Move to Afghanistan or something.. I am sure you can find some remote town that will let you torture someone.. If you are not tortured first.. :eusa_whistle:

I think we should get down and dirty in the sewer just like the terrorists. Thats the only language these dirtbags understand.

Do you really think they care how theirs are treated? Do you really think they wouldn't behead any captured soldiers or torture them no matter how we treated prisoners?? I mean really torture. Not waterboard?? If you believe that I've got some real prime swamp I'll sell you down here in florida.

The underware bomber?? Wonder what he got out of a plea bargain???

The only reason Reid wasn't tried in a MT is because it was 3 months after 9=11 and nothing was set up. Reid was a nutcase that Al Queda wouldn't even claim. All of these dirtbags should have already been tried by MT.

Waterboarding, with doctors in attendance, worked pretty well. Ask those who interrogated KSM. As for what the rest of the world thinks. I could care. Let them experience a 9-11 and see what they say then.

These dirtbags are terrorists. They would kill you, your family. Me and my family and wouldn't bat an eye. I wonder if you would be so high minded if you and your family were in the local mall and a suicide bomber struck??

Travel that fucking high road?? No way. I'd rather they killed all the bastards. Take no prisoners, kill em all. Thats what they would do to you and me. Bet on it.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.

"an insurrection in nearly one-third of the States had subverted the whole of the laws . . . Are all the laws, but one, to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?" - Abraham Lincoln on suspending habeus corpus.
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"A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means." - Thomas Jefferson
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An Unintended Consequence....

A while back Republicans and Democrats came together to demand that communication companies provide backdoors to ease the Federal Government's actions to track down terrorists.

Now, it isn't the Feds watching you, its the Chinese.

Feel better now?
how about if we begin by treating foreign terrorists like terrorists and not like american citizens!

How about if we keep our interrogation methods under wraps and up for speculation by those who wish to harm us, instead of making them promises as they plan the spilling of more american blood!

As we speak more about restricting american freedoms, we grant for rights to those who attack us!


because we are better than the terrorists.. And if there is one thing about torture.. It will always be leaked somehow.. Just look at abu graib..

Do you really advocate our soldiers being tortured? Because how we treat our prisoners effects how their prisoners will be treated..

I don't know if you have been watching the news.. But the underwear bomber has been talking and giving the fbi and cia good intel.. Without being tortured..

Why don't you neotards talk about richard ried?? You remember him? The shoe bomber? The guy that bush tried and convicted? The guy that provided some good intel on the terror cell he was in.. The guy that had an attorney, wasn't tortured, and spilled the beans on a number of future plots?? How come you don't remember him?? That is a great success story for the bush administration..

Do you morons really have to water board someone 100's of times, get no valuable intel, create new enemies, risk the lives of our soldiers, damage our image abroad, and act like terrorists??

If you all are so bent out of shape and want to torture people.. Move to afghanistan or something.. I am sure you can find some remote town that will let you torture someone.. If you are not tortured first.. :eusa_whistle:

i think we should get down and dirty in the sewer just like the terrorists. Thats the only language these dirtbags understand.

Do you really think they care how theirs are treated? Do you really think they wouldn't behead any captured soldiers or torture them no matter how we treated prisoners?? I mean really torture. Not waterboard?? If you believe that i've got some real prime swamp i'll sell you down here in florida.

The underware bomber?? Wonder what he got out of a plea bargain???

The only reason reid wasn't tried in a mt is because it was 3 months after 9=11 and nothing was set up. Reid was a nutcase that al queda wouldn't even claim. All of these dirtbags should have already been tried by mt.

Waterboarding, with doctors in attendance, worked pretty well. Ask those who interrogated ksm. As for what the rest of the world thinks. I could care. Let them experience a 9-11 and see what they say then.

These dirtbags are terrorists. They would kill you, your family. Me and my family and wouldn't bat an eye. I wonder if you would be so high minded if you and your family were in the local mall and a suicide bomber struck??

Travel that fucking high road?? No way. I'd rather they killed all the bastards. Take no prisoners, kill em all. Thats what they would do to you and me. Bet on it.
post of the day!

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