Another Triumph for Libtards Against Free Speech as Professors Flee Yale

"The issue of free expression on campus has come into sharp relief on several campuses, with students calling for “safe zones” and speech codes where words and deeds deemed offensive are barred. Erika Christakis provoked outrage when she sent an email to Silliman residents questioning the desire to find offense in Halloween costumes.

“Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little bit obnoxious… a little bit inappropriate or provocative or, yes, offensive?” Christakis wrote. “American universities were once a safe space not only for maturation but also for a certain regressive, or even transgressive, experience; increasingly, it seems, they have become places of censure and prohibition.”

He [sic] husband later apologized for his role in the controversy in a heartfelt mea culpa delivered in his own home.

“I have disappointed you and I’m really sorry,” he told about 100 students gathered in his living room last month, as Holloway and other university administrators stood by.

“I’ve spent my life taking care of these issues of injustice, of poverty, of racism,” he said. “I have the same beliefs that you do … I’m genuinely sorry, and to have disappointed you. I’ve disappointed myself.”
The far left does not believe in freedom of speech, they only believe in speech approved by the far left..
Looks like they are eating their own now.

Combine that with aborting their own, and blowing all their DNA in each other's asses and hopefully we will have no moonbats in 2 more generations.

The far left does not believe in freedom of speech, they only believe in speech approved by the far left..
Not many liberals around these days, and no conservatives. Talk it up, boys, but if some big bad beaner knocks you flat on your ass, that's on you. There still is such a thing as a time and a place.
Everyone wants to be a victim these days. I just don't get it.
This is further prof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
Liberals are scared to death they might offend someone, every day they crap their skirts every time they leave their caves for fear today may be the day that someone gets their feelings hurt.
Oh the humanity !
Liberals are scared to death they might offend someone, every day they crap their skirts every time they leave their caves for fear today may be the day that someone gets their feelings hurt.
Oh the humanity !
You don't know any liberals, obviously, dumbfuck...

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