Anti-police people here’s what you’re standing up for- “Deadbeat Dad” Tyreek Hill Hit With Paternity Lawsuits By Brittany Lackner And Kimberly Bake


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

The sheer amount of selfishness and poor leadership by hill is there for all the sea. Not taking acceptability for driving violently. The guy in an interview with CNN said he could’ve just kept on driving to the stadium even though cops were behind him with their sirens on. What the hell is a matter with anti-police people

It’s time to take a long look in the mirror and reflect for the BLM people and the anti-police people. Because these folks are wrong big-time.

They were wrong about George Floyd. They’re wrong about Tyreek Hill. Tyreek Hill was driving like a maniac the day he got arrested. Anti police people cut the crap…. Stop misrepresenting the situation.
Sounds like he gets around as much as Trump used to. If he fathered these babies, hopefully the women get some huge child support payments from him.

That said, yeah, I have no idea what one has to do with the other.
His personal relationships have nothing to do with running into the law.

Personal relationships?? He was accused of domestic violence….

Also Hill claims to be a leader for Boys in this country…LOTS of anti police people have no idea about Hills past….they wrongly think the police are racist.
Personal relationships?? He was accused of domestic violence….

Also Hill claims to be a leader for Boys in this country…LOTS of anti police people have no idea about Hills past….they wrongly think the police are racist.
Im anti police but I dont blame it on racism. I blame on their power hunger. They are fucking tyrants.
New videos posted about it every day of the week.
More law suits every day of the week.
Thank gawd for pictures and video recordings.
The guy is pond scum, and deserves what he gets, but to be consistent, trump cult members should be complaining about him being a victim of lawfare.

Anti-police people here’s what you’re standing up for- “Deadbeat Dad” Tyreek Hill Hit With Paternity Lawsuits​

So basically, those cops should have beat the crap out of Hill, not just for speeding like a maniac, not just for driving recklessly weaving all over the highway, not just for not stopping for the police immediately, not just for arguing with the cops and rolling up his window then refusing to get out, and not for his buddies parking in front of him refusing to follow police direction and get back inside, not even for all of the time, expense and BS Hill will now put the PD through, but for also being a deadbeat dad.
Sounds like he gets around as much as Trump used to. If he fathered these babies, hopefully the women get some huge child support payments from him.

That said, yeah, I have no idea what one has to do with the other.

Im anti police but I dont blame it on racism. I blame on their power hunger. They are fucking tyrants.
New videos posted about it every day of the week.
More law suits every day of the week.
Thank gawd for pictures and video recordings.
Some cops are bad..every group has bad eggs…most cops are good people, my cousin is one.

Im pointing out facts about Hill that some people don’t know. He has issues with child support yet makes 30 million a year …he has also been accused of domestic violence.

Now btw people can redeem themselves…looking at Hills reaction to the cops on Sunday shows me Hill has some problems to overcome.

Cops don’t know who their dealing with in the our country lots of criminals carry deadly weapons they can use on a cop in seconds.
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The good news is that in a few years, he will be out of football and his money train will be over, then he will blow through all that cash on fast cars, giant homes and cheap women, and before her knows it, it'll all be gone.

I don't care what happens to him. Too much attention focused on an asshole

It’s time to take a long look in the mirror and reflect for the BLM people and the anti-police people. Because these folks are wrong big-time.

They were wrong about George Floyd. They’re wrong about Tyreek Hill. Tyreek Hill was driving like a maniac the day he got arrested. Anti police people cut the crap…. Stop misrepresenting the situation.

Isn’t Joe couch your cousin.

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