Anti-Bullying Advocate Invites Herman Cain to Suck his D**k


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
This time, Dan Savage has asked for Herman Cain to choose to be gay and in fact prove it by sucking his 'd**k' in front of a waiting camera crew.

Despite this record of vulgar attacks, the mainstream media have lavished attention on Savage. He is a go-to expert on gay issues for CNN and MSNBC, which combined consulted Savage nearly 50 times in the past two years. Savage appeared most often on CNN and, where his name has made 28 appearances - 10 of those were associated with his anti-bullying web campaign.

Read more: Anti-Bullying Bully Dan Savage Invites Herman Cain to Suck his D**k |

You can't make this shit up.
Attention whores like Savage should be ignored, not given a platform for inflict their special brand of stupid on the rest of the country.
True but they are hard to ignore when they are put on a "reputable" station like CNN. And when they are talking to teens and advising schools on policy. Imagine if any other "civil rights advocate" made comments like that? Would they be given a pass?

There is a hierarchy of "protected classes" in this country, and it just seems to me that gays are getting top slot. Bullying in schools is a hot topic these days, and it disgusts me that bullies like Savage are calling the shots. Shame on CNN.

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